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Topic: Integrity - You Decide!

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A friend brought me a piece of mail sent by “Flint Citizens Against Corrupt Government.” On the outside of the flyer, in bold letters it states, “Integrity, You Decide.” Inside it has a quote from one of Mr. Lawler’s mailers, “Mission: To Serve the 5th Ward and the City with Integrity.” That is followed by “Mission Impossible!”

The flyer goes on to detail information about 5th Ward Candidate Bernard Lawler’s illegal activities. It is not just one case, but 4 different instances. I am usually leery of mailings like that, but there is a reference to a website and there are support photocopies and pictures. After checking with some of my sources, “IT’S A Fact Jack!” Somebody really did their homework. After reading the letter, I just have one question:

Is Mr. Lawler that ignorant of the law, or does he feel he is above the law?

I must say that if I lived in the 5th Ward, I would have voted for Mrs. Waybright before reading this, based on the work she has already been doing in the 5th Ward, her obvious dedication and commitment to the 5th Ward and the City, and her fresh ideas on solving problems. But if there are any 5th Ward residents that have not made up their mind or are planning to vote for Mr. Lawler, you should take a look at this web site. It looks as though a vote for Mr. Lawler is a vote for the same kind of troubled Council that most people I have talked to want to replace.

I apologize, but I guess I have a statement and one more question:

The City of Flint has already lost millions of dollars to lawsuits. Can we afford to have a councilperson that could expose the city to more lawsuits by breaking so many laws?
Post Sat Oct 31, 2009 11:02 am 
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Well said there ConcernedCitizen . People seem to want to be very dismissive of illlegal activties the local politicans engage in. What they fail to see that since that there are rules on the books they possibility of lawsuits increases. Lawsuits are no good for an areas such as this one because it essentially becomes a drain on the VERY limited finanical resources. The city has to face the very sobering idea that legal fees consume a large portion of the monies coming into the coffers. So either go through the books and eliminate these rules( this itself a very costly process) or start electing far less vulnerable and ethically challenged canidates . That is why I agree with the idea that an course of ethics for anyone wanting to become an elected into office is a great idea. It would be (or should be anyway) cheaper to "educate" them before they even start the process that to face huge legal bills in the future. While this idea doesn't have the emotive impact of candle vigils and chanting crowds in front of city hall it may prevent the need from having those in the future. And for those toying with the idea of running for office groaning at this sort of "workshops " and "training" prior to them making their bid I say that the old adage of "the more you sweat now ,the less you will bleed later" is fitting. And the "bleeding" in this sense is the money from the people of the city of Flint.

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Sat Oct 31, 2009 1:01 pm 
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El Supremo

Many communities have ethics traing and hold public hearings on ethics violations. Minor infractions may be adressed by additional ethics training.
Post Sat Oct 31, 2009 2:10 pm 
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Ethics training is good when it informs the unaware. but for some it is a waste of money. It's like leading a horse to water, you can't make him drink. In my opinion, one of the candidates is one of those horses.

It's better to start off with a candidate that does things legally.
Post Sun Nov 01, 2009 9:07 am 
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back again

it appears this kind of tomfoolery will continue until some person get the balls to enforce the law. Cool

i do see why some qualified folks bypass any interest in flint politics.

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Sun Nov 01, 2009 2:20 pm 
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Back Again,

back again schreef:
it appears this kind of tomfoolery will continue until some person get the balls to enforce the law. Cool

i do see why some qualified folks bypass any interest in flint politics.

The threads that have had to do with the Waybright/Lawler 5th Ward race have really intrigued me. I don't think I have seen a race in a long time with such polar opposites. I have been researching these individuals to see what else I could find. This one might show that Mrs. Waybright, even though she is a woman, might just have the "cajones" to fit that bill.

I found that a couple of years ago, Mrs. Waybright had an issue with Carolyn Sims' actions in City Council. Mrs. Waybright did her research and turned in a complaint to the Ombudsman's office. One of the investigators who worked in the office at the time told me that the complaint was so well researched and written, that Ms. Sims had no defense. I beleive the term that the investigator used for Mrs. Waybright's complaint was "A Slam Dunk!" She won her complaint against Ms. Sims.

It seems that she is not afraid to take on challenges and is willing to do the research to back up her claims.

Mrs. Waybright, if you don't win tomorrow, you can move to my ward and I help you with your election any way I can. Then again, if a candidate like you does not win tomorrow, maybe it is time to leave Flint because it can't even see a good thing.
Post Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:25 pm 
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back again

i still have her by 377 votes!!!! Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:40 pm 
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