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Topic: There is always a job in the gang!

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El Supremo

"Up With Chris Hayes" is on MSNBC every saturday and sunday mornings between 8and 10 am. Hayes, one of my favorite political commentators and Editor at large of the Nation, had former Crip gang member Keith Suber as one of his guests this morning.

Suber, along with his brothers "Blue" and "Colonel" were original members of the Rolling 60's Crips that inhabited the Coney island neighborhoods. The movie The Warriors was based on this group.

Suber started his own foundation after being shot 6 times and imprisoned for 10 years. He and a University of Chicago professor (oops forgot the name) were discussing the violence and murders in Chicago. Hence the title as the unavailability of jobs for minority youth and adults creates a culture where there is always a job with a gang.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:32 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:57 pm 
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El Supremo

The "public health" issue came up, but not as Brown discussed it. Chicago, and most likely other cities, has youth as young as 7 yrs of age planning their funerals. Some neighborhoods have as much or more children struggling with post traumatic stress disorder than returning war veterans. There is a need for crisis counselors for children caught in the web of violence.

But when I discussed this with a friend, the first issue that came up was the lack of parenting among Flint children. My position is that when you have had multiple generations of institutional and structural racism as Flint has had, then you will have dsfunctional families.
Post Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:05 pm 
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El Supremo

Remember the shooting of a 6 yr old by another 6 yr old in Beecher that caught the attention of the entire nation. One highlight of the story was the so called "slave buses" that transported Flint residents to employment in welthier communities that could not find local employees. The mother of the shooter had to endure long days being transported to work 2 jobs in a suburban Detroit mall in order to attempt to provide for her children.

Highsmith described the years of primarily separate and unequal schools in Flint. Community education left as Flint schools became primarily minority and the overall education opportunities lagged behind the suburban schools. suburban educators express feeling sorry for Flint students entering some suburban schools because "they are so far behind".

Thankfully, there will always be some students who will excell beyond the limitations of the Flint school system because of their own drive or the will of their parents. But the poorest schools have the lowest resources and the most limited advantages. Teachers often buy their own supplies and corruption throughout the educational hierarchy stiffles student potential.

I have heard of several successful tutoring groups and more need s to be done along those lines. One on one tutors in the classroom can help students achieve at a higher level. having tutored middle and high school students, I am aware of the benefits that can be derived from such programs.

Proficient high school and college students could find part time employment in a program that would pay them to work with younger children. There are such limited employment opportunities for these youth. Years ago hundreds of students received summer employment opportunities through GCCAA, OIC, the urban League and other venues. Now these opportunities seem to have dried up.

But as Suber pointed out, there is always a job in the gang.
Post Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:25 pm 
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El Supremo

Flint's battlefield: Please help us

By Bernie Eng | beng1@mlive.com
on January 06, 2013 at 6:00 AM, updated January 06, 2013 at 6:53 AM

The following is an opinion of The Flint Journal editorial board.

Three years, 189 homicides.

We need solutions.

It is the most important issue we face. This community’s survival depends on an end to the rampant violence in our streets.

We often catch flack for talking about this city's violent crime too much, but we argue that this community, state and country don't talk about it enough.

The massive loss of life here is devastating. Quiet makes it acceptable. Quiet lets it continue. Quiet means no one cares.

And right now it's way too quiet.

We can't help but wonder — what if this were a different community? What if we weren't a majority black city where the majority of homicide victims also are black?

Racism isn't just what people and society do. It's also what we don't do.

And, we know right now there just isn't enough being done. The number of dead prove it.

We acknowledge it is being talked about at some level and there have been attempts on several fronts to help:

Public safety is one of the top priorities of the city's state-appointed emergency management. Flint is the only back-to-back recipient in the nation of the SAFER grant for firefighters. Flint voters approved a 6-mill tax increase for public safety in November. The C.S. Mott Foundation renewed in December a $743,000 grant for Flint police. There is a dedicated increase in state police presence in the city. With state support the Flint City Lockup is open for business again. The list goes on.

