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El Supremo

Pastor Threkheld was doing some powerful praying this morning on the radio this morning when his co-host, Pastor Flynn, said his leg was jumping because he was so eager to speak. They have a Saturday morning show on WFLT 1420 from 8 am to 9am. The call in number is 239-5733.

As soon as pastor Flynn stated he was not racist, I knew he was treading on a slippery slope. There is one thing that he and his cohorts need to clarify. Flint is not more than 65% black. At the last census Flint was 55% black. And there is an increasing amount of "black fkight" into both the suburbs an down south as the violence and other Flint problems grow.

It seems that he was put out that the nominating committee of the Concrned Pastors for Social Action had nominated a white suburban Pastor for the role of President. Note the nominating committe was all black'
Post Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:46 am 
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El Supremo

This topic is the subject of Facebook pages, books and talk shows.

Book Description "I'm not a racist, but" by Lawrence Blum
Release Date: October 3, 2002 | ISBN-10: 080148815X | ISBN-13: 978-0801488153
Not all racial incidents are racist incidents, Lawrence Blum says. "We need a more varied and nuanced moral vocabulary for talking about the arena of race. We should not be faced with a choice of 'racism' or nothing." Use of the word "racism" is pervasive: An article about the NAACP's criticism of television networks for casting too few "minority" actors in lead roles asks, "Is television a racist institution?" A white girl in Virginia says it is racist for her African-American teacher to wear African attire.Blum argues that a growing tendency to castigate as "racism" everything that goes wrong in the racial domain reduces the term's power to evoke moral outrage. In "I'm Not a Racist, But . . .", Blum develops a historically grounded account of "racism" as the deeply morally charged notion it has become. He addresses the question whether people of color can be racist, defines types of racism, and identifies debased and inappropriate usages of the term. Though racial insensitivity, racial anxiety, racial ignorance and racial injustice are, in his view, not "racism," they are racial ills that should elicit moral concern. Blum argues that "race" itself, even when not serving distinct racial malfeasance, is a morally destructive idea, implying moral distance and unequal worth. History and genetic science reveal both the avoidability and the falsity of the idea of race. Blum argues that we can give up the idea of race, but must recognize that racial groups' historical and social experience has been shaped by having been treated as if they were races.
Post Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:56 am 
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El Supremo

Usually such a statement is followed by an incredibibly racial diatribe and today was no different.

Flynn claimed he studied the history of the origins of the CPSA, but he obviously did not go back far enough.

There were a large contingent of white, Jewish and black leaders that together fought for civil rights in Flint Flynn discredits those early pioneers as though they don't count. If that had not been the case then Flont would not have been the first in the nation to pass a public vote on open housing in the whole nation.

Flynn needs to look at the local leaders, black and white, that have failed their constituency.

Flynn advocates black leadership for council presidency and council executive positions. Not all council persons have a job that allows that flexibility nor do all council people have the intellect and political savy to perform those specific job skills. As long as the citizens elect on the basis of race and not on capability we will continue to have a corrupt city council.

Want good minority candidates-train them. Teach them Roberts Rules of Order, civility and the manner in which government operates.

Want ethical candidates-create a thorough ethics policy and adhere to it.
Every year council and appointees must fill out a form showing their residence, source of income and potential conflicts of interest. They also have to verify they do not owe money or taxes to the City of Flint. And almost every year someone lies on this form and the rest of council turns a blind eye.

Ananich was the President of the Greater Eastside Community Association until he was elected and yet he never declared this association when asked on the form. He also did a sneaky accounting of his consulting company he had with Steve Montell until it became pubklic knowledge that Montell was being paid to work for the Walling campaign. Is it any wonder Montell was hired.

Joshua Freeman was also a President of the Greater eastside Community association, although his relationship with that organization is somewhat murky. Within the last two years he signed documents as an officer of GECA signing the former office on franklin back to the land Bank because the land contract was not being paid. kate Fields also used this office for her company, Advanced Solutions, when she got the enrrgy grant that she did not qualify for . Flint is still on the hook for monies here. Surprising how many of her friends on council helped overturn the original legitimate contract.
Post Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:18 am 
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El Supremo

Black former councilman Ed Taylor never disclosed his Vice President status with AA Capital Partners. It came to light after members of the City pension Board objected when he attempted to steer the board to approve a contract with his company. The President of AA Capital Partners went to prison for diverting funds to his stripper girlfriend, a strp club and a horse farm. The also purchased expensive clubhouse packages for sporting events to entice investors. Operating Engineers and a carpenters union lost millions to this company.

