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Topic: Hey were did you vanish to?

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What happened to the Baracko Cheerleading squad. Ya know all those that kept telling how great things will be once we get rid of that bumbling idiot Dubya and replace him with Mr. hope and change. No more embarrassing speeches, no more corrupt cabinet members, only the highest degree of government programs and ideas will spring forth from his highness. Fear will be replaced with "Hope" and optimism, America will once again be seen as the guiding light for all the world. Ya right its only been a couple of weeks and already the so called most ethical cabinet in history has been shown to be nothing more than the old Clinton goon squad. "Cant we just get along with those that want to kill us all?? Maybe if we set em free that will help???" Obama talks nothing but fear if his huge boondoggle spending plan isn't passed and passed today. And he throws a tantrum and leaves the white house because he claimed he had a crisis that was just too much to bear. "Crisis" thats funny wait till something really big happens whats he gonna do than hide under the blankets. Ill bet the terrorists and the rest of our enemy's are laughing themselves silly at our new commander and chief. I would laugh too if the whole thing wasn't so damn scary. Oh ya it looks like Obamas pick to run the CIA Mr "0" experience Paneta may be the next to take a hike.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:06 am 
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They were seen in Europe planning the resurgence of the Fairness Doctrine. "Gotta do something to circumvent the First Amendment" Prince Harry and Princess Pelosi were heard to say.
Post Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:00 am 
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