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Topic: Why don't dems want us to read the bills?

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Dave Starr

Why do the dems refuse to allow bills to be available online to the public for 72 hours before they're voted on?


I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:02 pm 
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Those bills should be online for WEEKS before being voted on. It is probably written in accomplished legalese and it will take time for people to dig out the dictionaries and law books and law guides to go through it line by line to see what the hell these pin heads are pushing down our throats. Hell, those bills should be available ,both in the legalese and the more clear cut translations for MONTHS before going to a vote. Afterall folks, the damm politicans aren't PAYING for this crap, we all are. Sorry for all the damms and hells but when it comes to politicans I lose my temper really quickly.

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:45 pm 
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Wait wait wait...

Dave Starr, Dayne Walling Tweets Post schreef:
How does the Mayor communicate with the citizens that don't have twitter, or internet access?

And now you are here complaining that democrats in congress aren't posting bills in time for people to read them? I would have expected you to argue for a publish and post it up in and around cities approach. Also, Dave, I appreciate how you attack the democrats but forget all about the republicans for doing the same thing, as the article noted, several years before that with the Patriot Act.

I don't really know that I feel that passionately about the issue. If Congress isn't given enough time to vote on a bill and therefor don't believe they can reasonably support it, why will they vote yes on it? This process is another political tactic and, if the House or the Senate really had an issue with the tactic then they would, I expect, simply vote down the bills they have not had time to read. That makes sense to me, at least.

As the article further notes, both a republican and democratic senator are involved in an attempt to stop this process. Yah, that makes sense. Don't see it working any time in the near future - Republicans want to be able to use the tactic when they are in charge, and Democrats like using it now. I will be incredibly surprised to see it gain any traction at all.

Lack of support for your assertions does not make you a sage, it just makes the rest of us doubt your reasoning skills. - Elias12, Flint Talk Poster
Post Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:13 pm 
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What the Republicans did with the Patriot Act is what caused me to join the ACLU , ( that is very strained relationship for me by the way) . I now give the ACLU money on a monthly basis. Bush's Patriot Act made me have to ally myself with a group I find very odious .I doubt it the ACLU will be demanding transparency with the health care reform though. Now who do I join with ?

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:18 pm 
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Elias12 schreef:
I doubt it the ACLU will be demanding transparency with the health care reform though. Now who do I join with ?

I never put anything past the ACLU. They've earned a special place in my heart - though they often end up on the liberal side of things, they have shown repeatedly in the past that they will defend any issue which is an assault on American democracy and freedoms. I have an immense amount of faith in the organization, and that's a rare thing for me to say about any collection of lawyers Laughing

Lack of support for your assertions does not make you a sage, it just makes the rest of us doubt your reasoning skills. - Elias12, Flint Talk Poster
Post Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:26 pm 
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Elias12 schreef:
What the Republicans did with the Patriot Act is what caused me to join the ACLU , ( that is very strained relationship for me by the way) . I now give the ACLU money on a monthly basis. Bush's Patriot Act made me have to ally myself with a group I find very odious .I doubt it the ACLU will be demanding transparency with the health care reform though. Now who do I join with ?

I think you'd be better of sending your money to people like Rand Paul for U.S. Senate/Peter Schiff for U.S. Senate or donating to individual defense funds.

Adam - Mysearchisover.com - FB - Jobs
Post Wed Oct 07, 2009 12:32 am 
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Adam, I give to the ACLU and I wouldn't rule out money to Rand Paul if things look better on the finanical front either. I like his dad . I believe in fighting at all levels ,with all the weapons (metaphorpically speaking, don't want to alarm Lakewoman) at our disposal. See, I just can't get over what was told to me my grandad, that these politicans are supposed to working FOR us. And they seem to keep forgetting this little fact. And god, do they get pissed off when you don't bow and scrape for them. We should fire all of them ( with the exception of Ron Paul of course) and start over again. One often over-looked group who does a lot of good is the Institute for Justice, they fight for minorities often and not just for failing governemental handouts like ACORN does. The IJ fights stupid laws that hamstring economic development in minority neighborhoods. Like a pastor who got slapped with lawsuits because he found a cheap source for caskets and made them available to his parishoners . He was sued and ordered to stop selling caskets because he wasn't a funeral director. Now this pastor didn't offer embalming services, just caskets ( yeah, boxes for the last ride) , but yet he was sued and fined because he wasn't a funeral director. the Insitute for Justice fought on the side of the pastor and won. The pastor, by offering these caskets and really reduced prices to the community, was helping to take the economic edge off of having a loved one die. The IJ also fought ( but also lost ,sadly ) the abuse of the exercise of Eminent Domain in New London Ct a few years back , The Don (not Williamson, Trump) got that city to essentially give him land there to put up another health club up, in in the process disrupting the lives of dozens of local residents. Adam , you should love this group, they say much of what you are saying dumb zoning laws and red tape.
Long post,sorry, I just wanted to take the opprtunity to alert people to the existence of this fine organization. Getting back to the point , we have to fight the politicans every step of the way, make them present a good case for why they are taking the actions they are taking, hold them accountable for what they are doing. I now yield the floor,thanks for your patience.

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Wed Oct 07, 2009 12:57 am 
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Dave Starr

Domet schreef:
Wait wait wait...

Dave Starr, Dayne Walling Tweets Post schreef:
How does the Mayor communicate with the citizens that don't have twitter, or internet access?

And now you are here complaining that democrats in congress aren't posting bills in time for people to read them? I would have expected you to argue for a publish and post it up in and around cities approach. Also, Dave, I appreciate how you attack the democrats but forget all about the republicans for doing the same thing, as the article noted, several years before that with the Patriot Act.

It's wrong no matter who does it. It gives the impression that they don't want the people to know what's in a bill.

As far as the mayor goes, twittering that he's in Washington, or San Antonio, or wherever, gives the impression he's too busy elsewhere to work on Flint's issues.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:22 am 
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I gave money to Coral Ridge ministires one time when they were fighting for Roy Moore.

The Christian coalition appears to me to be a scam like a lot of the sham pro-life groups.

Adam - Mysearchisover.com - FB - Jobs
Post Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:11 pm 
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