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Topic: MTA mistreating the disabled ?

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El Supremo

Remember how the MTA touted all of their services to the elderly and disabled when they wanted their millage renewed. They even got federal money to train their drivers on how to assist these populations.

Now they are getting heat in the community for their BAD attitudes and mistreatment of this segment of the population they claimed to be servicing. Tuesday mornings at the North End mini station had residents asking Channel 12 to do a story on the bad treatment some handicapped were receiving. Stories of wheelchair restricted individuals being stranded for hours while they tried to contact family and friends for help are being told.

Now, from the south side is the story of a rude and callous driver who allegedly told a handicapped person that he was tired of helping them get in and getting them in their restraints. The driver continued on to say they needed a class to teach themselves on how to push their wheelchair in and lock it in place. Anyone who has ever dealt with a wheelchair accessible vehicle knows that it is not a simple feat to accomplish and not one the wheelchair individual can do alone.

Perhaps these criticisms are the reason the MTA is running ads promoting themselves as caring and wonderful with the disabled.
Post Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:55 pm 
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