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Topic: Pay up or shut up

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This just keeps getting better. Laughing
Cash-strapped Clinton fails to pay bills
By KENNETH P. VOGEL | 3/30/08 7:00 AM EST Updated: 3/31/08 6:04 AM EST Text Size:

Clinton’s camp has put off paying bills for months, earning campaign a reputation as something of a deadbeat in some small-business circles.
Photo: AP

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s cash-strapped presidential campaign has been putting off paying hundreds of bills for months — freeing up cash for critical media buys but also earning the campaign a reputation as something of a deadbeat in some small-business circles.

A pair of Ohio companies owed more than $25,000 by Clinton for staging events for her campaign are warning others in the tight-knit event production community — and anyone else who will listen — to get their cash upfront when doing business with her. Her campaign, say representatives of the two companies, has stopped returning phone calls and e-mails seeking payment of outstanding invoices. One even got no response from a certified letter.

Their cautionary tales, combined with published reports about similar difficulties faced by a New Hampshire landlord, an Iowa office cleaner and a New York caterer, highlight a less-obvious impact of Clinton’s inability to keep up with the staggering fundraising pace set by her opponent for the Democratic presidential nomination, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama.

Clinton's campaign did not respond to recent, specific questions about its transactions with vendors. But Clinton spokesman Jay Carson pointed on Saturday to an earlier statement the campaign issued to Politico, asserting: "The campaign pays its bills regularly and in the normal course of business, and pays all of its bills."

Just like with other businesses, it’s common for campaigns to carry unpaid bills from month to month, but in Clinton’s case, it also could serve a strategic purpose.

The New York senator’s presidential campaign ended February with $33 million in the bank, according to a report filed last week with the Federal Election Commission, but only $11 million of that can be spent on her battle with Obama.

The rest can be spent only in the general election, if she makes it that far, and must be returned if she doesn’t. If she had paid off the $8.7 million in unpaid bills she reported as debt and had not loaned her campaign $5 million, she would have been nearly $3 million in the red at the end of February.

By contrast, if you subtract Obama’s $625,000 in debts and his general-election-only money from his total cash on hand at the end of last month, he’d still be left with $31 million.

The presidential campaign of presumptive Republican nominee Arizona Sen. John McCain reported $4.3 million in debt at the end of February, but only $1.3 million of that was in the form of unpaid bills to a dozen vendors. The rest was a bank loan, which the campaign says it paid off last week.

It’s not just the size of Clinton’s debts that’s noteworthy. It’s also that her unpaid bills extend beyond the realm of high-priced consultants who typically let bills slide as part of the cost of doing business with powerful clientele whose success is linked to their own.

Some of Clinton’s biggest debts are to pollster and chief strategist Mark Penn, who’s owed $2.5 million; direct mail company MSHC Partners, which is owed $807,000; phone-banking firm Spoken Hub, which is waiting for $771,000; and ad maker Mandy Grunwald, who’s owed $467,000.

Clinton also reported debts more than one month old to a slew of apolitical businesses and organizations, large and small, in the states through which this historically expensive Democratic primary campaign has raged.

She owed Iowa’s Sioux City Art Center Board of Trustees $3,500 for catering and venue costs, New Hampshire’s Winnacunnet Cooperative School District $4,400 in event costs, Qwest $24,000 for phone service, various branches of the Iowa-based supermarket chain Hy-Vee $15,000 for food, beverages and catering, and $7,700 to Ohio and Massachusetts branches of the theatrical stage employees’ union, for equipment costs.

In fact, about a third of the nearly 700 individual debts Clinton reported at the end of February were for various types of “event expenses,” including $319,000 for catering and venue costs, $420,000 for equipment, $11,000 for photography and $9,000 for security.

Event production is important to big-time presidential campaigns. It shapes how candidates look and sound, not just to the thousands of people who turn out to campaign speeches and rallies but also to the millions who catch snippets of them on television.

And word is getting around that Clinton’s campaign does not promptly pay those who labor to make her events look good, said an employee of the event production company Forty Two of Youngstown, Ohio.

“I feel insulted by the way that the campaign treated this company and treated us personally,” said the employee, who did not want to be named talking about a client.

The Clinton campaign paid the company $16,500 to set up a stage, press riser, sound system and backdrops at a Youngstown high school last month for a raucous union rally, where an aggressive Clinton stump speech drew thunderous applause. But the Clinton campaign has yet to pay Forty Two for two other February events, and the employee said the campaign has stopped returning phone calls, e-mails and didn’t respond to a certified letter.

“We worked very hard to put together these events on a moment’s notice and do absolutely everything to a ‘t’ to make it look perfect on television for her and for her campaign,” said the employee. “Sen. Clinton talks about helping working families, people in unions and small businesses. But when it comes down to actually doing something that shows that she can back up her words with action, she fails.”


