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Topic: Why we need code enforcement

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El Supremo

Here is an example of what can happen when ineffective or incompetant building inspectors refuse to do their jobs.

Imagine a pristine, although older, neighborhoor where the residents are bordering on fanatical about maintaining their neighborhood. The area is known for it's flower gardens , manicured lawns and a willingness to help older neighbors maintain their properties. They even wrote a brochure defining their expectations of themselves and the administartion towards the goal of maintaining the neighborhood.

Then a home goes into foreclosure and starts to decline. The home is purchased by an investor who has a shady past with investment properties including the infamous Fisher Hotel. It takes Mayor Willimson to force the inspectors to cite the home for some of the more serious and glaring deiciencies when the home starts sporting a "For Rent" sign. The home had not yet received a rental license.

The investor rented the house to individuals with no incentive to keep the home and yard clean. They brought in pit bulls and refused to clean up after them or make sure they were securely confined. Screens were torn off windows, windows were broken, and the new screen door was trashed. Their kids did not always attend school and were frequently dirty and unkept. They invaded the yards of the neighbors creating damge. The children complained of being hungry.

The homes residents retaliated and made threats after neighbors filed complaints. They frequently let the lawn grow long, ran cords from window to window, and let the home continue to decline. Without intervention from city administration, the home deteriorated and the inspectors could find nothing wrong. Finally the residents of the trouble spot stopped taking their garbage out. After nearly 2 months of this, roaches began entering the homes of nearly everyone in the block.

Years ago the 4h ward had a problem like this. After a condemned house was destroyed, cockroaches could be seen marching down a street in columns, almost like soldiers. The news covered that story.

The owner of the home has been indicted and hasn't paid the taxes in over 2 years. There may be an end to this nightmare saga.
Post Wed Jul 28, 2010 4:20 pm 
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untanglingwebs schreef:
Here is an example of what can happen when ineffective or incompetant building inspectors refuse to do their jobs. (snip)

The owner of the home has been indicted and hasn't paid the taxes in over 2 years. There may be an end to this nightmare saga.
Indicted for . . .unpaid taxes? Unrelated charges?

Inspectors refused to do their job, or was it a time when there were no inspectors for rentals?
Post Wed Jul 28, 2010 5:50 pm 
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El Supremo

The owner was part of the fraud case involving Executive Motors and other car dealers. He and his Traverse City partner on many homes in Flint and have allowed drug dealers to live in more than one.

One of them also owns the house in the Fairfield area by the Creek (Riverdale I believe) where the fraternity from U of M-Flint has been creating havoc. That neighborhood complained so much they have been told the city is taking the fraternity to court for violating of the city zoning ordinances.

The 2 inspectors currently in place and others in the department have ignored the complaints and/or have dismissed complaints even when it was obvious things were wrong.
Post Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:44 pm 
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