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Topic: Serial Killer raisiing racial tensions against Arab America?

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El Supremo

I have been to many meetings in which there was anger aimed at Arab Americans, primarily because they own a number of party stores and small grocery stores. i have heard anger because the Arab American store owners frequently lived in the suburbs and "they were taking he money out of the black community". So are racial tensions between African Americans and Arab Americans growing or was it always there and this reporter merely picked up on the tension while reporting the story?

Racial tensions grow after NAACP meeting
by Dave Kinchen
Posted: 08.26.2010 at 11:23 AMsavesendprint
Dave Kinchen
Dave joined NBC25 in Sept. 2007. He enjoys reporting on political and business issues.

FLINT -- Racial tensions reached a new high in Flint this week with controversial comments from a long-time community activist and former elected official. It happened at a forum hosted by the NAACP’s Flint chapter Monday, where families of stabbing victims questioned police about what they knew and when they knew it.

During the public comment portion of the meeting, former State Representative Vera Rison said, “It’s not black and white anymore. There’s another race of people in this community.” To many Arab-Americans, it was a clear shot targeting them. Mona Sahouri was furious. She is the executive director of the Arab-American Heritage Council.

“He (Elias Abuelazam) does not represent the Arab-American community,” she said. “That’s like saying if someone from the African-American community robbed somebody, that’s classifying all of the African-Americans as a bunch of robbers and gang members. I wouldn’t stand for that,” she added.

Sahouri said a healing dialogue will begin in the coming days between her and Rison. This comes on top of community discussions hosted by the Council in the last few weeks, as news of the serial stabber developed.

Meanwhile Rison could not be reached for comment as of Wednesday. NBC25 also contacted the Flint chapter of the NAACP for comment, but officials refused to comment before their next meeting with organization members.
Post Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:01 pm 
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El Supremo

We also have the view that the serial killing was based on race. But, recent stories have revealed he came to the USA because he was being investigated for a stabbing in Israel. Is he a psycopathic killer looking for those most vulnerable?

Was he targeting black victims primarily because of the high rate of violence in the black community or because socioeconomic conditions placed them in positions of opportunity? The authorities seemed to dismiss the idea of a serial killer for a long time.

Remember the Atlanta child murders that police refused to take seriously at first because they occurred among a population at risk. Many times those who target the homeless and prostitutes get away with their crimes for a long time.

Has the police forces been depleted to such a low point that we no longer have the adequate resources to see patterns before so many die?

Was it hate? A former Flint cop has his say
Published: Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 10:34 PM Updated: Thursday, August 26, 2010, 7:57 AM
Andrew Heller | Flint Journal

For the moment, I disagree with Brian Willingham about the nature of the serial killer’s attacks.

He’s with those in Flint who say the mayor, prosecutor and police chief are wrong when they say suspect Elias Abuelazam didn’t target black men.

Willingham - a former Flint cop and the author of the book “Soul of a Black Cop” – is a Facebook friend of mine, and earlier this week we got into a miniature debate about Abuelazam.

I won’t bore you with my contributions, other than to say I can’t imagine what three of the top officials in town would possibly have to gain by saying that Abuelazam didn’t use skin color to target his alleged victims.

Presumably, they have some evidence to back up that claim – a statement from Abuelazam, perhaps. But if they do, why aren’t they sharing it? And if they don’t, they’re going to have to do a lot better than their current line of reasoning, which goes that if there’s no direct evidence, there’s no hate crime. Because the opposite is obviously true, as well: A lack of evidence doesn’t prove that he didn’t target by skin color, either.

Anyway, back to Willingham. I thought his comments were insightful and probably shared by a lot of people in town, so, with his permission, I thought I’d share edited excerpts:

He wrote: “I'm appalled that (they) have the nerve to have a meeting in the black community - at the church no less - and tell the black community that the recent attacks on black men in Flint by the serial killer are not racially motivated.

“If it were 15 women being targeted, we would say killer is targeting women. If it were 15 children, we would say children are the target. But when it's black men being targeted, we're not sure if this was the intention of the killer? What's going on in Flint?

