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Topic: Put on your boots, It's getting deep!
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Did anyone see this in the Flint Journal? Some of Mr. Lawler's comments are included in the following:

In Ward 5, Lawler bested Lynne Waybright by the city’s closest margin, 416-334. He said his record of community service and work in stemming youth violence spoke loudly to voters in Flint’s 5th Ward tonight.

“My message was clear, and people believed in my message for moving our city forward — not just in the Fifth Ward but in the entire city,” said Lawler, 48, who works in children’s services for the state.

His "work in stemming youth violence ." Who is he kidding? By his own admission in his campaign literature, he only moved crime up in his priorities when his nephew was killed. Where was his outrage when that innocent 13 year old girl was killed? And his group to help stop young men from killing each other he only formed for the election, and that was only a few weeks ago. I put on my hip waders for this one!

" He said his record of community service " I had to switch to chest waders after this!

I challenge anyone to name 2 legal things that Bernard Lawler has done for the 5th Ward!

I'm still waiting!
Post Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:03 pm 
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El Supremo

Bernard Lawler lives in University Park and yet he has done nothing to help them. His literature says he was on the coordinating council of the three Citizns District Councils which includes Smith Village University Park residents want to protect their property values so they are naturally concerned about future development in Smith Village. To date Lawler has done nothing to resolve his neighbors concerns about this issue and rumors are running rampant.
He also did nothing to help with the concrete crusher behind University Park.He made up a story about going to the MIchigan EPA (which doesn't exist).
Foss Avenue partnered with Habitat for Humanity and built several homes near the church. But that is the third ward.
His nephew allegedly was killed as part of a street justice thing. Allegations are he was the driver in an earlier drive-by. Mentoring youth from arond the city in the third ward may not be any help. These youth are anxious tocome. The group needs to go to the troubled youth, the ones who are at risk.
This isn't the first such group. In the south side they had SOSAD-Save our Sons and Daughters. Lawler doesn't address the daughters. A recent Journal article told about the increase in female teen violence. Recently girls from Mackin rd fought with girls near Pontiac and Welch. Who is helping them.
Post Fri Nov 06, 2009 5:50 am 
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Picking up on part of a post(s) from others here, in regards to "mentoring" , I have to ask this question? What the hell did past generations do before people some one started "mentor programs" and being "mentors" ,,oh yeah,, they had "parents", two (usally) who kept their own kids in line. Now we have to have community parenting and mentoring . I don't know about the rest of you , but I am not certain if all this hullabaloo about "mentoring" is going to make any difference. I know, I know, you can't go back, Sorry for the digression, we will now return to the normally scheduled discourse on city politicking.

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:17 pm 
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back again

i mentor a few of my son's friends. it's no big deal. you just spend time and talk and listen to them. isn't that what every good human does?? after all, it's for the good of mankind right?

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:28 pm 
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El Supremo

Back Again- Your efforts are commendable and when working with the young are beneficial. Too many parents today are missing in action. In some parts of the city the gangs take the place of the family.
Office Carpenter and his PAl program can help but more groups need to step up to the plate and help provide alternative recreational and educational programs. One program can't do it all.
Post Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:06 am 
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I guess what I have issue with is all this , with the terms "mentor " and "mentoring" all are attempts to make it sound like something new, which it isn't. I just am tired of new phrases and slogan being came up with to try to rally people. Raise your kids, discipline the kids, correct the children, my parents did all this and I don't think they tried to use these pompus terms like "mentoring" , and trust me ,from what that has been desribed as my parents "mentored" a whole neighborhood of people. I remember a few years back in churches they had this group called "PROMISE KEEPERS' , where men were "mentored" to be better husbands and fathers and better men all around, sounded all nice to most people. But I asked " what the heck is going on im churches if there has to be a special group that attempts to carry this out?" I am puzzled why all of a sudden what used to be the "norm" now is all pumped up and being paraded as something so unique and wonderful all of a sudden? The "experts" in the 60s and the 70's helped mock and diminish what used to be called " good parenting" and now we have to have a whole village to do what parents used to do? This is progress? Sheesh , we have to have fads to bring us back to our senes? Well do what you want, I am just shaking my head in amazement that people think this so new.

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:17 pm 
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back again

hey man, the world doesn't stop because we reach a certain age. different things, different words. whats the big deal? it still amounts to helping your fellow human and thats been going on for a long time, and will continue. call it any name you wish but there are about 7,000,000,000 humans on this planet who are with you on this trip. you have a choice, stand back, do nothing to help our situation on our planet or help to make it a better place. whether you wish to accept it or not, we are all on this ship together.

