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Topic: Walling taking on Leyton?

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El Supremo

leyton must want out of the Prosecutors job as he has been searching for an appointment,including a judge position!

Posted on January 16, 2011 by Crusader News Service


Walling Takes Shots at
Prosecuting Attorney's
Office in Meeting With
Murder Victim Families

Crusader News Service
Executive Editor & Publisher

Flint Mayor Dayne Walling met Saturday at the North Flint Police Mini Station on M.L. King with families of murder victims, and was highly critical of Genesee County Prosectuor David Leyton.

Leyton could not be reached for comment because the Genesee County Prosecutor's Office is closed on Sunday.

Walling made his comments Saturday to a small group and a video was posted online by Good Morning Flint's Terry Bankert on his FacebooK Page. More than a dozen members of the local law enforcement community sent texts, e-mails or called the FAME HOT LINE to complain about Mayor Walling's comments after watching the video.

"He talks about 40,000 outstanding warrants and how does he come off blaming the prosecutor," said one caller who identified himself as a current member of the Flint Police Department, but asked that his name not be used. "If Walling wants those warrants cleared up, he should attack the ones first with multiple warrants. As for the rest of them, the city jail should be open to give them a place to stay until they pay up on their fines. Or how about hiring a minimum wage person to sit and call phone numbers of people with warrants to let them know they need to pay up or face being arrested. But who is gonna go arrest these people? Walling keeps laying off police officers, so who can do this? It's not the job of the prosectuor's office to go pick these people up. I'm sure Mr. Leyton will send someone to prosecte if Mr. Walling's team can get some police officers to pick up the dangerous thugs who have warrants out for them. As to most of them, he can send his own prosecutor from the city attorney's office. That comes under his budget, his control. This guy is just full of hot air, pointing fingers at everyone except looking into the mirror."

"Mr. Walling, I'm on duty right now as a Flint police officer, and there are five of us tonight with one sitting on his butt back at the station which is closed up on weekends," said another by text. "We won't get to all the calls tonight, so how do you suppose we are to work on 40,000 people wanted on warrants? You are an absolute joke."

A member of the prosectuor's team called to say, "Don't reveal who I am but hey Hot Line, let everyone know Mr. Leyton has a reduced staff but can certainly keep up with the work load from Walling's joke of a police force. No disrespect to the officers who are there, well maybe to a few, but Mayor Walling needs to put some police officers on the street before he starts throwing stones at Mr. Leyton and the feds. If I didn't hear it with my own ears, I would not have believed such comments could come from someone who is mayor of a city. Dayne Walling is a disgrace. These comments will spell an end to his job of pretending to play mayor when he has no clue what he's doing."

Calls to the FAME HOT LINE can be directed to (810) 406-1695 if any readers would like to defend Mayor Walling's comments on Saturday. E-mails can be directed to FAME HOT LINES and letters can be sent c/o ADvantage Media Group, Suite 120 at 801 South Grand Traverse, Flint, MI 48503. Comments can also be directed via a private or public message on FacebooK.

Walling complained to the families of murder victims about unsolved crimes, saying, ""Every one of those that's unsolved means there's somebody out in our community who commited that crime whose either committed more of them, or who could commit one in the future. The other thing I do want you to hear from me is that we do have a real problem with the criminal justice system as a whole... Obvioulsy I don't supervise the prosecutor and he does not have to listen to anything I say. The (Genesee County Board of Commissioners) sets his budget and there's a different relationship there, but we've got a problem with that whole system. I'm talking about if nobody shows up for the appearance tickets, we've got 40,000 outstanding arrests in the City of Flint, outstanding warrants. Some of those are multiple for the same individual. Our jail is over-stuffed every day of the week. SOmething about this system is not working right. There are too many plea bargains. There are not enough individuals being prosectued in the federal system for the gun crimes so they can not be a burden on our own local and state systems."

Walling vowed to get input from citizens to "come up with recommendations" to improve the criminal justice system, saying, "We are gonna have to fix this system."


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Last edited by untanglingwebs on Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:51 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:25 pm 
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Walling is complaining about people with warrants not being picked up by the Prosecutor's office. Now I know why Walling thinks it's OK to lay off so many police. He probably thinks the Prosecutor's office is also supposed to do patrols, make arrests, fill out paperwork and man the jails. Maybe in Walling's World (where the sun never shines), that's how it works.

It’s all smoke and mirrors to throw scrutiny on anybody but himself. Walling knows that his pathetic administration cannot stand up to scrutiny. And this man was a Rhodes Scholar. My opinion of Rhodes Scholars has been greatly diminished.

While the Prosecutor's office is fighting crime on the streets, maybe we can get them to fight fires as well so Walling can keep laying more firefighters off as well!

"When people fear their government, there is TYRANNY.
When the government fears the people, there is Liberty"

Thomas Jefferson
Post Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:32 pm 
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