These efforts are not enough.

These are not the huge interventions and intense help we need -- even our housing crisis is getting more tangible aide than the continuing killing spree with more than $30 million in Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds since 2009.

After years of too many candlelight vigils, too many devastated families, it is appalling that the killings are continuing — whether here or in Chicago or in Detroit.

Now is the time for solutions.

We’ve editorialized in favor of funding for more police. We’ve argued that the gun culture and proliferation of guns is the problem. We need more – and better – solutions.

This is a challenge to our community: What are we willing to do? What are we willing to sacrifice? What are your solutions?

Tell us your ideas. We can investigate them – studying their feasibility, success elsewhere and potential for being effective here.

Let’s solve this. Together.
Post Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:38 am 
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El Supremo

There were 164 comments at the time I used this opinion. many of them focused on corrections and parenting. It might be worthwhile for some to review these comments.

Corrections is not the solution. Our jails, prisons and court systems are overwhelmed as it is. And don't forget these prisoners eventually are released and what then. They have learned more criminal behavior and can't get a job.

The Flint Journal doesn't want to acknowledge they are a big part of the problem. Look at the tax breaks they received that were linked to jobs that never materialized. Now the building for the tax credits are gone and even more jobs are gone.

The Journal has used their editorials to support the power structure and programs that develop downtown Flint and excludes opportunities for others. Yes well over $30 million has been invested in Flint, mostly in Smith Village. But there has been little or no benefit to the potential employees in Flint. Outside contractors reap most of the benefits for an ill conceived project. Now it appears the City cannot even meet the original scope of the project as construction south of Williams has been halted per the EFM at this time.

I heard the new marketing strategy on the radio (105.5 fm) and it appears to be tageting a YUPPIE market, which I have always believed was their intent in the first place. Young newly employed will meet the criteria for the reduced prices.
Post Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:55 am 
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El Supremo


Unless these criminals have real mental health issues, They all know right from wrong. I dont care if they grow up with only Momma or granny,on welfare, etc.. they know its wrong/ illegal to own a gun without liscense, wrong/illegal to murder someone. The list goes on. They don't care. We all know that. So in My opinion if the resources were available. There is a documentary on the National Geographic.com called, "Russia's Toughest Prisons: Black Dolphin Prison. I suggest viewing this documentary. This is what these criminals need.This is what Flint needs. You may find it harsh or inhumane, but this is nothing compared to what these criminals have done to their victims, their families,friends and the community. I dont care about criminals rights, they surely didnt care about the victims right. My opinion. Please watch.

10 Hours Ago


Gimme a break, Bernie. “What if this were a different community? What if we weren't a majority black city where the majority of homicide victims also are black?” But we are NOT a different community, the majority population is black and so are the majority of the victims. (I’m not sure Black has anything to do with it - it’s the abnormally aggressive and irresponsible behavior that goes along with too little family structure that is the culprit.)

The answers you seemingly seek are written all over this page: STOP rewarding single people for birthing babies and turn to what does work: two parent families committed to their children, each other, and a stable lifestyle.

There is no government program out there that points out to unmarried women that getting something for nothing is NOT a successful way to live. (And it isn’t, is it? If it were, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.) Quite the opposite, in fact. There is a welfare program for every need, want and wish! There are generations of people in Flint living from the resources provided by OTHER people: people that work, raise their children, stay out of jail and pay their taxes. The folks picking up the tab for the abhorrent behavior that rules Flint these days stayed in school and got a job. They have an address, volunteer, donate food and put money into every bucket they come across. They don’t drive around with babies in the car at night (or any part of the day) looking for drugs.

Stop wringing your hands and asking, “What can someone do to fix this terrible problem?!?” We’ve answered. The tough part is teaching all those single “parents” their personal responsibilities. It’s not looking too promising Bernie, but if wishes were horses, if wishes were horses …

12 Hours Ago



The approach of this article comes from an honest and caring question...what can we do? Thank you for that.

