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mutt of flint

Excerpts from studio transcripts of Rush Limbaugh's June 15 show, courtesy of Excellence in Broadcasting, tracing the discussion of the notion of bulldozing Flint.

1) first mention Monday June 15 approx 12:20 pm eastern:

...Washington Post with another story today about how Obama is open to taxing as income employer provided health care benefits. $600 billion in new taxes, the Democrats say, for their public option single payer health care plan -- there's no reason to do this. There's no reason. The economy is falling apart! They're gonna bulldoze 40% of Flint, Michigan. The era of Obama has settled in. Forty percent of Flint, Michigan, is boarded-up homes. They're now using gravel to make roads in Michigan rather than concrete and asphalt. They don't have any money. Forty percent, they're going to have to bulldoze 40% of Flint, Michigan, to reduce the size because it no longer works the way it is. This unthinkable in the United States of America. Unthinkable, the era of Obama. It's just -- I'm seeing things happen in this country that I thought I would never, ever see. These are the kind of things that happen in totalitarian regimes.

2) June 15 approx 1:50 pm:

The era of Obama rolls on. Again, we get the best journalism from the UK. This from the UK Telegraph. Dozens of US cities may have entire neighborhoods bulldozed as part of a drastic shrink to survive proposal being considered by the Obama administration to tackle economic decline. The government looking at expanding a pioneering scheme in Flint, one of the poorest US cities, Flint, Michigan, which involves razing entire districts and returning the land to nature. Local politicians in Flint believe the city must contract by as much as 40%, concentrating the dwindling population and local services into a more viable air. Having outlined this "strategery" to President Obama during the election campaign, Dan Kildee, the treasurer of Genesee County, includes Flint, has now been approached by the US government and a group of charities who want him to apply what he has learnt to the rest of the country. So Mr. Kildee said he's going to concentrate on 50 cities and essentially how to bulldoze them to make 'em smaller and what, more survivable, serviceable or what have you, and turn whatever is bulldozed back to nature, the era of Obama. Shrink to survive. Bulldoze 50 cities, portions of 50 cities. Did you ever think you would hear anything like this in the United States of America? And this is Michigan. This is Flint. Birthplace I believe Flint is General Motors. Regardless who's been running Michigan? For all these years? Democrats. Who's been running Flint probably all these years. General Motors made some of their own mistakes but who's making General -- who's bulldozing GM? Barack Obama. Never, never -- this is the kind of stuff you see in horror films that happens in other countries. But not here. Bulldozing entire sections.

(BREAK 1:54)

RUSH: The Obama administration considering bulldozing large sections of 50 US cities, and Money magazine with this headline. The downsizing of the US consumer. Details when we get back.

3) June 15 approx 2:10 pm:

By the way, this man Dan Kildee in Flint, Michigan, who came up with the idea of bulldozing 40% of Flint, Michigan and turning the land over to nature, we did some quick research on Dan Kildee. And, by the way, Obama likes his plan, the government -- they want to -- they want Kildee now to -- to look at do this in 50 American cities. Dan Kildee, lifelong liberal Democrat politician, he's now on the Flint, Michigan, town council, and the UK Telegraph article says that, his uncle, Dale Kildee, is the same, liberal Democrat politician, is now the congressman from the fifth district of Michigan. The Kildee family is a family of lifetime government and political workers, not -- that we can find, anyway -- a second in the private sector. And that's who wants to bulldoze 40% of Flint, Michigan. Not rebuild it, not reinvigorate it, bulldoze it. And Obama loves the plan so much: "hey, Dan, figure out how we can do this in 50 other American cities."

4) June 15 approx 2:35 pm:

Dick in Northampton, Massachusetts. Your turn. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. I think a good headline for that Flint story would be, "Destroy it and increase its value."

RUSH: What's the headline?

CALLER: That's the head -- that would be a good headline for the story. "destroy something and increase its value."

RUSH: Oh, I see what you -- yeah, they want to bulldoze -- if you had missed this, they want to bulldoze 40% of Flint because apparently 40% of the town has homes that are boarded up, foreclosed on, and so forth, so they want to bulldoze it and turn that land over to nature and -- and downsize the -- the city. I mean that's just something I -- I'm not -- ever thought I would see in America.

CALLER: Well, we had urban renewal back in the sixties, and there are cities that are still suffering from that.

