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Topic: Board of Review loses John Carpenter!

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El Supremo

John Carpenter was placed on the Board of Review to fill a position vacated in the eigth ward (Sarginson's). Ordinarily the council would approve any one recommended by a councilperson from a ward needing an appointment. The commercial board of review started monday and John Carpenters appointment for a new term was on the agenda.

Sarginson, Neeley and Lawler voted for the appointment. Weighill is vacationing in Italy. The remaining five voted against Carpenter saying that he could not hold a city position when he was involved in a lawsuit against the city. The lawsuit in question is the slander lawsuit Carpenter filed against Poplar. However, council has sued the Mayor of the City of Flint and did not step down from their positions.

This leaves the City in a critical position as the Board of Review is week long and there is no one to replace John Carpenter. Carpenter has so much experience in real estate and development that he easily understood the concepts needed to perform the task correctly. For some time there has been complaints that several members did not know the task at hand, despite many years on the job.

Another big loss is Lynn Waybright, who left at the end of her term because of her new job. Fowler is said to have held her performance and dedication in high esteem.

The City of Detroit made the news about three years ago when they made determinations of hardship based on factors other than what is legally acceptable. Fowler has his work cut out for him as it has been said that not all Board of review members want to adhere to the law.
Post Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:43 am 
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untanglingwebs schreef:
The remaining five voted against Carpenter saying that he could not hold a city position when he was involved in a lawsuit against the city. The lawsuit in question is the slander lawsuit Carpenter filed against Poplar. However, council has sued the Mayor of the City of Flint and did not step down from their positions.
They might want to rephrase the alleged statement to "he could not be appointed to a city position while involved in a lawsuit against the city." I tend to agree with that statement as rephrased, however unfortunate. Given council's own participation in lawsuit against the mayor, it might pay to have an opinion from the Attorney General about such circumstances. Should council be required to step down if they already hold position? Doesn't the charter address such adversarial issues between the mayor and council which are both elected positions. Here, you're comparing appointed position (board member) to elected positions (council).
Post Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:35 pm 
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El Supremo

You are playing games with semantics. Regardless of whether one is elected or appointed, the individual holds that position for the stated time period.

Carolyn Sims disliked Lynn waybright and attempted to replace her. The Ombudsman and the Ombudsman attorney held Waybright rightfully held the position and could not be replaced until the end of her term. This is not like a mayoral appointee who serves at the pleasure of the Mayor.
Post Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:21 pm 
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