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Topic: Will Flint Repay Furlough days!

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El Supremo

Todays Free Press reported that an administrative law judge ruled Friday that Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano did not have the authority to do the one-day-a-week layoffs. Theredor the county must repay 700 employees for the 3 Fridays they were laid off.

The county can appeal or do layoffs.

"In his ruling, Michigan Employment relations Commission Judge Doyle O'Connor said Ficano doesn't have the right to arbitrarily change his employees' workweek, but can isssue permanent layoffs."

The 3 AFSCME unions have been unable to reach an agreement.

The rumor has been circulatibg throughout city hall that AFSCME 1600 wion a similar victory.
Post Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:28 pm 
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"Even a bona fide financial crisis does not justify an Employer's repudiation of its contractual obligations or permit a unilateral change in conditions of employment," O'Connor wrote in his ruling.

Quoted from article at http://freep.com/article/20100220/NEWS02/2200375/1318/Feud-over-Friday-layoffs-heats-up
Post Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:04 pm 
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El Supremo

AFSCME 1799 won't be getting forlough pay because their union rep agreed to them.

The 1600 decision was said to have happened Tuesday and Walling could have rescinded Fridays furlough day. He must plan on appealing so the attornry fees will take away from any benefits that would be realized.
Post Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:05 pm 
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El Supremo

I just heard that Walling has rescinded all of the future furlough days.

And possible good news for 1799 who took the days off. It may be that their contract superceeds the agreement to the layoffs and they may get paid. However a number of them were able to work anyway.
Post Mon Feb 22, 2010 2:47 pm 
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Dave Starr

Which union covers which employees?

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:42 pm 
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El Supremo

1799 is the supervisors.
Post Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:19 am 
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El Supremo

City will compensate employees for 2 furlough days
By Laura Misjak | The Flint Journal
February 24, 2010, 5:00PM
FLINT, Michigan — The city’s attempt to save nearly $500,000 instead simply gave some employees two extra days off — with pay.

And, it also means that the city might face even more layoffs.

The time off was part of budget cuts ordered by Mayor Dayne Walling and was expected to save $483,000. However, the city’s largest employee union challenged the furlough days, claiming they violated its contract.

Now, after shutting down most of City Hall for two days earlier this month, the city has agreed.
Members of AFSCME Local 1600 will be reimbursed for those days off, said city personnel director Donna Poplar. The city still is calculating the number of employees who will have to be repaid and how much it will cost, Walling said.

“We put a number of options on the table as we tried to arrive at a cost-saving strategy,” he said. “We’re at a point now where we’re going to have to do some old-fashioned lay-offs.”

The city is considering indefinite week-to-week lay-offs, where employees wouldn’t be promised a return to their post, Poplar said. The lay-offs would be no less than one week and could last for months.

Union President Sam Muma could not be reached for comment.

Local 1600 employees work throughout city departments, Poplar said, and include customer service and economic development departments, among others.

Members of AFSCME Local 1799, which includes supervisors, has signed a letter of understanding regarding the furlough days. Local 1600 did not sign a letter.

Poplar said she hopes an agreement can be made with Local 1600 before lay-offs become the best option.

“The only thing we can do is lay-offs,” Poplar said of the contract’s stipulations. “We can’t reduce the employee work week. ... It’s only allowed with a letter of understanding.”

Poplar said a legal review found the unpaid days off violated the workers’ contract by cutting into the 40-hour work week the contract is based on.

It’s still being determined whether the remaining 10 days will continue to take effect for employees who are members of other unions, Walling said. That decision will be made next week.

City Councilman Scott Kincaid said lay offs may not be the best cost-cutting measure considering the benefits and unemployment the city has to pay.

He said council members learned of the reimbursed compensation when they received the settlement agreement between the city and union.

“I said from the beginning if the union doesn’t agree to the furlough days — which they didn’t — that the city didn’t have the right to force people off for one day at a time because their contract is based on a 40-hour work week, and whenever you reduce their work week then it’s a change in their contract,” Kincaid said. “They had two extra paid holidays.”
Post Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:28 pm 
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Thanks webs. You might have saved us a few hundred thousand.
Post Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:15 am 
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OJT (on the job training) leads to bad decisions!

Write this 100 times for punishment and cut your administrative budget by this amount. That's who needs furlough days!
Post Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:35 am 
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Also you might want to consider firing your legal counsel and budget director, unless of course you didn't consult them; then you need to go stand in the corner until you learn something.
Post Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:39 am 
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A desperate financial situation and a rapidly dwindling spiral.Ten years ago who considered GM a possible bankruptcy candidate ? A very few old cranks and Chicken Little's ? No,they saw the trends.Most weren't brilliant economists,or have Ivy League MBA's.They had common sense.And they told the truth .
If the voting Citizens of Flint don't elect competent leaders,then hold them accountable for outrageous decisions,the solution will be in disincorporation.Crazy?
Consider the State of Michigans economic plight,and the looming problems of the USA.Future aid to cities will be based on a diminished capacity and an increased need.The Legions are leaving.We need to get ahead of the curve.
Post Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:53 am 
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