I grew up in the North End, graduated from Flint Northern, and now reside in Mott Park. I lived and worked in the legal community in Downtown Flint for over 20 years.

As far as the feral teens and young adults we have out there shooting each other and committing most of the violent crime, there is not much to be done with them. We can try to catch them and jail them. It's just too late for them.

Now, the youngsters, we can shape and mold. Every baby born has a chance to be a productive and happy adult.

Within our community we need to challenge the gangsta thug culture. This culture is glorified and that must end.

Also, we don't bat an eyelash when kids drop out of school. And far too many births these days are not to committed couples. There was a time it was shameful to have an out-of-wedlock child. We need to return to that. There was time when men provided and protected a woman and child. Too many males in Flint impregnate a woman and fail completely to do anything else. Some of our housing projects in Flint are practically thug and criminal hatcheries.

If we can make sure children are nurtured and brought up properly, we stand a chance of turning this around.

14 Hours Ago


A good portion of the homecides in this city is the direct result of an eye for an eye. Most of these citizens are taking the law into their own hands, some are the result that as an initation into a gang, you must kill someone and some are drug related.

Drugs are still a problem, but not as big as you think. The drugs have changed from when I was growing up. You do not see coke or crack as much as you used to. It is now heroine and dope. These are cheaper and easier to make and more readily available. If you were an inner-city kid growing up in this environment, would you want to work for minimum wage and make maybe $100.00 a week, or sell and make $500.00 a day? The answer is easy.

Drive around this town, or any major metropolitan area and witness the decay and blight. These people (these people are both white and black, just poor, with little resources, and little education) grow up in a culture of poverty. People as a whole grow up and continue to live in an environment which they are accustomed too. Other than TV, most of these folks do not see that there is a better life on the outside. There are very few places of good employment on the North and East side of Flint, in particular, small privately owned businesses. Something for people to see and stirve to make it and possibly own themselves some day.

Most folks outside of the City want nothing to do with the people living in the city. AKA...White Flight. You do not want these folks living in your communities, having a place "Up North" next to your little get a way, ect...
Be careful what you wish for in schools of choice. I have seen some of the Flint Schools' checkout lists. They are coming, I know Grand Blanc has recently hired quite a few behavioral specialist to deal with these inner-city kids who are coming and are disrupting their little nirvanah. FLushing, Swartz Creek, Davison, you are all on notice. Most of these kids are still living in Flint and are just being transported. Most do not see education as a way out, but a hinderance to their freedom, a good portion of the kids in the Flint Schools do not care about what happened in 1400 b.c., it does not affect their lives today. A good portion are just trying to figure out how and what they are going to eat for dinner. At a school that I visit often, I would say that 15% are there because they want an education, 20% are there because the law says they have to be and the rest are there for socialization.

How do we stop or slow down the violence in the city and in other major metropolitan areas? There is no simple answer. For what really needs to be done, there are laws protecting citizens and their private lives and most would not want their liberty's enfringed upon in a manner that needs to take place. However, shock and awe would really make an impact. If you are a law abiding citzen and want protection and to feel safe, then some of these things should not bother you. House to house searches, (without consent), police/military presence on street corners, check points, enforce curfews, bring back paddaling in schools, investment in small businesses and manufacturing with a living wage again, make non-violent criminals work and clean blight around the community everyday, open up the schools again, Flint once was the poster child for community education. Send kids that do not want to be in a traditional school to a trade based school, trust me, it is easy to see the kids that do not want to be there. Consolidate city and county wide services, without the hub (Flint) the spokes (the suburbs) will not go around and will eventually fail as well.

Make retribution penalty's againist those who commit a crime against someone for telling (snitching) harsher than the actual crime. Bring the death penalty back to Michigan.

Fear is a good thing, Most of these criminals have no fear. Many of these crimes are still open and have not been solved. You need to make their lives uncomfortable. Some of these things are just a start.

GenCit72 likes this.

17 Hours Ago

Post Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:06 am 
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