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Topic: What does Ohio Senate vote mean for unions?

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El Supremo

Republicans are threatened by the power of the unions to "Get Out The Vote" and usually for Democratic candidates. The question is will this lead to court battle? What do you think the ultimate outcome will be for the heavy handedness the Republican Party is displaying in their effort to destry union power? Could this be a response to the anger over the organization ACORN and their affiliation with the SEIU? ACORN campaigned heavily in Wisconsin and Ohio as well as a number of other states.

Mar 02, 2011
Ohio Senate votes to bar state workers from striking, negotiating benefits
05:15 PMYahoo! BuzzShare
By Michael Winter, USA TODAY

The Ohio Senate has narrowly approved legislation barring public employees from striking and from bargaining over health care, sick time and pension benefits.

The measure, which would apply to about 360,000 state, university and local government workers, creates a new contract-dispute process that involves elected officials, Cincinnati.com says. The legislation passed, 17-16, with six GOP lawmakers joining all 10 Democrats in voting no.

The measure now goes to the Republican-controlled House. Gov. John Kasich has said he supports such legislation. Echoing his fellow Republican in Wisconsin, Gov. Scott Walker, Kasich said he will present a budget package March 15 that will call for restricting collective bargaining rights for public workers.

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Post Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:43 pm 
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El Supremo

This bill is not related to any deficit or budget issue. According to the Young Turk Cenk Uyger, there is even an attachment about abortion.

Ohio is a "Rust Belt" state with high unemployment and many serious issues. These politicians do a disservice to their constituents when they only deal with their perssonal political agenda aaand don't deal with jobs and other critical needs of the state. tax breaks for the wealthy have been shown not to improve the economy.

Is our nation headed in the direction of the rioting Middle East countries? The issues they are fighting over such as high unemployment, high fuel prices, high food costs and a restrictive government are occurring here. can this country really afford to continue this Republican assault on the middle class.

Ohio Senate Passes Union-Busting Bill to Kill Rights to Bargain ...
Mar 3, 2011 ... But, he added, "We are hopeful those in the Ohio House will see this bill is ... Confirmed: Union-Bashing Right-Wing Media Stars Hannity, ...
http://www.alternet.org/newsandviews/article/511271/ohio_senate_passes_union-busting_bill_to_kill_rights_to_bargain,_strike/ - - Cached

Ohio Senate Passes Union-Busting Bill to Kill Rights to Bargain, Strike

While Wisconsin Dems have dug in their heels and protesters have gotten nationwide support, Ohio sneakily dealt a blow to labor yesterday. The OH State Senate passed a bill that not only strips public employee unions of their bargaining rights, but obliterates their right to strike. Using the deceptive Walker “budget cuts” tactic, it was narrowly passed 17-16, affecting a larger population than Wisconsin that has long been a union stronghold. The vote now goes to the House, where Republicans hold a majority and union members are not optimistic. WSJ:

"We're expecting it to pass," said Jason Perlman, a spokesman for the Ohio AFL-CIO. But, he added, "We are hopeful those in the Ohio House will see this bill is nothing more than an attack on the middle class."

Republican lawmakers say worker pay and benefit cuts are needed to offset projected budget shortfalls. "If we're going to grow in Ohio, we cannot raise taxes," Republican state Sen. Keith Faber said Wednesday.

Tax the poor, let the rich run free: typical GOP “budget cuts.” Yesterday, in advance of the vote, upwards of 8000 people gathered in Capitol Square to protest the bill, which would affect over 400,000 firefighters, police officers, teachers, and other state and local government workers. "Some state leaders have gone too far," said US Labor Secretary Hilda Solis last night, in a conference call the Communications Workers of America. "Budget sacrifices are one thing, but demanding workers give up their rights as union members is another." Read more at the WSJ.

By Julianne Escobedo Shepherd | Sourced from AlterNet
Post Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:26 am 
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