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Topic: Blogg About the Manning Court Meeting

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As I was blogging today I ran across this interesting "Take" on how the Flint Historic District Commission Error'd ( only 4 of them, not all of them) in making their decision to tear the homes down.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Manning Court...to be replaced by concrete
Current mood: infuriated

Last night I attended the Historic Commission meeting regarding the demolition of Manning Ct. I am shocked and appalled to report that four of the seven in attendance voted to demolish these historic houses. As I sat in City Hall listening to the discussion, I was sure the Commissioners would vote to keep these historic houses alive. I didn't have a whole lot to say before the decision, now I have a whole shit load to say….

First of all, this discussion took up two hours of the meeting. One of the commissioners who voted to demolish, came in late. He came in so late, that he was only there for the last thirty minutes of the discussion. Might I add that he was disruptive when he arrived, he cut off the president, Commissioner Eashoo, mid-sentence, and seemed to be lost. I noticed that all the commissioners who voted to demolish had nothing to say. They had no questions, no comments, and no concerns. Commissioner Eashoo had to coax them to announce their motion to demolish, after they turned down the motion to save the houses. It's like they all sat back, waiting for someone else to do their job, like they expected Commissioner Sinclair (hope I spelled that right) to announce the new motion (She announced the first motion to deny the demolition).

I think it's sad that the older commissioners were so quick to destroy history, while the younger ones fought to save history. I also think it's sad that after a motion had been announced twice (it had been repeated for the public who couldn't hear), that Eashoo needed to explain to other commissioners what yes and no meant regarding the motion. I'm sorry, but if you can't understand what you are voting for, if you don't know what yes and no means….then you need to step down. You obviously are not paying attention, nor do you care about your duties as a historic preservationist!

It makes me wonder, if these commissioners were persuaded somehow…$...the ones who sat there in silence. It makes me wonder what reasoning went on inside their brains to say, "Sure! Get rid of history so people can be accommodated!" One of the arguments that Dallas Dort stated, was that there used to be houses where Whiting now stands. He asked the commission if they would replace this "gem" with the houses that used to stand there. To me he just said, "We tore down those houses, why not the rest?" Let me ask you, why do we have museums? Why do we keep pieces of history even though most of it may have been destroyed? Why? To keep our history alive, to remember what once was, to remember where we have been and where we are going, to not forget where we came from and the accomplishments that we have made. I just cannot believe four Historic Commissioners voted to destroy history.

There's still so much that can be said. The resident who welcomed more lighting, who welcomed trimming back bushes so the line of sight would not be disrupted as much, the idea of putting the parking lot in other unused green spaces, the ideas of modeling after the Kennedy Center, or Lansing's cultural center. They made it work, why can't we? It was even suggested to turn one of the houses into a daycare center for those parents who have more than one child.

I used to attend the Flint Institute of Music. I used to walk up the dark sidewalk to class, when there was minimal lighting. I was never attacked, I never heard of any attacks, and walking never inhibited me from enjoying my music. I'm tired of all these "burb" people coming into Flint and instilling fear and demanding to be accommodated to their personal laziness and fears. Flint is not a bad city! It's the people who neglect it, who help in its demise.

I'm running late…I have an anniversary trip to get ready for….I just had to speak my mind. And please know that this is just a fraction of what I have to say on this issue!

Post Sat Dec 02, 2006 5:43 pm 
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Thats how I remember it, old man Rutherford walked into the meeting ver y fast, faster than I had ever see the old man walk. I am sure someone called him on his cell phone and said " GOD DAMN JIM, get your ass down there and vote, and make it quick"
Post Sat Dec 02, 2006 9:53 pm 
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Could the four people who voted for tearing the houses down, be anymore obviously they were in the fccc's back pocket?
Post Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:22 am 
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What does Roberts Rules of Order say about voting on something that you never listened to. Mr. Rutherford missed the whole presentation on Manning Court. Anyone know:??????????????
Post Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:40 am 
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Anyone interested should visit www.eastvillagemagazine.org to read about the Manning Street Houses to be demolished or the Flint Historic District Commission.

The website has photos of some of the Manning Street houses, the city's historic district ordinance, as well as other related stories, opinion pieces and a brief history of the historic district.

Please, send your letters by e-mail to eastvillagemagazine@excite.com, as letters to the editor are encouraged.

The stories speak for themselves. Additional stories are not planned, but are probably inevitable.

P.S., I don't regularly come to this site, as I do not have the internet at home or work. Please, forgive any slowness in responding to you if you attempt to contact me other than through the above mentioned e-mail address.

The preceding is my personal opinion and not the opinion of East Village Magazine or of any other organization. -Gregory J. Vanucci
Post Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:08 pm 
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Joe schreef:
What does Roberts Rules of Order say about voting on something that you never listened to. Mr. Rutherford missed the whole presentation on Manning Court. Anyone know:??????????????

Robert's Rules of Order is a guide on parlimentary procedure only. It was created so that meetings can be held in an orderly fashion. It does not regulate the Historic District Commission's plan review process.

The commission's duties, including the review process, are stated in the city's historic district ordinance, the state local historic districts act and in the group's by-laws.

Go to eastvillagemagazine.org to read the ordinance. It's on our miscelaneous page.

It is also on the city's web site's ordinance page (I think it is cityofflint.com, but don't hold me to that.). The state act is also on the city's web site's Historic District page.

The ordinance and the act are very similar. Please, be aware that, in the event of any difference between what is stated in the ordinance and what is in stated in the act, the state act supercedes the city ordinance.

The group's by-laws are not posted on any web site, as far as I am aware. You might be able to get a copy from city hall, or from a commissioner. It is a public record.

The preceding is my personal opinion and not the opinion of East Village Magazine or of any other organization. -Gregory J. Vanucci
Post Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:29 pm 
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