This company invested heavily in casinos. One of the individuals allegedly hired by the tribe to promote the concept of a Flint casino says she was cheated by Taylor and another person out of her share of the money paid by the tribe.

Taylor and Kincaid wrote letters of support for Genesee Towers owner in his lawsuit againdt the city. This lawsuit resultied in the huge Towers settlement.
Post Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:30 am 
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El Supremo

Black Councilwoman Carolyn Sims was caught eliminating lynne waybright illegally from the Board of Review, Council would have let her continue to get away with it had it not been for the Ombudsmans office who got the situation reversed.

She later falsely accused Waybright of having city installed cameras on her home and using them to spy on Sims. Waybright's home faces west as did Sims. She had no cameras at that time and Sims house was more than 2 blocks away. You could not see Sims house from waybright's house.

Sister's United was a social service organization and was restricted in campaigning. That did not stop Sims and Poplar from using them for their campaign issues. They taped videos for Walling,and campaigned at the polls wearing their jackets. Theyalso came enmasse to council to intimidate when Jackie Polar was caught by the feds wrongly taking money from party store owners for her improperly set up scholarship fund. She got a slap on the wrist by te feds.

When chastised publicly by then councilpersons Sandy Hill and Ehren Gonzales, Poplar lashed out calling them racist and made false allegations against them.

When Poplar was newly elected she attended a conference and could not get her room because she did not have a credit card. Gonzales paid for her room. She called him a drunk and made other vile comments while screaming in the council chamber.

Poplar also claimed Sandy Hill used the N word in reference to Poplar at the same conference. It turned out the so-called informany was most likely the same individual that attempted to get a kickback from a black contractor and alleged City administrator Cook solicited the kickback. Peggy Cook fought the allegation and when the Sheriff Department investigated they found it to be a scheme and this individual to be a lying manipulator.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:49 am 
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YAWN Rolling Eyes

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:56 am 
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El Supremo

Donna Poplar was the head of GCCAA when Jackie Foster married into the Poplar family. There was no disclosure to HUD, nor did Jackie reveal all of the household income when the house she lived in with her mother was renovated by GCCAA using federal money. She later voted over 300 times to have Donna Polar named Ombudsman. An ethics policy citing nepotism and conflicts could have eliminated this mess. Tyrone Croom was disgraced by this process and resigned the day after his selection.

Jackie Poplar was fed up with David Davenport and arranged to have the council secretary bring in a can of Raid flying insect spray to the council meeting. City employees were lazy about cleaning iup their garbage and had gotten gnats and other bugs so they were illegally spraying their offices.

At the end of the council meeting she sprayed Davenport and others in his vicinity. When Davenport moved she followed and leaned over the small barrier in council chambers laughing as she continued to spray.

Mike Carr and some other politicians were convinced that Donna Poplar was a lethal opponet to elections in the north end. Prosecutor Leyton was overheard stating he would not prosecute that BS and he moved an assualt compaint to Lapeer county. Prosecutor can use this to deep six cases they don't want to prosecute. I believe this is whaat happened and although people were injured, nothing happened.
Post Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:03 pm 
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El Supremo

Black councilman Johnie Coleman did his best to punish Hinky Dinky. He was furious when thy got a loan and did his best to stop them from getting a beer and wine license. They lost a lot of money dealing with him.

There was allegations that 2 council persons were soliciting bribes to approve liquor licenses at that time, 1 white and 1 black.
Post Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:08 pm 
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El Supremo

Flynn indicated he was not completely trusting of the CPSA leadership. He related a story about receiving calls from individuals who felt they were being racially targeted by Genesee Township Police. Instead of referring the incidents, Flynn said he dealt with them.

Callers to the show claimed that black Flint residents are hindered by maintaining a "slave mentality" and that these residents forget their proud history. They stated it was ingrained in black people that they lacked qualified black leaders.

Others admonished that listeners needed to take a serious look at their leadership and if they were wrong to call them on it.

Threkheld stated the CPSA was organized and diversified in the beginning although it was created to speak to the interests of the African American community.
Post Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:17 pm 
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Double YAWN. Rolling Eyes

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:22 pm 
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El Supremo

There was the typical caller who blamed the Arabs and whites who own all of the stores. living in the near north end I have seen all too many black businesses fail, mainly because the community did not support them.

Threkheld admitted that the white candidate met the leadership criteria but still argued for an African American.

At least one caller addressed the issues that the followers are losing faith in their pastors and blck local leadership. proper leadership would have eliminated the need for an EFM and an EM.

Callers questioned Flynn about his opposition when the candidate was qualified and the selection of the nominating committee.
Post Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:24 pm 
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