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Topic: Crime watches need to be careful

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El Supremo

Word on the streets is that Walling and MSU have not been successful in recruiting for Flint's Blue Badge volunteers. It might have something to do with the wording in the documents volunteers are made to sign. I can see holding the city harmless if something unexpected happens on the streets, but the document says the city is held harmless even if the city is responsible for the injury.

Years ago a mini-station coordinator was injured and suffered permanent injury to her arm when a malfunctioning electrical circuit gave her a serious shock. The city knew the station was defective and never made an effort to fix the problem. Today she could not sue.

This area in Rollingwood has been dangerous for some time. An earlier attempt for a crime watch in the trailer park resulted in a serious beating for the leader by gangs and drug gealers. This group would be more effective if they did not publicize their efforts and make targets of themselves.

Former 4th Ward Councilwoman Peggy Cook moved from Hampstead after gang members attacked her car as she returned home from a council meeting. She was lucky to escape injury. Flint neighborhood ready to take back the streetsMonday, June 27, 2011
Tags:crime, violence, flint, community, local, rebecca trylch
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Rebecca Trylch
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FLINT (WJRT) -- (06/26/11) -- A Flint neighborhood is ready to take back the streets.

People living in the Rollingwood neighborhood on Flint's north side gathered to talk about how they can combat crime.

Those Rollingwood community members say they are united by geography and a fear of crime. Now they're taking action and hope others will follow in their footsteps.

Sunday night, dozens of Flint community members gathered near Beta Lane and Plainfield Avenue.

Some believe in recent weeks the crime has gotten worse in the Rollingwood neighborhood.

"My neighbor probably 15 houses down on the corner, they got him for quite a bit of money and guns, so now there's more guns out on the street," said Flint resident Michael Drake.

"Picked him out of bed and threw him down on the ground and he wasn't a little guy and they held a gun to her head and said don't look at me," said Flint resident Evelyn Sanders.

It's been so bad that Drake and Kenneth McCloud started patrolling the streets at night, asking people to turn their porch lights on and even decided to organize this backyard brainstorming session.

"Actually meet each other and know what everybody looks like and who belongs. Just band together and try to spot the people that are bad apples," Drake said.

Sunday they asked others to raise their hands if they could help too.

"We can't resolve this overnight, but what we can do, we can make things safer and spread the word and hopefully it will trickle down to other neighborhoods," McCloud said.

This meeting comes just days after Genesee County freed-up jail space to make room for more criminals. People living in the Rollingwood neighborhood worry it's not enough.

"There's a lot more out there that they need to arrest, they need to find, you know that don't have warrants yet but they're out there committing the crimes. Where they gonna put the new ones? So they're just trading tit for tat, we need to open a new jail," Drake said.

The neighbors say they plan to meet at the corner of Beta and Plainfield again next Sunday night at 6.

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Post Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:47 pm 
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El Supremo

There are a number of successful crime watches who keep their actions very low key. Only a small number of people are aware of their patrols.

Flint once had an excellent instructor who trained crime watches on safety and effective techniques.
Post Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:11 pm 
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El Supremo

Comcast special council meeting June 22nd- discussion on MSU studyof Flint police Dept.

Hard to keep volunteers when there is not enough for them to do

The mini-stations (one per ward) may reduce crime as they may make services more available,, Most important elelment is the perception of crime which is as important as the number of crimes themselves.

Under present system it is hard for an officer to have ownership of an area whwn he is constantly traveling from one soide of town to another.

Flint Police:
Using 2 comprables there are a variety of techniques employed to make the police more effective which are not being employed here to help get the workload in line.

1. eliminate work
2. increasing staff without changing how they are utilized won't change things. Must plan to reallocat staff.
3. Manage workoad smarter.
a. have a greater reliance on technology
b. have a greater reliance on community resources and training
tasks once only performed by police can be done by volunteers
c. manage current workload by smartr use of officers and technology

COP Logic- a method of allowing citizen computer recording of non violent, no witness,no evidence and not in progress cold calls which can constitute up to 64% of calls.

residents may be able to use own computers, public computers or mini station computers (once they are on line) and receive a police complaint number.
Post Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:03 am 
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Before I was married I bought a new 2 story colonial on E pierson rd. in rollingwood. Biggest mistake I ever made. Their was supposed to be a park put in across the street in the vacant field. Suddenly LBJs "great society" scheme kicked in and instead of a park we wound up with a bunch of govt subsidized housing known as 235s. They were quickly filled with a bunch of pimps and welfare mommas along with their little unkept rugrats and society leeches who couldnt care less about keeping up homes they were not even paying for. They would move in stay a while destroy the places and leave.The government would come in restore them move some more lowlife subculture scum in and repeat the process.

My wife and I stuck it out for a few years and finally had had enough took our losses and sold at a fraction of what the home would be worth somewhere else.

Screw Flint with their "open housing" plan which kicked in about the same time along with the Democrat party with their dumbass social engineering programs and may LBJ burn for what he and his liberal cohorts did to so many promising and fine neighborhoods all across the nation and what they are still doing. Mad

Last edited by twotap on Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:15 am 
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El Supremo

The council tape also revealed what citizens had suspected-the foot patrol officers only employ actual foot patrol walks for a few minutes each month.

Shady Acres trailer Park in Rollingwood has long been a violent and crime ridden center in this area. Gang grafitti was frequently fond on the laundromat, bar, and the school property on Western. Also the corner of Western and Richfield were sites of grafitti and gang activity. Officer Buczek
Post Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:19 am 
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El Supremo

I just spoke to an individual familiar with Shady Acres and I was sorry to find out that the gentleman who started a crime watch in Shady Acres died six months after his beating . When I last spoke to his partner they were planning on leaving the state. While this was a number of years ago, I sincerely hope the leaders of any crime watch keep their identities as hidden as possible and not put targets on their backs.
Post Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:35 pm 
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El Supremo

Officer Hudson Green had the respect of those he trained and he always preached safety. This group needs training and they need it quickly before someone gets hurt.
Post Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:39 pm 
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All crime watch members should be armed and prepared to shoot any subculture punks who threaten them with violence. If your not up to that task you would be ill advised to become a known crime watch member. Dont forget you are dealing with the scum of the earth who have no problem killing you or your family.
Post Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:49 pm 
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Jerry Bennett

I was the president of the Rollingwood Block Club several years ago. We took back the neighborhood then and cleaned up the place. You can do it. Get rid of anyone who sits around and says they tried to get people intrested but nobody was intrested. That is not true you just need a little leadership. It's amazing what you can accomplish with the right attitude.

You can do it - get organized and kick some butt. You are entitled to a saafe neighborhood.
Post Sat Jul 30, 2011 4:11 am 
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