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Topic: Obama knew couldnt take time out of campaigning

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"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:41 am 
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El Supremo

This is among the worst reporting I have seen of this incident.

Al Jazeera and other media have shown photos of this site and it was hardly secure. It was four buildings in a courtyard . It was not the main site of the Embassy.

Tha Ambassador was there to hold a ribbon cutting, hardly secretive. Many news reports stated he loved the country so much he often traveled about.

The witnesses indicate that the Ambassador and others were trying to leave the embassy when they encountered securely locked door. He and others were overcome by smoke. It was Libyan citizens that took him out of a window and carried him to the hospital.

Witnesses cite four black heavily armed vehicles stormed the compound with RPG's and other artillery. They supposedly left with two more Embassy vehicle. While soe Libyan guards did little or nothing, 10 Libyans sacrificed their lives.

This crap wrting also ignored the fact that Obama received daily written intelligence reports. Libya has stated they will dictate how many American troops enter their country as they still have soverignty over the country, whether we like it or not.
Post Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:20 am 
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