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Topic: Brown's pay raises to cronies

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El Supremo

2013 EM 137
ADOPTED: ‘7-21-13
The Emergency Manager has determined that it would be advantageous for the City of Flint to extend the employment of appointed and executive staff~ and
The duties of the appointed and executive staff shall be as required by the Emergency Manager on an at-will basis pursuant to authority granted the Emergency Manager by Public Act 436;

and Extended employment shall be at the will of the Emergency Manager until such time as the Emergency Manager detennines that employment shall cease, or until such time as his authority as Emergency Manager terminates by operation of law, or up to and including January 4,2015, at which time a review of staffing shall be done;

and Compensation shall be at the rates indicated on the attached worksheet and shall be effective immediately upon adoption of this resolution; and

IT IS RESOLVED, that the Emergency Manager shall, on behalf of the City of Flint
extend the employment of appointed and executive staff up to and including January 4, 2015, at which time a review of staffing shall be done. Compensation and benefits for appointed and executive staff members shall be pursuant to the worksheet attached hereto and made a part hereof, and shall be effective immediately upon adoption of this resolution.

Michael K. Brown, Emergency Manager

SALARY AND WAGES PRE PA4 # FY14 Budget ft ~(changes bold)
ADMINISTROJION - —_______________
E. Kutlz $0 $0 $0
D. Walling $91,801 I $55,082 I $55,082

M. Brown $0 $170,000 I — $170000
State Paid $0 $170,000 Now paid by slate -$170000 —

Council $180585 9 $63,000 9 — $63000

L. Murphy $0 $41,600 1 — $52,000

0. Eason $95,276 I $0 $0

M. Murray $45001 I $55,000 I $85,000

R. Woods $65000 I $0 — $0

0. Jones $68640 I $0 $0

J. Lorenz $0 $37,440 I $37,440

Assistant to M. Murray $0 $20,800 I — $20800

E Parker $65,556 I $0 — $0

C. Weathers $31,570 1 $0 — $0

S. Montte $60,002 I $0 $0

L Ryats-Massey $46001 I $0 — $0

K. Sheetz $24,960 I $0 — $0

A. Brown $31491 1 $0 — $0

M. Jackson $15,400 I $0 — $0

B. Purifoy $70,000 I $0 — $0

P Bade $89,600 I $89,600 — $95,000

W Chapman $0 $45,000 1 100% grant funded — $45,000
Grant Funded $0 -$45,000 -$45,000

B. Jones $0 $0 l00%grantfunded $0 —
Grant Funded $0 $0 $0

M. Townsend $89,600 I $0 Ambrose replaced $0
G. Ambrose $0 $124,800 I Townsend — $124,800

D.Bingaman $86.61 1 1 $44,000 1 — $44,000

0. Poplar $89,600 I $0 $0

8. Hunter $55,006 1 $70,013 I $80,000

J. Foster $75,000 I $0 $0

T. Atkinson $60,958 I $70,000 I $70,000

B. Hester $90,000 1 $0 $0

H. Croft $0 $93,600 1 $95,OBO ptus health &DC

J. Whithead $23,000 I $0 — $0

W. Johnson $80,001 I $0 $0

D. Soils $0 $76,960 1 $76,960

K. Muhammad $77,420 I $77,420 1 — $80000

P. Gerace $80,001 I $80,001 I — $67500

S. Bawa $83,200 I $0 Brown replaced Bawa $0 —
A. Brown $0 $62,000 I — $75,000

D. Ccx $0 $84,999 I Cox replaced Barton $84,999 —
R. Barton $90,430 I $0 $0

N Hunter $0 $89,600 1 lOo%grantfunded $89,600 — Grant Funded $0 $89,600 — -$89,600

TOTAL $1,881,611 35 $1,104,316 25 $1,129,582
4 Personnel 35 25

$ 25,200 wages
$25,000— health & DC for 2
~ — $50,266 Instimated increase

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:06 pm 
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El Supremo

See Flint City Hall pay raises, cuts by outgoing emergency manager
Dominic Adams | dadams5@mlive.com By Dominic Adams | dadams5@mlive.com
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on October 09, 2013 at 7:30 AM, updated October 09, 2013 at 7:33 AM

FLINT, MI – Flint’s outgoing emergency manager Michael Brown said raises and cuts to appointees were made because of changes he made to job responsibilities.

Those salary changes were included in this year’s budget that was already approved. But because the increases combined for more than $50,000 the Michigan Department of Treasury needed to approve them, Brown said.

Raises were between $2,580 and $13,000 a year. There also were pay cuts of from $5,000 to $12,501 a year.

The resolutions authorizing the changes were signed by Brown Sept. 27 and were made available to The Flint Journal on Tuesday, Oct. 8.

Dominic Adams is a reporter for MLive-Flint Journal. Contact him at dadams5@mlive.com or 810-241-8803. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook or Google+.
Post Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:16 pm 
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El Supremo

So far M-Live responses have been negative towards the raises. The reader wasit4sure was angry about pay raises during a financial emergency and wished the feds would do their job and deal with the corruption all the way to Lansing. Readers joilieder and fireatwill both expressed the belief this was corruption or dirty politics at its finest. The debt deepened under the EFM said fireatwill. Commenter ernestethel found it disgusting as the police took 30% cuts in compensation while Brown's "clowns get raises".
Post Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:24 pm 
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El Supremo

Most of these people who got raises also got jobs outside of their education and job experience.

Howard Croft was a GM electrician who allegedly has a successful solar company. How can he run a business and work for City hall. And why is it he doesn't keep up with his property taxes?

I am told the City spent around $50,000 for new carpet and furniture for Croft's offices in City hall and on 12th street. Part of the carpet expense may be legitimate as I hear the 12th street office carpet was moldy/

Tracy Atkinson has been associated with Brown since his days in Flit with United way and even worked with him in Lansing.. Supposedly Alex Harris filed freedom-of-information requests that caught her being paid for the same hours working for both Flint and University of Michigan. Isn't that what Dicks was indicted for?

David Solis is a capable guy, but not in the role Brown has hired him for. remember Brown also put him on the Flint Housing Board of Directors and then wanted to allocate funding to the organization.

Ambrose came from the City of Lansing and is being paid far more than Michael Townsend was. Don't forget Townsend got a $200,000 settlement for refusing to lie to the state about Flint finances.
Post Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:39 pm 
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