RUSH: Yeah. Okay, it's a good way -- form of urban renewal. And we knew -- we know who got renewed, by the way.


RUSH: And they weren't renewed.

5) June 16 approx 1:22 pm:

CALLER [Alex, Flushing, Michigan]: Listen, I wanted to comment on that thing about Flint that you've been bringing up. And I'm a Republican, so don't doubt that one bit. But I wanted to say that definitely there's -- there's areas of Flint that really need to be torn down, and that city really needs to be cleaned up, and they need to do something in that city that's going to help them generate tax dollars as far as get new businesses in there and just so they can even pay the -- the public service people as far as the police department and the other services that they need to take care of, you know. But other than that, you know, I mean --

RUSH: How far -- how far is Flushing, Michigan, from Flint?

CALLER: Flushing is probably about, oh, five miles, eight miles outside of the city. I've lived in that area all my life.

RUSH: So you are in Flint frequently?

CALLER: Oh, yes. Well, I'm an over the road truck driver so not as much as I -- I once was. I mean I'm gone for a month at a time but --

RUSH: See --

CALLER: -- I don't like going into the city.

RUSH: Look at what just happened. I said, oh, you're in Flint frequently. No, no, no, no, no, no. You didn't want to be identified as being in Flint very often, even though you're only eight miles away.


RUSH: Give the excuse you're an over the road truck driver. So you live in a suburban of Flint?

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: Yeah. And you agree -- the story is that 40% of the place needs to be bulldozed?

CALLER: Well, for the areas that I'm thinking, Rush, that could be 40%. There's -- there's part of the city -- and not to be disrespectful to the people that live in that part of the city, but there's areas that just, you know, make the -- make the city look in -- in pretty bad disarray.

RUSH: Who's the mayor? What political party is the mayor in Flint.

CALLER: Well, it's a Democratic, and he -- there was a guy named Don Williams --

RUSH: And the city council, city council dominated by which political party?

CALLER: Democrat.

RUSH: Democrat. And is state government in Michigan dominated by which political party?

CALLER: Democrat.

RUSH: Yeah, and for a long, long, long, long, long, long time, right?

CALLER: Yes, except for the good years of Engler.

RUSH: Yeah, there was an interlude in there, you're absolutely right. I just -- well, you lived there, 40% of it needs to be bulldozed so that people will move back?

CALLER: Well, I don't think they're going to move back. I think there's nice suburbs of Flint where people are much happier and they can -- they can be there with their families, probably some of the schools are better than what's in the city of Flint.

RUSH: Look, if you're going to -- if you're going to bulldoze 40% of Flint and bulldozing 40% of Flint will not cause people to return and have it grow, why not bulldoze it all? If everybody prefers to live in cities close to it?

CALLER: Well, there's people that probably enjoy living in the city. They've been there for years and I'm sure they would want to see the city improve. They probably wouldn't be against this plan. I mean no one wants to see a bunch of people be forced out of their homes because of this, you know. But if it can eventually improve things to where people want to move there then by all means. You know --

RUSH: Now, wait. This is a new twist because the story I read said that 40% of the town needs to be bulldozed because 40% of the homes and other structures are unoccupied. Now you're talking about bulldozing homes that are occupied as well.

CALLER: Well, the areas that you're speaking of, okay, now, I mentioned the northern part of the city, okay, there's areas where I grew up in when I was a child that now are much worse, like I took my children into an area where I grew up when I was a baby just a couple months ago, and I want to tell you what, Rush, I was -- I was scared. I drove down that street --

RUSH: Okay, fine. Now, why did -- we can say, okay, needs to be bulldozed but nobody is going to go back there precisely because no changes will be made that led to the fact that 40% of the town is a ghost town or what have you. What -- what bothers me about this is the -- is -- this is a nation -- this is a country that has always prided itself on growth, economic growth and economic opportunity. Now, I understand -- we just -- we hear of hurricanes wiping out towns. There was a Kansas town wiped out by a hurricane, and they rebuilt it. It's amazing to listen to Democrats say, we don't have any interest in rebuilding Flint. We want to bulldoze it. And then the guy come up with the idea, Obama says, hey, apply your theory to 50 our cities.

(break 1:29.)