“I think there's a denial on the part of the system, for what reason I don't know. Black men are predominately homicide victims at the hands of black men every day. I think people might be inclined to say, ‘Oh well, they are self-destructive anyway, so why should we be concerned about a serial killer attacking black men?’

“Despite the negative images of black men, they can be victims of crime just like anyone else. They can be just as vulnerable when targeted. All victims of crime deserve the same protection and validation from the system. In this case it didn't happen. What message are we to get from this?

“We should be able to acknowledge that black men were targets. People in the community want to feel safe, and especially when there's so much lawlessness in Flint, they want to feel protected and valued by the powers that be.”

Furthermore, he said, the answer to Flint’s violence problem “is that City Hall and the Flint schools must begin and aggressive anti-violence program for urban youth starting in the early elementary years.”

And on that point, I couldn’t agree with him more.
Post Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:21 pm 
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El Supremo

'The Grim Sleeper': A Dozen Black Victims, Two Decades, No Suspect
By Denver Louis on Mar 4th 2009 9:00AM
Filed under: BlackSpin, Crime and Courts, News, Race and Society, News
Comments (41)
With HP wireless printers, you could have printed this from any room in the house. Live wirelessly. Print wirelessly.
The LAPD is staking it's claim as the most inept police department in the country.

In nearly two decades, 11 or more people have been murdered by the same man, with the police department nearly powerless to stop it.

Recently, an emergency call from 1987 was released in hopes of getting a lead on L.A.'s most notorious serial killer, dubbed the "grim sleeper" for the significant time lapse in between his killings. The killer has been at large since 1985, despite a $500,000 reward and samples of his DNA on file. As far as the police know, all of his victims have been black.

So what's taking so long? ...

Murderer on the Loose
On Wednesday, police in Los Angeles released a 1987 emergency call in the hopes of finding an elusive serial killer known as the "Grim Sleeper." The two-minute call was made by a man who told police he saw a blue-and-white van dump the body of 23-year-old Barbara Ware, seen above.

Ware, who had a history of prostitution, was found shot to death in a South Los Angeles alley. Here, from left, Captain Denis Cremins, Detective Dennis Kilcoyne and Chief William Bratton stand behind a photo of the van described in the call.

The man on the call gave the license plate number of the van and police eventually located the vehicle at a church. "Then the trail stops there," said Kilcoyne. "It sounds like it was a pretty good road map for the investigation at the time and it just fizzled out." Here, a billboard advertises a reward for information on the killer, who has murdered at least 11 times in nearly a quarter century.

The suspect kills by gunshot or strangulation, in some cases both, usually after some kind of sexual contact. Ten victims were women, all were black and several were prostitutes. The bodies were all found outside, usually in dirty alleyways a few miles south of downtown. The Associated Press

The biggest lead the police have is a call from a man who says he saw a body being thrown out of a van. Unfortunately, the caller couldn't identify the driver and declined to identify himself.
According to the Associated Press...

Six victims were found with the killer's DNA on them but a search of prisoner databases came up blank. Detectives went on to ask the California Department of Justice to run a DNA search that sought possible matches to the killer's relatives.
Post Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:37 pm 
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El Supremo

Expert: Black Serial Killers Not So Uncommon

Beverly Corbell, The Advertiser (LA), Jun. 22, 2003

LAFAYETTE — While the Multi-Agency Homicide Task Force that investigated the south Louisiana serial killings focused much of its 10-month search on finding a white man, the suspect who now sits in an East Baton Parish jail is black.

One professor who has consulted with police departments nationwide on serial crimes said black serial killers are more common than many think.

Derrick Todd Lee was arrested in late May in connection with the deaths of four women from Baton Rouge and one from Lafayette. DNA evidence pointed to a sixth victim from Addis on Wednesday.

National expert Eric W. Hickey, speaking with The Daily Advertiser from his Fresno, Calif., home, said that police sometimes make assumptions based on race.

“It’s a myth that serial killers are all white. There are actually several black serial killers, but historically, we have not paid much attention,” Hickey said. “If a poor, black male was preying on black prostitutes, it wouldn’t make the news.”

