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When is the fighting going to STOP???????? Some members of the Genesee Township Board need to be RECALLED. When are the citizens of Genesee Township going to step up and say ENOUGH is ENOUGH. Question to ask, what has the Township Board actually done positive for the community? Think about it for a minute. Hmmmmmm I cannot think of anything that they have done positive becides taking the township into further debt to justify closing the townships doors. Do we want this board in here because of Wayne Bates or Steven Fuhr or Kathy Sutton? These clowns have no clue how to run a township. They violate the police contract by keeping five part-timers working while six full timers are laid off. Fuhr decided to take the contract violation to court and put the township further into debt. The township currently has four unfair labor suits pending against them. They spend thousand of dollars on an labor attorney out of the Detroit area who is sucking up the townships money and whom is an idiot I must add. FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) the expenses that the township is spending on this attorney and how much they have spent this year already for this attorney and i am sure you will be amazed. This township board wants to eliminate or disban the police department, meaning close the doors to Genesee Township, don't believe me! FOIA the five year budget plan they submitted to the State of Michigan a couple of weeks ago and it shows that they plan to close the doors to Genesee Township........ Success, Bates, Fuhr and Sutton can then walk away, wipe their hands clean and hold their middle finger in the air. They do not care what happens to the police department or the Township in general. Have you ever attended a board meeting at Genesee Township? These board members are all over the place and consistantly lie to citizen faces, they have no clue. Their campaign promises have not been followed " by the way a 30 percent pay cut WAS in your campaign ad guys, I have a copy " Wink So lie a little more to the community, it is quite clear now that it is personal between some of the board members to the police department and we know who you are. The truth will eventually come out SOON and the citizens of Genesee Township will know why you exactly ran for office Mr. Bates. Everyone who works at the police department has told me they are scared that they will not have a job soon. Now it is time for the citizens to know the truth behind the curtains of the board, take off your masks and its now time to fight, tell the truth board, tell the citizens of Genesee Township why you guys are really here before someone else does. Sometimes the truth will hurt, but the truth is, the citizens of Genesee Township need to know the truth. (SAVE GENESEE TOWNSHIP). More Information to come soon.... Smile
Post Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:24 pm 
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Sure can't tell YOU have a VESTED Interest in taking taxpayer money here!
(Greed is when you want more than your fair share, aka more than tax payers are willing to pay).

the REAL truth is tax dollars don't materialize out of thin air.

to ME, those lawsuits and greivances are proof of INTOLERANT INFLEXIBLE employees - standard police personality, fine for dealing with criminals, BUT not very good for dealing with their EMPLOYERS who pay the bill (NON Criminal Taxpayer/Voters!).

Instead of playing GAMES with enforcing non existant or subjective elements of a supposed contract, IF these employees REALLY feel so "agreived", they are perfectly free toFIND A DIFFERENT JOB,
duh, that's what the rest of us do.
UNLIKE us taxpayers who you seem to think are NOT FREE to choose.

Dictionary's are a good thing!!
Post Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:44 am 
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