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Topic: Black Philly cop sues dept. for brutality

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El Supremo

Post Wed Dec 10, 2014 6:09 pm 
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El Supremo

Addicting Info

Even one of their own is not safe. This Philly police officer has filed a federal lawsuit against his own department for brutality.

Philly Cop Sues His Own Police Department For Brutality

Even one of their own is not safe. This Philly police officer has filed a federal lawsuit against his own department for brutality.


An 8-year veteran of the Philadelphia Police Department is suing his own department for brutality. It seems as though even one of their own is not exempt from bigotry and violence. Now he has filed a federal lawsuit against his own department.

Sgt. Brandon Ruff was off-duty when he brought in three handguns as part of the PPD’s anonymous “hand-in” program last August. The guns had been given to him by a neighbor and Ruff believed that taking care of the guns was part of his job. Making sure that the guns were unloaded, Ruff took them to the closest precinct. That turned out to be a bad idea.

When Ruff arrived at the 35th district building he told the officer on duty that he was there to turn over the guns as part of a “no questions asked” program. According to a PPD spokesman, that is not a policy currently in place outside of periodic “buy back” programs. Ruff asked to speak to a supervisor. As he waited, he was asked for his ID. Ruff told the officer that he had his work ID, and then asked if he could step outside to make a phone call.

At that point, someone yelled, There he is!” and seven officers surrounded him. One roughly pulled Ruff’s arm behind his back, while two more stuck tasers in his ribs, threatening to use them: “I’ll very taze you,” one said. Ruff was able to use a code number which identified him as a Philadelphia police officer.

Then they saw Ruff’s sidearm and asked why he would come into a police station with one. Ruff responded that his Police ID allowed him to do so. Ruff was arrested and thrown into a cell, where he was held for six hours before being released with no charges filed. Ruff was assigned a desk job while Internal Affairs investigates him.

Now, a federal lawsuit has been filed by Ruff. The suit claims that the actions of the officers at the 35th District were…

“… committed willfully, wantonly, maliciously, intentionally, outrageously, deliberately and/or by conduct so egregious as to shock the conscience.”

What’s more, the suit reveals that the Philadelphia Police Department is corrupt. That it is indifferent to and even encourages police overreach and misconduct. He asserts that officers routinely misrepresent facts in order to establish probable cause. That people are falsely accused. And that officers who are unfit to serve — psychologically or emotionally — are allowed to remain on the job.

Department spokesman, Lt. John Stanford, called the incident “odd”:

“When you bring a gun to district, we want some background: your name and where it was found. You want to know where it came from. That’s all going to be done. It’s like taking a regular police report. But the buybacks are different. Refusing to give that information to police ‘would raise eyebrows of any reasonable person.'”

Ruff’s lawsuit is one of dozens of lawsuits filed against the Philadelphia PD every year. But this one is unique, coming from a police Sergeant as it does. It makes one wonder: if the Philly PD would mistreat one of its own like this, what do they think is okay to do to civilians? Regardless, it was probably very difficult for Sgt. Ruff to cross the thin blue line. If what he says about the PPD is true, this could be huge. Watch this space.

H/T: The Free Thought Project | Photo credit: NBC10, Philadelphia

T. Steelman
Author: T. Steelman
A lifelong Liberal, I have been writing about politics for over 20 years, half of that time online. While I'm a policy wonk and interested in all aspects of politics, my focus is on religion, especially issues of religious freedom. Though I do try to keep it in check, my sarcasm gets off of its leash -- more and more often nowadays. I enjoy reading, making jewelry, Prog Rock and etymology. I share my home with my husband, daughter, 2 cats and a small herd of alpacas. "If the future's looking dark, we're the ones who have to shine..."
Post Wed Dec 10, 2014 6:17 pm 
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