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Topic: the real answer for flint

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larry flint

my question for flint talk is why isn't dayne doing a pod cast on the state of the city every week?
and why are we not leading the way with web cam broadcasting our city? good and bad it isn't rocket science and it isn't expensive.
i say any any, any public place that receives tax dollars from flint citizens or employee from mayor to road kill picker upper can walk up to a web cam and tell the citizens what they have to do today in the morning for 1 minute and at the end of the day tell us if they got it done..
also we could wifi web cams all over the city if we did i bet crime would drop 70 percent.
in public schools the students would be better behaved. and all around it would just be better..for any one being honest.. to answer the obvious you dont have the right to privacy in public..
and bulldozers where are they/ tear down 40 percent of this city doesn't anyone around here understand supply and demand these are simple effective answers to good government and a safe city and if you read this
ask your self what have you done for your city.. me well i plant seeds thank you for your time
Post Thu Oct 01, 2009 12:28 am 
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[quote="larry flint"]
and bulldozers where are they/ tear down 40 percent of this city doesn't anyone around here understand supply and demand these are simple effective answers to good government and a safe city and if you read this
ask your self what have you done for your city.. me well i plant seeds thank you for your time[/quote]

I'm a little confused as to what you mean by this. Are you suggesting they go through with tearing down 60%** of the city? Because they were talking about shrinking Flint down to 40% of its current size... which means moving people who live in the areas they're looking to bulldoze somewhere else. So a person like me who lives in a neighborhood that's deemed "bad" but is one where I've never heard gunshots at night in my 3 years living there, one where I never have to worry that anything will be stolen or broken on my property, where it's peaceful and quiet at night and the kids in my neighborhood respect the need for quiet after dark- I would have to move to a new and unknown neighborhood where I don't know my neighbors... And your home and yard aren't public property- so the wifi cameras couldn't really go far enough to ensure that my house wouldn't get broken into at some point. Not to mention that anything like that is able to be hacked, figured out (as far as timing for the cameras) or just plain destroyed... who's going to pay to replace cameras, or to fix the firewalls when someone hacks the system?
Maybe you assume that nobody's smart enough to figure that stuff out, but when there's such a high lack of jobs, I'm sure someone has enough free time to do that. NONE of those things can be done without the support of the public, and considering how little money the city already has, even if it cost five bucks, people will want to know how their money is spent, and want people doing their jobs. Actions speak a LOT louder than words, and just because someone claims they've done something doesn't mean they actually have done it.
Post Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:17 am 
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One last thing... we DO have cameras in public schools... and a girl got caught when I was a freshman in highschool giving fellatio on one of those cameras...
And we have metal detectors...
But did they stop behavioral problems in public schools??
Post Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:29 am 
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larry flint

well i do suppose some one could hack it a camera system.
and i don't think cameras will solve behavior problems.
but there is an old saying.
good fences make good neighbors. it applies here some how I'm sure.
and as for
shrinking the city,,
well i think OK. if the number is 40% 28, 50 it don't really matter to me what the percentage of vacant properties of flint need to be removed just do it.
vacant properties in the Midwest is useless
unless there commercial but wood structured homes with thousands vacant come on that's our biggest problem.
and any one would be less apt to commit any crime if they thought they were on camera most of the time your gonna get good survalince or good enough to have something its simple cheep and effective
common sense
Post Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:36 am 
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I don't think Larry is trying to change elected officals and city employees behavior (though I see that would probably happen) but rather to have the issue of accountability made very clear. And I think a worker could lie about his or her accomplisments for one day but if they made it a habbit I really think it would be become apparent . Besides, I think most would agree that having recorded digital information in the form of videos from the people working for the city would go a long way to saving many dollars for paper forms, electronic storeage of this info takes far less room and we literally would have a name with a face . We would have more transparency , savings for paper forms and I would think a person sitting at a desk with a webcam recording would be a lot easier than typing up of forms for daily or weekly summmaries . So what is there not to like about this suggestion? Oh yeah, Larry is not currently employed with this city probably and he came up with the idea. We can't have that now can we?

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:19 am 
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Larry this is Flint so I think Dayne being on twitter and blogging is good enough for this term. He had the haters trying to lynch him just for that.

We shouldn't need to bulldoze anything in Flint but when it can take 3 years and hundreds of dollars in fines (permits) and who knows how much in legal bills to create jobs.

Even the key privelaged uptown clan that is working in the important downtown part of Flint had trouble getting through the red tape. Just think if you're not as rich and trying to creat jobs in the north end that is slated for the Dan Kildee "Green Space"/demolition plan.

Adam - Mysearchisover.com - FB - Jobs
Post Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:05 pm 
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John Wilson

Larry, sorry , your question just went past me. We have scheduled Mr. Walling to do at least one show but he had to cancel due to a scheduling conflict. People from his office told us they would like to re-schedule but so far we haven't heard back from them. Both me and Steve Myers would like to have the mayor come in to the studio on a regular schedule, we are, afterall FLINTTALKRADIO , and having the mayor of the city we take our name from would be fitting. I would also like to state here that we also welcome all the canidates for the seats for the City Council to come in to the studio and get their word out. We can be reached through the number 810-208-1854 , call and leave all relevant contact information and I will call you back. And if anyone else out there is involved in organizations which are working to better the city, the county, and even the country please take this opprotunity to use the time we have and the studio to get the word out about what your club or organization is doing or events you have planned. Hope to heard from those candiates, from people working to making this area a better place. Please call us. John Wilson of www.flinttalkradio.com
Post Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:14 pm 
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