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Topic: will 12 hour police shifts end?

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El Supremo

Word is there may be a vote to end the 12 hour shifts patrol is eminent, possibly as early as Thursday. If that happens overtime may escalate.

Since the administration has refused to acknowledge potential savings from the 12 hour shifts, they can't complain when costs go up.
Post Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:45 pm 
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I don't understand. A lot of the officer, well, most that I have spoken to, like 12 hours, but jurisdictions and their elected officials don't like it....**shrug**
Post Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:52 pm 
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El Supremo

Might be a way to screw with the administration or with the reduced work force a 12 hour shift could be too stressful.

Actually the 12 hour shifts were always like a pilot program and a vote was inevitable.
Post Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:11 pm 
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El Supremo

Flint police to switch back to eight-hour shifts
By Laura Misjak | The Flint Journal
April 16, 2010, 5:21PM
FLINT, Michigan — Flint police officers are headed back to eight-hour shifts next month.

Officers began working 12-hour shifts on a trial basis in January and had narrowly voted Thursday to keep the arrangement.

But the arrangement has apparently been scuttled after the police sergeants union refused to continue the plan during contract negotiations.

“It’s a benefit for (the city) to have us be on 12-hour shifts,” said union head Sgt. Rick Hetherington said. “We’re in the process of negotiating a contract with the city, and we showed that that the 12-hour shifts can save them money.”

The sergeants union will consider a 12-hour shift change as part of contract concessions, Hetherington said.

The city has been trying to get its police unions to agree to cuts as it struggles with a projected $8-million deficit this year.

Forty six city police officers were laid off last month after unions refused requests for pay and benefit cuts.

Hetherington said the police administration issued a memo stating the department will return to eight-hour shifts May 16.

Public Safety Director Alvern Lock could not be reached for comment.

The switch to 12-hour shifts saved the city about $36,000 in overtime costs in February, said Flint police officers union head Keith Speer.

Mayor Dayne Walling said this month that the longer shifts have helped the city trim department costs.

“Over the test period that we’re in now, the overtime costs in the police department have been significantly reduced,” Walling said. “It’s possible that the 12-hour shift could be part of an overall contract package and of course that requires a new vote.”

But Walling has said there are drawbacks to 12 hour police shifts.

“The challenge with the 12-hour shifts is that police work in the city of Flint is tough and it’s very demanding on our officers to work 12-hour shifts,” he said.

A spokeswoman for Walling could not be reached for comment Friday.
Story tags: flint | police

Posted by flintmiusa
April 16, 2010, 8:00PM
I do not believe it will be the "wild wild west" but perhaps, on certain days, it will be close to that.

Id like to think the Mayor has a "PLAN" to combat everything on his C'ity's plate...

I'd also like to see his official comment (response) about "WHY" he canceled the City of Flint impound yard. Every cop I talk to says the impound yard was "making" the City money.

Each cop I talk to also says we are "paying an arm and a leg" to Complete Towing...such as the net amount owing AFTER a car/truck is sold. I hope that is untrue.

I have also heard that when a police cruiser breaks down, runs amok of a flat tire (or two) that Complete charges the City...nothing like Complete jamming it down the City's throats...

They have the contract yet rape the city for each and every item they can bill out. Just remember Mr Mayor and City Council...these small issues may not seem important now but just wait - look at what happened to the former Chief. Some entities have the capacity, will power, drive, resources and objectivity to pursue "cockeyed" contractual dealings. Remember, cell phone records leave a good trail...

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Posted by tdimhcs
April 17, 2010, 2:29AM
Is the reason the towing contract has not changed because someone in city hall is/has been getting a little something ($$$$) on the side?

If not, tell us the reason!
Post Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:24 am 
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