6) June 16 approx 1:50 pm:

RUSH: All right, folks, I have thought about it, I've given this considerable thought. I've -- I've given this more thought in the last ten minutes than most people think about anything in their life. And I am ready to change my mind on bulldozing Flint. I say go for it. Let's just bulldoze it. Well, it's the same -- what made me think of this was my answer to the guy's question on bankruptcy. What should we have done with the -- by the way, the -- the first purpose of the TARP bailout was to buy up all the toxic assets, and then it was to get credit going. We haven't done either with the money. But now I'm sort of looking at bulldozing these cities as bankruptcy. They should have been let go long ago. They were down the tubes long ago. We tried propping them up with urban renewal, and it didn't work. We were hoodwinked into being called names if we just let these cities go. So we kept pumping money in there, committee kept pumping welfare, food stamps, all these things 'cause we loved 'em and we care for them, but the proof, the proof that a government can't revive anything is Flint, Michigan. What really sent Flint south was when GM shut down there and moved or left, and there's not much -- without -- I better check. I better check if there's still GM operations in Flint. I -- if there are, they've really been downsized. But look at all -- whatever -- whatever, if GM's not involved in it, whatever is the problem in Flint, Michigan, what have we done to try to save it? Every government program under the sun. And what's happened? We got boarded-up houses that now the leaders of the town say need to be bulldozed. Forty percent of the town. Now, this is probably what needs to happen to a lot of California, folks, and other places where we're going in debt propping up failure. It is what it is. We keep -- we can't keep pumping all this federal and state money because we have proven that pumping federal and state money doesn't spur growth in cities. Or anything else. GM, I mean if -- if -- if 50 billion in bailout or 20 can't save 'em, let it go. And then if Flint rises out of its own ashes, fine and dandy. And there's another added benefit. You start -- every damn one of these cities is a blue city, I'll guaran-damn-tee you, meaning mostly Democrats, so you bulldoze it and you disburse a bunch of Obama voters can be it has great political future ramifications for the Republicans.

7) June 16 approx 2:20 pm:

Dave in Pittsburgh, I'm glad you waited. You're next on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Good afternoon, Rush.


CALLER: Greetings from the city of champions. I called regarding bulldozing 40% of Flint, Michigan, and I have a thought about it. Maybe this is what President Obama really meant by shovel-ready jobs, the Porkulus package.

RUSH: Shovel-ready jobs, bulldozing Flint and other Americans. (laughing) You think it's a terrible idea to bulldoze these places?

CALLER: Oh, it's an awful idea. I mean -- I guess it would be the easiest way to tear our American cities down being mishandled by liberals for years, and obviously won't -- won't have a chance to (unintelligible) --

RUSH: -- point here, there is a point. When you let liberals decide what's going to be bulldozed, then anything is up for grabs. Now, right now what's being talked about in Flint, according to the report that I saw, I think it was the Los Angeles Times yesterday, what's being talked about being bulldozed in Flint is unoccupied houses, boarded up houses. And, you know, general neighborhoods where nobody is. Now, if they're talking about bulldozing neighborhoods where people live that's a different thing. But this guy that's in charge of this is a big lib and he's in city council, he's -- and then Obama people have asked him, you know, hey apply your theory here to 50 our cities. Once the libs start talking about bulldozing things, that's a good point, excellent point.

Cool June 17 approx 12:07 pm:

Ladies and gentlemen, from today's Flint Journal, Flint, Michigan, Journal, the newspaper there in a story by Ron Fonger, it's F-o-n-g-e-r, maybe he pronounces it Fonger. I'm not -- as you -- I never try to mispronounce a name purposely here. Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh telling his listeners he has his own urban renewal plan for Flint: Let's just bulldoze it. Limbaugh discussing the potential for shrinking Flint to better concentrate city services said today he'd rather wipe out parts of the city then force taxpayer to continue maintaining it. Well, that's not my idea. That's the idea Daniel Kildee was to bulldoze part of the city. Limbaugh said he would rather wipe out parts of the city than force taxpayers -- it's not my idea. Now, look, you got a local guy in Flint that suggesting bulldozing it, who's getting the blame for this in the local Flint media, none other than I, El Rushbo. And then they quote me as saying all right, folks, I've thought about it I've given this considerable that you are the I've given it more thought in the last ten minutes than most people think about anything in their life and I'm ready to change my might not on Flint, I say go for it, let's just bulldoze it. Limbaugh said cities like Flint were down the tubes long ago. We've tried propping them up with urban renewal and it didn't work, they quote me as saying. We were hoodwinked into being called names if we just let these cities go, so we just kept pumping money in there, we kept pumping welfare, food stamps, all these things because we loved them and cared them but the proof that the government can't revive anything is Flint, Michigan. They quote me, that's accurate, but I never said bulldoze the whole damn place. Genesee County treasurer Daniel Kildee said today that Limbaugh relied on bad information in making his comments about the idea of shrinking the city. I just relied on the State-Run Media. In this case the Los Angeles Times. Kildee said, I shouldn't be surprised but I am disappointed with the cavalier treatment he's giving it. To me that shows he doesn't take any issue seriously. Mr. Kildee, you have been hired or asked by the Obama administration to bulldoze 50 other cities now all of a sudden in the local Flint media I am the villain, I'm the bad guy with a report that says I want to bulldoze the whole city. I never said any such thing. By the way, Mr. Kildee's work with the Obama administration has -- has led us to receive yet another exclusive -- what do we call these things? Update, I guess, from the -- from the Obama White House. (playing of Obama spoof) In fact, "shrink to survive" could have another test-market for this. Newark. Could bulldoze 40% of Newark and -- well, that's according to an e-mail I got from a resident there. You watch, I'll be all over the Newark Star-Ledger tomorrow, Limbaugh: bulldoze Newark. And I didn't even come up with the idea.

okay, republicans, I give it to you. it was taken out of context and overblown, not that everyone else hasn't been put through that a millions time over during the bush years, but heres the thing; the caller from flushing stating the good engler years? really? that was where our troubles started. during his watch is when he let gm leave, thus sealing the fate for flint. it was also only until very recently that the country and our state had been controlled by democrats. granholm has been governor, but resided over a republican house, the same way for the last 2 years of clinton, he was running over a republican house and senate that stayed in power until 2-3 years ago.you guys really need to shape up your timelines, because the governor before engler was, yes, a democrat, blanchard, but before that during the start of flint and michigans economic downturn there was 20 years of republican leadership. you guys always talk about how the liberals are always in control, but never state how. its this reasoning that is one of the factors destroying your party. ultimately, I think the idea to bulldoze those portions of flint rather than rebuilding homes or business' isn't a great idea. I felt that way when I first read about it when kildee said it about a year or 2 ago (I remember whos idea it was, yes). regardless, the statements about flint needing to be set loose and that our democrat mayors have destroyed us are just obsurd. flint was destroyed because of our mayors political affiliations, it was destroyed because the mayors were crooks (when talking about williamson, a convicted felon to be exact). corruption is rampant in both parties though. we can go all day and point out how blagojavich was a dem, but then you look at people like mark foley, scooter libby, rodriguez, and the big list of scandals put forth during the bush years. its gotta make you wonder if all this politicality and social bullying over beliefs of how to run a country, is just overinflated nonsense starting around the time that clinton got a hummer from monica (divorcable, yes. impeachable no. its like if you were fired from your job cuz you cheated on your wife. it wouldn't happen. ever). thats where politicality went from being a simple discussion where people could eventually agree to disagree or maybe walk away with a finer point to refine their stance. my overall point is when you look at the statements in a rush limbaugh radio show, the big glaring difference between him and say, the daily show, which has long been declared a "liberal show," its that its all polerized politicality almost to the mantra of propaganda. jon stewart is harsh on obama too, pointing out how a lot of his policies are way too familiar to what the previous guy did (I have my own feelings about this, but will get into that in another post). the facts don't fit, but as soon as he hears that a democrat has been cleaning the toilets in the governors mansion in michigan, he'll jump all over it claiming that he and his party are running the whole show. thats propaganda. villanizing people, bullying their beliefs and not leaving room for even a little bit of doubt or argument & yet, you guys eat it up. you believe it all. so, am I just not seeing the allure of limbaugh because I'm not republican (independent, sitting generally in the middle of the beliefs) or do you guys see my point that hes the real socialist? he sounds like hitler at the podium when he talks. oh well...this is gonna get me beat up in the school yard, but go ahead, discuss.
Post Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:55 am 
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My eyes hurt. Laughing Since it appears some feel its unfair to blame Democrats for the mess Flint is in how about pointing out the last time Flint and Genesee county were under Republican control?

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:09 am 
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