Hickey said roughly

80 percent of serial killers are white, but a recent study he conducted of 400 serial killers showed

22 percent to be of African-American descent.

At any given time, Hickey said, there are 30 to 40 active serial killers on the loose in the United States.

Most serial killings tend to be within race lines, white-on-white or black-on-black, Hickey said. That should have tipped off police in Atlanta when they were investigating the slayings of more than 20 black children, for which Wayne Williams, a black man, was arrested in June 1981.

“They should have known no white man was going to walk into a ghetto,” he said.

But the same kind of assumption might have led Louisiana authorities to believe the serial killer was white. Four of the five victims of the serial killer were white: Baton Rouge residents Gina Wilson Green, Charlotte Murray Pace, Pam Kinamore and Carrie Lynn Yoder. Victim Trineisha Dené Colomb of Lafayette was a light-skinned black woman. On Wednesday, the death of a sixth victim, Geralyn DeSoto, was linked to Lee by DNA evidence. DeSoto was also white.For months, the public suspected a white man had committed the killings. It wasn’t until after the sketch of a black man wanted in attacks against women in Breaux Bridge was released on May 23 that Lee was apprehended. The task force received more than 600 calls in the next few days and Lee was arrested in Atlanta four days later.

“We don’t think of black males as being psychopathic,” he said. “We’re in denial because we get so caught up in profiles we develop, we don’t think outside the box.”

White or black, most serial killers are psychopaths and feel no sense of remorse, Hickey said.

“Ninety percent of all psychopaths in serial murder are men, and it’s always about control and power,” he said. “It’s a sense of control with no conscience.”

Half of all slayings in the United States are never prosecuted, Hickey said, and most serial killing cases don’t get national media attention.

“It is possible to get away with murder,” he said. “But it’s a myth that they (serial killers) are all Hannibal Lector types. A lot are just average. The ones who make the news are more the anomalies.”

Hickey has been following news accounts of Lee’s arrest in which those who knew Lee say he apparently came from a good family and was known as a friendly guy.

Most serial killers have deep-seated psychological problems, Hickey said.

“Something always happens in that person’s life when he was young that influenced him as an adult. There is always a problem,” he said.

When the “problem” becomes manifested, the serial killer acts on others, not the on original source, Hickey said.

“It’s called proxy murders,” he said, “when they can’t kill the person they really hate.”

Serial Killing Is No Longer A White Folks Thing
Earl Ofari Hutchinson, AlterNet, Oct. 31, 2002

Many a black comedian has perversely cracked that blacks may kill each other, but they don’t shoot-up, blow-up, or hack-up crowds of people. This bit of gallows humor always gets an uproarious laugh from black audiences. For decades blacks took morbid pride and comfort in the notion that despite the long, tortured experience of slavery, segregation, racially motivated violence and poverty, mass killing supposedly was a white folks thing.

The assumption was that all serial killers were young, whacked out white males. It is easy to believe that. In the rash of Hollywood slasher, horror, and maniacal thrill kill films, serial killers are routinely depicted as deranged white males. The obsessive media attention on serial killers such as Son of Sam, David Berkowitz, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and the Unabomber, also reinforce the notion that serial killers are loopy white males. The horde of police, profiling experts, and psychologists that paraded endlessly across the TV screen during the serial sniper ordeal speculating about who the killer was and why he killed bought into this stereotype.

If, as it appears, John Allen Muhammad, cold-bloodedly gunned down a dozen persons, and terrorized the Washington D.C. area, they were all embarrassingly, and wildly wrong in their assumptions. And all the old profiles and theories about who mass killers are must be scrapped. But then again those profiles should be scrapped. Muhammad is not a total aberration.

Two studies on serial killers that specifically looked at the race of the killers found that blacks make up about 15 percent of America’s rogue’s gallery of mass murderers.

