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Topic: Fox dumps Rove, Palin and now Morris

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El Supremo


Dick Morris Fired by Fox? CNN to Get Scoop Tonight
Tuesday, 05 Feb 2013 10:39 PM

By Bill Green

News analyst Dick Morris is slated to join CNN's Piers Morgan tonight at 9 p.m. (EST) to discuss his mysterious disappearance from Fox since shortly after last November's election.

On Tuesday, Fox confirmed rumors Morris would not have an official role
at the network. Morris' contract with Fox expired on Sunday.

His contract is up and we will not be renewing it, ” a Fox spokesperson said.

The Morris announcement comes in the wake of Fox's decision not to
renew Sarah Palin's contract.

The network did announce that former Bush White House adviser Karl Rove had been renewed as a contributor. The network also signed on former Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich as a contributor.

Morris, reached via email, told Newsmax he is looking forward to
his appearance on CNN.

"Piers and I have a lot to talk about, and I am excited that Piers is giving me this opportunity," Morris wrote cryptically. "You won't be disappointed, so tune in."

Fox's rating have fallen dramatically in the wake of last year's election. Press reports indicate the cable channel is re-evaluating its approach after President Obama's strong re-election victory, despite the fact a number of Fox hosts and analysts predicted otherwise.
Post Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:57 pm 
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El Supremo

Dick Morris fired by Fox News
Dick Morris
February 6, 2013
By: Scott Paulson

Fox News channel's political commentator Dick Morris has been fired.

According to Yahoo’s television reporting, controversial political commentator Dick Morris has lost his political analyst’s job at the Fox News Channel. Things haven’t looked good for Morris since the commentator erroneously and stubbornly predicted a huge landslide victory for former GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney – right up to the last minute as votes were being counted on Nov. 6, 2012. Morris’ appearances on Fox since President Barack Obama defeated Mitt Romney have been gone from few and far between to virtually non-existent.

To make it official, a Fox News network spokesperson, Dana Klinghoffer, said on Tuesday that Dick Morris’ contract with Fox was not going to be renewed by the television network.

Beyond the gross miscalculation of the outcome of the presidential election of 2012, Morris has been heavily criticized for having put paid advertising on his web site which involved candidates that he spoke about on Fox.

Morris is scheduled to appear on CNN’s Piers Morgan talk show on Wednesday evening to talk about politics.
Post Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:02 pm 
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El Supremo


Sean Hannity's television ratings plummeted since Obama won
Sean Hannity
January 1, 2013
By: Scott Paulson

Sean Hannity lost big in the ratings since Mitt Romney lost the election.

On Monday, Nielsen – the company that gathers and releases data regarding television-viewers’ viewing habits – released their latest figures for the fourth-quarter of 2012, and the big news from the latest ratings’ data were regarding Sean Hannity’s television program. According to the New York Daily News, Nielsen indicates that Sean Hannity’s Fox television program lost approximately half of its audience following President Barack Obama’s Nov. 6 victory over GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

The reason for Hannity’s decline in popularity is being blamed on Hannity’s failed punditry in analyzing voter trends before the election. While others in the business may have also incorrectly predicted that Romney would defeat Obama, Sean Hannity is said to have been vehement in expressing his opinion with welcomed guests on his show - guests who were also extremely strong-willed and strong-voiced in stating that Romney would win the election. Hannity paired up with the likes of Dick Morris, Ann Coulter, and Karl Rove frequently on his program to spew their now-known-to-be-wrong opinions on how the American voters would vote.

Many other television conservative-leaning pundits who expressed opinions that Obama would lose the election did so less aggressively and stayed afloat with their television ratings since Election Day.

Nielsen claims that Hannity lost even more than half of his 25-to-54-year-old audience members which is crucial data in relation to advertising dollars brought in by a television program.

Hannity also hosts a daily radio show.
Post Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:06 pm 
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