He said he’s still waiting for a payment for setting up the sound system and stage for Clinton’s February tour of a General Motors plant in Lordstown, Ohio.

“It was only $607, but I’m a small guy; I could use that,” said Phillips, adding, “Everyone I can tell, I do tell about it. You tell somebody something bad about somebody, they tell 10 other people.”

Both Phillips and the Forty Two employee said they voted for Clinton in Ohio’s March 4 primary, which she won handily, but regret their votes and are reluctant to work for her campaign again.

Their sentiments aren’t universal in the event production world, though.

At the end of January, Clinton owed $38,000 to ACS Sound and Lighting of Columbia, S.C. But the company was paid in full last month and is planning to do events for Clinton in other states, according to manager Troy Gwin.

“We don’t have any problem with them,” he said. “I’d continue to do business after the primaries if she is the nominee. I would love to.”

And Tony Galarza, director of the Missoula, Mont., branch of a national event production company, remained committed to staging an April 6 Clinton fundraising brunch at a local hotel even after a colleague in his company e-mailed a list of Clinton’s campaign debts.

Galarza said he’s confident Clinton will pay his company but admitted he was surprised to see so many event production companies among the campaign’s creditors.

“Once I looked at those numbers, I realized how important to our economy nationally these elections are,” he said. “Just the sheer numbers listed there were immense.”

POSTReplies: 1618 Viewed: 3359
Robot Cats
Location: NA

Party: Democrat Reply #1

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 7:37 AM EST


They say you can tell how a candidate will run the country by how they run their campaign. Hillary's camp breaks promises, stiffs people on money, makes up stories about sniper fire, and refuses to back down from a pointless cause even when it could destroy the party. Yeah, that sounds like the type of leadership we need.
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papa white
Location: NA

Party: Democrat Reply #2

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 7:48 AM EST


Is this how MS BOSNIA going to run the ECONOMY?
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Location: NA

Party: Republican Reply #3

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 7:50 AM EST


She needs to get out and stop embarrasing herself. I have noticed the Bill is doing alittle more stomping for her now. I truly hate the Clintons with all of my heart and I want to see them go down in flames. Here is why I hate them. 1. I never felt as if Bill supported Al Gore the way he should have considering the guy was his vice president for 8 years. 2. Bill didn't support John Kerry the way he should have. 3. Since he left office everything had been designed and manuevered for her campaign run this year. 4. They put themselves over the needs of the party. Both previous elections were really close and if Bill woul dhave did more than the dog and pony show Bush would have never got into office. 5. There is a degree of entitlement to the presidency from her and Bill I am a republican and will vote for McCain but I absolutely enjoying watching the Clinton dynasty go down in flames. I know the Rush Limbaugh can be a jerk sometimes but he isn't all stupid. Alot of the things that he says about the Clintons is true.
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Location: NA

Party: NA Reply #4

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 7:50 AM EST


The sleaze of the Clinton's never ends. Sexual assaults, sex with way too young people in the chain of command, assaulting the character of the women Bill abused, lies, distortions, "not being able to remember", and now stealing from small companies who can't affored the theft the Clinton campaign is subjecting them to. The Clinton's lack of respect for others, and lack of ethics sicken me. They are simply unethical slime with a serious lack of character.
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Location: NA

Party: NA Reply #5

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 7:50 AM EST


The sleaze of the Clinton's never ends. Sexual assaults, sex with way too young people in the chain of command, assaulting the character of the women Bill abused, lies, distortions, "not being able to remember", and now stealing from small companies who can't affored the theft the Clinton campaign is subjecting them to. The Clinton's lack of respect for others, and lack of ethics sicken me. They are simply unethical slime with a serious lack of character.
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papa white
Location: NA

Party: Democrat Reply #6

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 7:57 AM EST


We worked very hard to put together these events on a moment’s notice and do absolutely everything to a ‘t’ to make it look perfect on television for her and for her campaign,” said the employee. “Sen. Clinton talks about helping working families, people in unions and small businesses. But when it comes down to actually doing something that shows that she can back up her words with action, she fails.”

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Drive The Nation
Location: NA

Party: Democrat Reply #7

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 7:58 AM EST


It just goes to show that her financial support has lost faith in her, and are starting to see that they threw their money away. It must be a very bad feeling to know that you spent thousands of dollars on a losing horse- watching the race in slow motion, watching your horse lose. Obama raises most of his money from the people, and the people will fund him. It's time to wage war against the special interests, lobbyists, and Washington rats.
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Location: Woodland, WA

Party: NA Reply #8

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 8:01 AM EST


Check your contract...There's probably a clause that says you only get paid if she gets the nomination!
Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana
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Location: USA

Party: Independent Reply #9

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 8:01 AM EST


That's messed up. She's living on credit! Let's just hope she doesn't run the economy, as bad as she finances her campaign.
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Location: Manchester, VT

Party: Independent Reply #10

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 8:02 AM EST


Papa White, we get it, ok!