Their ghastly killings still strike fear, dread and disgust in the communities they pillaged. During the 1980s, Wayne Williams was convicted of multiple murders in Atlanta and authorities think he may have killed even more. Coral Watts claimed that he killed 13 women in several states. In the early 1990s, Cleophus Prince Jr. stabbed six women in San Diego, and authorities in East St. Louis strongly suspect a black man is responsible for a string of still unsolved killings of prostitutes in the area.

The victims of black serial murderers almost always are other blacks, who most often live in the poorest inner city neighborhoods where the murder rates are far higher than in middle-class suburbs. Because black on black violence is so entrenched and pervasive, it is far too often considered routine, and police are often more lax in their attitudes toward the violence than if the victims were white. This makes it much easier for black serial murders to go undetected for far longer times.

The implicit message is that black lives are expendable. This perceived devaluation of black lives through the horrid mix of racism, ignorance, and indifference has encouraged disrespect for the law and has forced many blacks to internalize anger and displace aggression onto other blacks. And that’s important to understand, because those young blacks that commit random self-destructive acts, no matter how far beyond the pale of society’s accepted code of behavior, still are savvy enough to target victims who pose no real physical or personal threat to them. The serial sniper’s victims fit that profile. They were racially diverse, posed no danger to the sniper, and were apparently chosen at random.

In the immediate weeks before Muhammad’s alleged terror spree there are disturbing signs that more blacks driven by rage, bitterness, and frustration, are more willing than ever to wreak random and grotesque violence on themselves and others. In September, a pack of young, one as young as 10 years old, and not so young black males, mauled a hapless man in Milwaukee. In June, another mob of young blacks grabbed national headlines when they stomped to death two men in Chicago. The mob’s victims in Milwaukee and Chicago were low-income, middle-aged men, or had alcohol and drug problems. They were easy pickings, just as the serial sniper’s victims were.

Though it’s not yet known exactly what drove Muhammad to his alleged killing binge, it is known that he was a man consumed by personal rage and frustration over failed marriages, tangled personal relationships, sour business dealings, and a rocky military career. These personal demons, not terrorist ties of which authorities have yet to find evidence, may well have been enough to push him to commit his monstrous destructive acts.

But equally ominous, his killing rampage showed that it is a perilously short step from the random violence that claims innocent lives, causes monumental personal suffering, and paralyzes many poor, inner city black neighborhoods, to random violence that causes personal suffering, and paralyzes whole cities, even a nation. That’s a terrible price to pay for ignoring walking time bombs such as Muhammad. And as we discovered with him, they can come in all colors.

Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and columnist. Visit his news and opinion website: www.thehutchinsonreport.com. He is the author of The Crisis in Black and Black (Middle Passage Press).


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Post Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:44 pm 
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El Supremo

Posted: April 9, 2009 12:21 PM BIO

When a Serial Killer Targets Poor Black Women

CNN went further than any national media outlet ever went when it recently implored viewers and its website readers to help Los Angeles police hunt down the Grim Sleeper. That's the macabre play on the Grim Reaper; the old English term and symbol for death. The Grim Sleeper has been on the prowl for nearly two decades in South Los Angeles neighborhoods. His targets have been mostly poor women, some have been prostitutes, others drug addicted or with petty criminal records. All have been black.

This brought the standard charge that police foot drag in catching the killer when the victims are poor black women. Critics say that if the Grim Sleeper's victims were middle class white women, police and city officials would pull out all stops to catch the killer. This is not the first time serial killings of poor black women have brought loud shouts of a racial double standard in how police deal with them. The double standard charge has been made against police in serial killings in Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia, and lately in the Washington D.C. area. A decade ago community groups in East St. Louis were outraged when they learned that city officials turned down offers from the FBI to help in nabbing a serial killer suspected of killing 13 women during a two year span. Red faced city officials back pedaled fast and accepted FBI help.

It's not just the race of the victims that have stirred rage. It's also the race of the killers. In Los Angeles and the other big cities, the serial killers have been black. This blows the myth that serial killers are mostly young white males. About one out of five of serial killers are black males. But black on black homicides always fuels suspicion that police take these crimes less seriously.

