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Topic: Travis Prince doesn't like to pay his bills

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Travis Prince says The Perani Group likely to declare bankruptcy
by Dan Feldman | The Flint Journal
Thursday July 16, 2009, 5:38 PM
Who owns the Flint Generals?

The Perani Group, which bought the team in 2007, will probably declare bankruptcy, according to TPG member Travis Prince. Prince said Bob Perani, the group's namesake, will make the decision.

Prince said he lost $250,000 with the Generals last year, and he thought Perani lost more. Prince said they were the only two financial contributors to the team last year.

The Generals announced in March that Travis Prince, Brandon Bordeaux, Ron Mitchell and Bob Perani would remain as owners — making those four the only carryovers form the eight-member Perani Group.

But Prince said yesterday he and Bordeaux would likely be the only returning owners next season.

"Bob Perani is in Thailand, and he's in another world," Prince said. "And he doesn't care about the Generals anymore."

Answering the question of who owns the team could go a long way in clearing up matters for Robert Roe, whom the Generals hired in December to do media relations and other front-office work. Roe claims he's owed about $3,200, five weeks and one day's worth of pay.

Roe said he was fired in March and estimates he should receive about $2,500 after taxes. Roe went to Prince a few weeks ago seeking compensation.

"I said, 'Robert, I do not have nothing to do with it' " Prince said. " 'I think Chuck Glasscock (one the original eight members of TPG) and Bob Perani hired you, but I'll tell you what I'll do. If you'll sign this paper today, I will write you a check right now for $2,500 and settle this thing because I'm getting tired of hearing about it.' "

Roe declined, and Prince pulled the offer. But Roe said Prince wasn't clear whether the offer was for money before or after taxes.

"Does it matter?" Prince said. "He asked me the same question. And I asked him, 'Does it matter? You're getting $2,500.' ... I'm leaving at that. I made him an offer. That's all I can tell you. He's the one who brought up before or after taxes."

Roe asked Prince again for the money Thursday morning.

"I said, 'I'm not going to give you your money,' " Prince said. "I said, 'The best thing to do is go to the labor board or go to a lawyer and sue me or sue The Perani Group.' "

Roe said Generals head coach Bobby Reynolds, who had become the de facto director of business operations, fired him.

"It totally caught me off guard," Roe said. "Bobby and I had a tremendous working relationship. ... He had to do what he was told to do, and I understand that."

Prince said he and Glasscock hired Roe. But Prince said he wasn't sure who fired Roe or why — or if Roe was even fired.

Roe said he thinks he was fired because he didn't sell enough corporate sponsorship. But Roe said his plan was to sell them in the summer, when there are fewer day-to-day duties. Roe said he explained that to the owners before they hired him.

Roe said he never received payment on time when he was working with the team, but he said he didn't complain because he knew why.

"Because the owners probably didn't have the money," Roe said. "The money wasn't coming in to the hockey club. I understand where the owners are coming from here."

But Roe, who has worked on and off with Flint professional hockey since he was a high school senior in 1979, thinks someone should pay him.

"They were having problems when they took over the hockey club. They had problems during the year before they hired me. They were having problems after they hired me. They were having problems after they fired me. And they're having problems still today. And it wasn't my fault.

"There's no reason why somebody just can't step up and say, 'You know what? We owe this man this money. We should take five minutes and write this check and get this taken care of,' " Roe said.

The question is who should do that. And that might depend on the Generals' ownership.

"I'm assuming he's owed money," Prince said. "I cannot tell you that for a fact. I'm assuming that he is, or he wouldn't be doing like he's doing.

"It's probably the corporation's liability. And if it goes bankrupt, then nobody gets paid."
Post Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:01 pm 
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no public support?? thats too bad.

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:12 pm 
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Why would you support a team or owner like that?
Post Sat Sep 05, 2009 10:55 am 
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back again

i live nea the sports arena. the parking lots are always full game nights. what happened?

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:24 am 
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