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Topic: Flint schools has new harassment & discrimination case

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El Supremo

Flint City Council Vice President Bryant Nolden sues Flint schools for sexual harassment, gender discrimination

By Gary Ridley | gridley@mlive.com
on February 26, 2013 at 5:00 PM, updated February 26, 2013 at 5:03 PM

FLINT, MI -- A Flint city councilman is suing Flint schools after he claims he was the victim of sexual harassment and gender discrimination while working as a teacher.

Council Vice President Bryant Nolden claims in the lawsuit that he "lost tangible work-related benefits and status because (he) refused to submit to the sexual words and conduct of his superior."

Nolden declined to comment on the allegations. The firm of attorney Dean T. Yeotis, which is representing Nolden, could not be reached for comment.

The lawsuit claims that Nolden was working as a teacher at Doyle-Ryder Community Elementary when he was subjected to "hostile and demeaning words and conduct based on sex and his gender."

The lawsuit was filed Feb. 19 in Genesee Circuit Court. The school district has yet to file a response to the allegations.

School District spokesman Bob Campbell said the district is aware of the lawsuit but declined to comment on the ongoing litigation.

Nolden claims that he reported the harassment and discrimination to district management but no action was taken. The lawsuit claims that he was retaliated against because of his opposition to the harassment and discrimination.

The lawsuit states that Nolden was treated more harshly by the district because of his male gender. The harsh treatment allegedly included poor evaluations, involuntary transfers, layoffs and failure to recall.

Nolden was employed by the district from February 1992 until his discharge in May 2012, according to the lawsuit.

He was elected to represent Flint's Third Ward on the City Council in November 2009 when he defeated former city council member Johnnie Coleman.

Nolden was selected council vice president in November 2012.
Post Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:35 pm 
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El Supremo

This case has been brewing for about three years. Once again the school administration failed to act.

Post Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:38 pm 
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untanglingwebs schreef:
This case has been brewing for about three years. Once again the school administration failed to act.
You must have a great deal of insider knowledge to know it's been brewing for about three years. Maybe you can tell us what plaintiff hopes to gain by filing this suit since he is in a position to know the dire financial straits of the City of Flint and the Flint School District.

The employee who is suing MCC has a background of filing lawsuits since she was in high school. She was hired permanently after working there as a temporary for 3 years. If she didn't like working there she had ample opportunity to leave. Now she is on "sick leave." What does she hope to gain?

What does the second nurse to sue Hurley hope to gain by filing a lawsuit arising out of the same incident as the one just settled?

Oh, and add the new lawsuit by deputies suing for sexual harrassment.

This must be the new trend--if you don't like your job conditions sue the employer instead of standing up for for yourself and moving on to better employment.
Post Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:45 pm 
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El Supremo

When harassment and discrimination complaints are filed internally with any agency and they fail to respond and seek resolution, there is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

If you read the Flint Journal story, it was implied that three other secretaries might be involved as well. The Journal does not always make the situation very clear.

As far as the deputies go, unless they notified their superiors of any mistreatment I wonder how successful they will be.

Without employment safeguards for employees the supervisors sometimes believe they can inflict any kind of pain and humiliation on their staff.

At Genesee County Community Action Agency, before they changed their name to GCARD, a young girl was newly hired that was allegedly the daughter of a friend of Donna Poplar's. The rumor was she was there to get her 6 months in so she could be promoted to an internal position being created. Sure enough when the position was posted, two white females with lengthy employment histories and experience were bypassed for thsi new black female. Tracy Collier Nix was the Genesee County Equal Employment officer, but she refused to address the issue of reverse discrimination and did not seem to believe it could happen.
Post Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:51 am 
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