The other comments are right on the money. How can she run the economy when she can't even run her own campaign. Time for another "loan" Hillary? This ought to be front page news on CNN and the other Clinton apologists' media, but isn't. Maybe one Clinton "whopper" at a time is all they can handle and Bosnia's still on the front burner.

Also, why is anyone amazed. Both Clintons have "stiffed" so many for so long, both literally and figuratively, that the record is a mile long. Better get another "Uranium Deal" fast Bill or call "Pardon Me" Marc Rich in Zug, Switzerland. Yup, 35 years of experience all right. 35 years of deceit, sleaze, dishonor and all about me. It sure is "NCLB" and that's no Clinton left behind.

How Crooked is too Crooked?
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Location: NA

Party: NA Reply #11

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 8:05 AM EST updated


Bill should just give the money to the companies that Hillary is stiffing, and hold off on the prostitutes he usually gives his money to until all the bills are paid.



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Location: NA

Party: Independent Reply #12

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 8:12 AM EST


Well Hillary must be starting to feel like a Republican the way our corrupt liberal MSM wolfpack press is going after her. It appears that our wolfpack press is "driving" the nomination process. They, the wolfpack, seem more concerned about getting Hillary out of the race than any other group in America. Is this because the wolfpack is clearly in the "tank" for Obama? Maybe we need to order up some more Saturday Night Live skitts. This is really sad indeed...............
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Location: NA

Party: Independent Reply #13

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 8:13 AM EST


Typical of every campaign.

Yet another smear story by Politico.

No real news so lets make some up instead of digging deeper into Rezko and why Obama first said he didn't know Rezko, then admitted to taking hundreds an thousands of dollars from him, then admitted the real estate deal.

Politico has been in the Obama pocket for months. Where has the balanced news gone?

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Location: NA

Party: Independent Reply #14

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 8:13 AM EST


Typical of every campaign.

Yet another smear story by Politico.

No real news so lets make some up instead of digging deeper into Rezko and why Obama first said he didn't know Rezko, then admitted to taking hundreds an thousands of dollars from him, then admitted the real estate deal.

Politico has been in the Obama pocket for months. Where has the balanced news gone?

"Change we can believe in" just words

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Drop Out Hillary!
Location: NA

Party: NA Reply #15

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 8:14 AM EST


With Senators Leahy and Dodd requesting and suggesting that Hillary withdraw, you are beginning to hear a chorus of demands that the Democratic primary end now. Join the chorus. Join the movement. Ask Senator Clinton to drop out of the race. Visit: http://www.dropouthillary.org Forward this link on. Encourage everyone you know to visit and sign the petition.
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Location: NA

Party: NA Reply #16

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 8:15 AM EST


If Hillary cannot even pay her campaign bills to small vendors, what in the heck is she going to do to the US economy???????? Can you say bankrupt and huge tax increases?
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Drop Out Hillary!
Location: NA

Party: NA Reply #17

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 8:15 AM EST


With Senators Leahy and Dodd requesting and suggesting that Hillary withdraw, you are beginning to hear a chorus of demands that the Democratic primary end now. Join the chorus. Join the movement. Ask Senator Clinton to drop out of the race. Visit: http://www.dropouthillary.org Forward this link on. Encourage everyone you know to visit and sign the petition.
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Location: NA

Party: Independent Reply #18

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 8:15 AM EST


Well Hillary must be starting to feel like a Republican the way our corrupt liberal MSM wolfpack press is going after her. It appears that our wolfpack press is "driving" the nomination process. They, the wolfpack, seem more concerned about getting Hillary out of the race than any other group in America. Is this because the wolfpack is clearly in the "tank" for Obama? Maybe we need to order up some more Saturday Night Live skitts. This is really sad indeed...............
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Location: NA

Party: NA Reply #19

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 8:15 AM EST


If Hillary cannot even pay her campaign bills to small vendors, what in the heck is she going to do to the US economy???????? Can you say bankrupt and huge tax increases?
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Location: NA

Party: Independent Reply #20

Date: Mar. 30, 2008 - 8:16 AM EST


Robot Cats: Mar. 30, 2008 - 7:37 AM EST
They say you can tell how a candidate will run the country by how they run their campaign.

Then Obama will lie, dodge questions, come clean when forced and copy speeches from other people.

"Change we can believe in" just words

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The conversation continues in our forum. (read all 1618 comments
Post Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:16 am 
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Ted Jankowski

Oh, BIG DEAL! DON hasn't paid his campaign bills from three elections ago. This seems to be common practice and a NON ISSUE!

Why would Hillary not paying her bills be any different?

Oh and I can't mention how the DON offered to pay for the one bill.
Post Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:17 am 
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Maybe slick and his lovely wife should get hold of the Don for some hints.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:19 am 
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We can't expect Don to pay his bills. He's not getting a salary.
Post Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:23 am 
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