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Topic: Scott Kincaid not looking out for his constituents or Flint

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Near the bottom of page one of the thread "New Community and Economic Director", I posted information that I found on Wendy Johnson. I definitely do not want her as DCED director after finding out about her.

You might also want to read this post from Mlive:

Posted by Gooch
February 23, 2010, 9:41PM
She already had a hand in the Gentrification of Metawanene Hills area. She claimed to be working for us while all along she was working towards this goal. It's the same old story for Flint. It's an outsider cashing in on us. She also worked for Genesys too. She's a professional siphon whore. She writes grants to fund projects that feed on moneys that could be put to good use rather then line people’s pockets! It's why getting Lawler elected was so important to her. Now he scratched back.

Well now I know why she has worked so hard to put together her package for selling our neighborhood out from under us. Now she's in charge of Economic Development who will be the buyer of what she sold herself. She will be her own best customer.

A storm is brewing. This is very shady and I for one will fight this!

With that said, in the Thursday, February 25 Flint Journal, they had the following, and I quote:

Councilman Scott Kincaid approved Johnson because she is funded from grant money rather than the general fund.

"The only reason I supported it is that the money for that position is not general fund money that could be used for police and fire," he said. "her benefits are completely covered by grants that we would receive."

Scott, are you tired of twenty plus years of being a Council person? I think it is fabulous that you are concerned how she is going to be paid. But what about checking her background and seeing if she is qualified for this position. Or checking to see if she has the ethics to hold that position. Did you ever think that maybe the Block Grant money could be put to better use than on Wendy Johnson? How did we pay for the Director of the DCED before, and where did that money go?

Scott, if you can't be bothered to take the time to take these things into account, maybe it's time to retire from council and let somebody who still cares about their constituents and the City of Flint step up to the plate. I know you say you look out for your constituents, but actions speak louder that words!

"When people fear their government, there is TYRANNY.
When the government fears the people, there is Liberty"

Thomas Jefferson
Post Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:47 pm 
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El Supremo

Even jackie Poplar knew this was a conflict of interest as Eason had just put her name forward as director of DCED.

Dave Starr

On Monday, Wendy Johnson of the Metawaneenee Hills Neighborhood Association will present their "master plan" for the area. I've heard that they have expanded their boundaries to Welch, Chevrolet, ML King & 10th Ave, and are pushing to get the entire area declared a historical district. I know that not all citizens in that area were asked for input, and Gooch (what happened to him?) has said that not all residents are invited to all meetings. Anyone interested should attend the council meeting to find out what they're up to. It sounds like only a few in the area are involved & everyone else is being left in the dark until it's a done deal.

posted Feb. 5,2010
Post Mon Mar 01, 2010 1:17 pm 
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