Police and prosecutors bristle at the charge that they are less diligent when it comes to nailing serial killers who kill blacks than whites. In Los Angeles, officials pleaded that they were under staffed, lacked the resources, and technology to make a swift arrest when the killings began there years ago. There's truth to that. In the past decade, there's been a tremendous advance in the use of computer matches, and forensic and DNA testing. This has helped police quickly zero in on likely suspects. In Los Angeles, police officials have gone further and set-up special task forces to track down the killer. Yet, it's also true that the serial killer's victims in inner city neighborhoods are not the type of women who reflexively ignite police and public outrage. There are reasons, troubling reasons, for this.

The long running Grim Sleeper killing saga underscores the great threat of murder and criminal violence to many black women. Homicide ranks as a major cause of death for young black females. A black woman is more likely to be raped and assaulted than a white woman. While the media at times magnifies and sensationalizes crimes by black men against white women, it ignores or downplays crimes against black women.

Then there's the drug menace. Nearly half of the women behind bars in America are there for drug-related offenses, the majority are black. Some of the suspected serial murder victims in Los Angeles had a rap sheet for drug use. They easily fit the popular public and media profile of the drugged-out, derelict black woman.

There's also the notion that these women are dangerous women. The police slayings of black women in some cities, the upswing in violent crimes by women, and Hollywood films that show black women as swaggering, trash talking, gun-toting, and vengeful stoke public jitters about these women. One in four women is now imprisoned for violent crimes, and half of them are black.

According to annual reports from the Sentencing Project on crime and imprisonment in America, for the first time in American history black women in some states are imprisoned at nearly the same rate as white men. They are being jailed at even younger ages than ever. American Bar Association studies have found that teen girls account for more than one-quarter of the juvenile arrests, are committing more violent crimes, and are slapped back into detention centers after release faster than boys. Black girls were arrested and jailed in far greater numbers than white girls.

CNN's admirable crusade to catch the Grim Sleeper has certainly made the public much more aware of the peril that many black women face on the streets; and part of that peril is the possibility of being the victim of a serial killer. That's also made police even more determined to nail their killer.

Unfortunately, it took an ugly and embarrassing media spotlight on the gruesome serial killings in Los Angeles to heighten police and public awareness that serial killers come in all colors, and more often than not their victims are poor, black women.

Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst. His weekly radio show, "The Hutchinson Report" can be heard on weekly in Los Angeles on KTYM Radio 1460 AM and nationally on blogtalkradio.com

Books & More From Earl Ofari Hutchinson
Post Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:50 pm 
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El Supremo

Personally I find this group to be more than a little scary! Paris “share a bike” program overwhelmed by theft and vandalism from immigrants.
Crucifix Banned From Italy’s Schools By New EU Court Ruling. »

Nov New media lie: Black serial killers only kill other black people.
According to the DOJ, between 1976 and 2005 blacks committed 59% of all felony murders in the United States. Blacks were three times more likely to commit murder than Latinos, nine times more likely than whites, and ten times more likely than Asians.

Not only are blacks nine time more likely to be murderers than white people, black men are about two and a half times as likely to be a serial killer than white men.

In order to combat this information, the media ignores it and for years constantly reported that “all serial killers are white.” The number of black serial killers keeps piling up, and with the body count of a black serial killer in Cleveland piling up, it is very hard for the media to continue perpetuating this absurd lie. A new fabrication being repeated on the mainstream media now is “black serial killers only kill other black people.” Once again this is blatantly false.

Several of the most notorious and prolific serial killers in US history.

Coral Watts, probably the worst US serial killer on the 20th century. He was convicted of killing 13 women, twelve of them white. However it is believed by law enforcement that he killed many more. Estimates of the true body count range into several dozen. All of his known victims were young and beautiful. One was only 14.

Matthew Macon. This black serial killer raped and murdered five women in Lansing, Michigan. All of his victims were white.

DC Snipers. A former bodyguard for Louis Farrakhan with an underage homosexual illegal alien boyfriend “sniped” eleven people in Washington DC. Nine died. The victims were a mix of different races.

Worst group serial killings in US history have been blacks.

