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Barack Obama blinks in Hillary face-off
Thursday, August 14th 2008, 8:13 PM

Hillary Clinton may not get her party's nomination, but her roll call at the convention means she's stealing the show from its presumtive star, Barack Obama (below).

Russia rolls over Georgia, Hillary Clinton does the same to Barack Obama. Now we know who's boss.

Obama blinked and stands guilty of appeasing Clinton by agreeing to a roll call vote for her nomination. That he might not have had much choice if he wanted peace only proves the point that he's playing defense at his own convention.

What does he get out of it? Not much and not for long.

The fleeting sense that he is a magnanimous nominee won't get him a single vote he wouldn't get anyway. Ditto for the idea that he's going the extra mile to unify the party. Those who refuse to accept him as the legitimate winner aren't likely to do so just because he caves into her demands.

It makes him look weak and ratifies Clinton's sense of entitlement to share party leadership and the convention spotlight.

It was supposed to be his party. Now it's theirs. His and hers.

RELATED: Hillary supporters cheer convention roll call
The substantive problem for Obama is that he is already underperforming against John McCain. He limped across the finish line in the primaries and, since Clinton conceded in June, his poll numbers have flat-lined.

In the face of that lackluster showing, his choices have been curious. The time spent in Europe and now in Hawaii might have been better spent courting the white, working-class voters who have proved immune to his charms.

Trying to bring them into the tent by agreeing to Clinton's growing demands is a poor substitute for direct appeals. She might not be able to deliver them, even if she tries.

Yet already the list of what Hillary wants and what Hillary gets is unprecedented for somebody who lost the nomination. She gets a prime-time address where she will be introduced by daughter Chelsea. She gets her own team to produce a hagiographic video of her.

Hubby Bubba gets a prime-time speech on Wednesday night. And Hillary gets a platform plank that uses "glass ceiling" language right out of her speech to suggest she would be the nominee if not for sexism.

A few more big-ticket items and she'll be the co-nominee. Maybe that's the point.

It reminds me of a Cold War joke about how the Russians view a compromise. They come to the table and announce the rules: What's mine is mine, what's yours is negotiable.

How would President Obama respond?

I think we just found out.


"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:17 am 
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Kevin McKague

What complete and utter nonsense. Hillary Clinton is an unprecedented candidate. She's won more votes than any other candidate to not win the nomination. She's the first woman to compete in all of the primaries. To snub her would have been stupid, and would not have been in Barack's own best interest. Bill Clinton is the best loved Democratic president since Kennedy. OF COURSE he's speaking at the convention! If the Republicons had a popular living former president, he'd speak at their convention, it is standard practice. Is this the best you guys have? Already debunked conspiracy theories and complaints about convention protocol?
Post Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:36 am 
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It wouldn't have anything to do with Obama tanking in the polls and only garnering about 75% support of registered Democrats would it?

Trust me, if the Hillary supporters don't come around, Obama will lose in a landslide.
Post Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:36 pm 
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Kevin McKague

Like I've said before, these polls mean nothing. If you add up the electoral votes of states where Barack is has as strong lead or is pulling ahead, he wins in a landslide. You guys are grasping at straws.
Post Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:47 pm 
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these polls mean nothing.[quote]
 The party that wont wipe its ass unless a poll tells them to suddenly disregards polls. Cant say that I blame them.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: Well see in nov. and your boy better mop up the floor with Mccain. Weakest Repub since BOB Dole strongest Dem since well who knows but the undisputed winner of this one for sure. :lol: [/quote]

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:09 pm 
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