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Topic: Tell City your thoughts on HUD funding

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El Supremo

Tuesday December 18, 2012
4 pm to 6 pm
Haskell Community Center
2201 Forest Hill

Per the HUD rules the City presents an annual public hearing for citizen comments in regards to the way the City proposes to spend the next years HUD funding. If you want a say in how this money is used in regards to housing, emergency shelter,and economic development.

Do you want the city to build more subsidized housing?
What is your priority?
What are your thought on Flint disssolving the Citizens District Council's for the priority areas?
Why are areas once determind to be priorities now being abandoned?

Can't make the meeting- then you can send a written response to :
City of Flint
Department of Community and Economic Development
1101 S. saginaw St.
Room N 102
Flint, MI 48502
Post Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:39 am 
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El Supremo


To my Sioux City friends and fellow Michiganders: Here is Rick Snyder now Michigan's Governor for two years, who used to run Gateway Computers back in the day.
He's talking about Detroit's finances in a dire condition, the Mayor and City Council not getting the job done and the review that could lead to a state takeover of Michigan's largest city.
Gone is Snyder's "relentless positive energy" but instead a Rick Snyder with his game face on.
Do you agree with his position and his change in demeanor?


Snyder states he wants more and better services for Detroit and he wants to grow Detroit. What about Flint?
Post Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:22 am 
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El Supremo

Kurtz and Brown are union busting big time. Where the union city workers performed demolitions, Flint has now hired a number of companies to do the demolitions. Venita Simmons Washington asked a group why Walling was stating the demolitions were now $10,000 when before they were $6,000 to $6,800. Could all of these outside contractors be the reason or was Walling blowing smoke? These demolitions are with federal money and the cost of demolitions has to be added as a lien on the property per federal regs.

I am told that about $2.8 million has been outsourced and the garbage trucks are on the auction block again. More money going to businesses outside of Flint. If the cost goes up, expect to see it reflected on your taxes. Wonder if we can get a credit on the garbage trucks Flint residents paid for.

City employees were to do the work on sidewalks and other Smith Village projects. Watch the administration steer the jobs to companies, many of whom will not be in the City of Flint.

Tell Kurtz what you think about Flint bringing in companies that use federal funds and won't pay prevailing wages and set the citizens up for a payback.

Are you even in favor of the current "build them and they will come " mentality. There has not been a rush to buy these new properties.

Residents who paid market rate for homes in University Park have lost much of their homes value and there have been foreclosures there. Other federally funded homes are now valued at less than 25% of the cost of construction.

Salem overspent on many rehabs in Smith Village in early 2003 to 2005. There were a number of houses to be finished without federal money. Yet most of these houses sit unsold, and some unfinished, years later. Yet the City continues to funnel federal funds into Salem Housing projects. This is partly a reflection on the City as some of these houses were not structurally sound before being selected for rehab. Thus we had failing foundations and a wall that fell.

This state legislated administration has little credibility, but if you don't speak up you are accepting this BS.
Post Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:40 am 
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