Zebra Killing. The worst group serial killings in the US of 20th century. Members of a Nation of Islam splinter group called the “Black Angels of Death” began murdering white people. Four were sentenced to prison for 16 murders and 10 attempted murders. However, San Fransisco law enforcement believes that the true death toll is 72 or higher.

Nat Turner Killing. The worst group serial/spree killings in the US of the 19th century. A group of blacks led by a man claiming to speak to God went on a rampage. They killed 55 white men, women and children using garden tools to hack the victims. Today, black newspaper, and militant black organizations openly regard Nat Turner as a “black hero.”

Brothers to go on trial for execution killings.
Black serial killers. Why are they censored in the media?
Black serial killers.
Miami to hire Nation of Islam “rent-a-cops” to patrol black slums.
Blacks in Oakland celebrate racially motivated murder of four white police officers.

Views and opinions are not necessarily those of the Council of Conservative Citizens.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 4th, 2009 at 1:47 pm and is filed under Crime, Media. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
Post Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:02 pm 
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untanglingwebs schreef:
We also have the view that the serial killing was based on race. But, recent stories have revealed he came to the USA because he was being investigated for a stabbing in Israel. Is he a psycopathic killer looking for those most vulnerable?
From the December 2007 Scientific American Mind | What "Psychopath" Means, It is not quite what you may think
By Scott O. Lilienfeld and Hal Arkowitz.

We have all heard these phrases before. “Violent psychopath” (21,700). “Psychopathic serial killer” (14,700). “Psychopathic murderer” (12,500). “Deranged psychopath” (1,050). The number of Google hits following them in parentheses attests to their currency in popular culture. Yet as we will soon discover, each phrase embodies a widespread misconception regarding psychopathic personality, often called psychopathy (pronounced “sigh-COP-athee”) or sociopathy. Indeed, few disorders are as misunderstood as is psychopathic personality. In this column, we will do our best to set the record straight and dispel popular myths about this condition.
Post Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:16 pm 
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El Supremo

00SL2 schreef:
untanglingwebs schreef:
We also have the view that the serial killing was based on race. But, recent stories have revealed he came to the USA because he was being investigated for a stabbing in Israel. Is he a psycopathic killer looking for those most vulnerable?
From the December 2007 Scientific American Mind | What "Psychopath" Means, It is not quite what you may think
By Scott O. Lilienfeld and Hal Arkowitz.

We have all heard these phrases before. “Violent psychopath” (21,700). “Psychopathic serial killer” (14,700). “Psychopathic murderer” (12,500). “Deranged psychopath” (1,050). The number of Google hits following them in parentheses attests to their currency in popular culture. Yet as we will soon discover, each phrase embodies a widespread misconception regarding psychopathic personality, often called psychopathy (pronounced “sigh-COP-athee”) or sociopathy. Indeed, few disorders are as misunderstood as is psychopathic personality. In this column, we will do our best to set the record straight and dispel popular myths about this condition.

My description of the suspect as a possible psychopath was based on comments from people who frequented the store where he worked and the reports of his behavior in israel and Virginia. People called him pleasant, likable, courteous and flirty with the women. He reportedly engaged in violent and aggressive behavior, such as brawls, and was under investigation for a stabbing in Israel. These characteristics sort of coincide with the "charming but callous" description in this article. If quilty, he does not appear to have a conscience.
Post Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:33 pm 
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Did the local NAALCP miss the part about 3 of the stabbers victims being non black. Confused Rolling Eyes

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:29 pm 
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El Supremo

Adam- The perception, and some possible truth, is that when the victims are poor blacks the police higher ups ignore the signs of a serial killer at work. Social class plays a role. Poor black kids in Atlanta, street prostitutes (mostly blsck) in south LA, and many more instances illustrate this issue that race and social class play a role. If the community had been warned and given the description of the truck, would the killing have continued.

Years ago womwn were disappearing from the East side without a trace. It was happening at a rate too frequent too ignore, but never a hint of a story about a serial killer. After the RICO case and the imprisonment of a gang enforcer, the disappearances stopped.
Post Fri Aug 27, 2010 7:53 am 
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