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:49 am 
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Ive known backagain aka last time here for quite sometime and I can tell you he is one of the "Good guys" Very Happy . plus one hell of a BBQuerr. Very Happy of course hes always wrong on his politics but hey 2 out of three aint bad. Laughing

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:06 am 
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Community, family, mentors, all of the above are correct.

It's simple:

1. Families need to give loving homes to their children. They need to teach morals and accept nothing less than doing the right thing. Sorry people, your kids are not perfect. Neither are mine. Instead of making excused for them, explain the errors of their ways and punish if the sitation calls for it.

2. Community can lend itself to raising moral kids. If I did wrong away from home, usually one of two things happened. I would go home and find out a neighbor reported the trouble to my parents and they punished me. Or I would get a wooping from a neighbor. When I grew up, we knew our neighbors and my parents trusted their judgement.

3. Mentors seem to be a fad word right now. Teachers, coaches, etc. can all be mentors. We need to make sure that they are worthy of being around our children. If they are good people, they will have a positive impact on our children.

Whether it is a parent, community member or mentor, we all need to care enough to actually listen to our youth and give them respect. If we do not respect them and actually listen to them, they will not repect us and listen to us. Then how can we help them with their concerns and issue that might lead them astray.
Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:34 am 
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Lakewoman, Derrick1965, or any other Lawler Supporter,

I know we got off topic, but I still am waiting . So I will repeat:

I challenge anyone to name 2 legal things that Bernard Lawler has done for the 5th Ward!
Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:57 am 
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BA, seem to be missing the point. What I am saying is why do we need PSAs to hammer home the obvious? Why do we got to repackage things all the time for people see their relevance? I know we are supposed to be all connected and work together, that is EXACTLY my point, why do so many of these so called citizens in this country have to "educated" about this ? What the hell has gone so wrong with this country that we have to reintroduce concepts like this like we just discovered it? I am tired of cliches, of candlight vigils and sloganeering. I am growing weary of people having be taught the basics over and over again . I want a smarter populace, and that's a tall order in this country today I realize. What the hell are the churches ( pun intended) doing these days? What the hell are the parents doing ? Doesn't seem like squat. Oh yeah, worrying if their brats are going to have the newest version of the X Box, or Wii or whatever toy is the current rage. I think common sense should be ,well, more common. And that is what we are discussing, common sense.

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:50 pm 
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back again

common sense and reality. i got your point.
have you asked a church what they are doing about a particular youth problem? you don't know what churches may or may not be doing unless you've asked.

you want a smarter populace, well people in hell want ice water but it ain't gonna happen so what do you do? help change the situation or complain?

i'm sure millions have things they'd like to see changed but very few actually do anything about it. it's quite easy to armchair quarterback but try throwing that pass and see what happens. you might actually do something worthwhile.

i think our difference is in how we view that half glass of water. Laughing

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:27 pm 
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El Supremo

Good Point Elias12.
I was just reading in the Journal about the final sentencing of a group called Dynasty. This was part of a group of 20.
Nature abhors a vacuum and so do the gangs. This is only one of a series of gangs broke up in Flint. As soon as one falls another one forms.
The criminal justice system doesn't solve the problem. The community needs methods of intervention to stop our children from joining gangs.
Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:47 pm 
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BA, I have done more than than most to help. Won't bore you with the details, but I worked nine years , 9 YEARS, in a volunteer poistion. So who is the dammed "Arm Chair Quarterback" now? I will say time and time again that the parents have to do something and they are never pushed into that role. Everyone makes excuses for them, everyone rushes in to help and the lazy bastards never do anything for themselves. We always hear about this "Socetal Safety Net' ( and to some extent I think there has to be one) but to a lot of people that " Safety Net' has become a hammmock and they are holiday for life. No current program I have seen addresses the neglectful parents, instead the rest of the already functioning society has to pick up the slack , once again. At some point the decent people are going to be overburdened and no amount of lecturing and pep talks about their obligation will be able to lanuch them into action. Then what are you going to suggest? Laying the whip to their backs to get them moving? We got to find ways of making bad parents do their jobs, and all of this cant about social obligation doesn't seem to have any effect on them. Maybe the chance for jail time for neglient parents would inspire them to take an interest in their kids behavior. I hear howls of protest about to start so I will leave off with that.

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:47 pm 
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back again

ha ha ha.. i'm not going to waste my time with you. i simply feel one way and you another! have a wonderful day. Very Happy

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:18 pm 
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