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Topic: Eason's staff falters and blames HUD's Steve Spencer

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El Supremo

I am hearing that Eason thinks he has eliminated problems when HUD reassigned Ellen Chung to monitor Flint. HUD regularly reassigns people and Chung has been in Flint before.

Many of the recent problems with HUD are associated with the system usedby HUD to establish and track projects. HUD does not have the staff available to come in and individually train grant recipients. However, they make available ample opportunities forr training. Here is a HUd site showing 40 IDIS trainings for Commuity Block Development Grant recipients.

Integrated Disbursement & Information System (IDIS Online) Training

In 2010 the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) sponsored 40 two-day IDIS training sessions for CDBG grantees. Below are links to the training materials:

For further information contact:
1-800-998-9999 Option 4
Fax: 1-301-519-5027

Training Binder
Training Manual State CDBG/IDIS Manual and Appendices
Entitlements Manual and Appendices

Handouts CDBG IDIS Online Agenda
State IDIS Agenda
Log on to IDIS
Whats New and Different in IDIS Online
Navigation Tips
IDIS Online System Map
IDIS Basic Training Worksheet
Matrix Codes
Case Studies
How to Generate Reports for IDIS Online

Training Slides Training Slides for States
Training Slides for Entitlements

Guidance Draft Guidelines for Improved Quality
Energy Star Performance Standards for Buildings
IDIS Reports Guide

Screen Shots and Sample Reports Screenshots of CDBG Activity Screens
Sample PR01
Sample PR02
Sample PR03
Sample PR26
Sample PR83-1
Sample PR83-2
Sample PR83-3
Sample PR84
Sample PR85
Sample PR86
Sample State PER
Sample State PR28

Privacy Act of 1974: Notice of New System of Records, IDIS System

Updated 4/11/2011 Back to Top

HUD Home | Web Policies | FOIA | Accessibility | ComCon Home | Privacy Statement
P.O. Box 7189, Gaithersburg, MD 20898-7189
Telephone: 1-800-998-9999
Federal Relay Service: 1-800-877-8339
Fax: 1-301-519-5027

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Mon May 09, 2011 1:53 pm; edited 2 times in total
Post Mon May 09, 2011 12:29 pm 
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El Supremo

HUD also made training materials and programs available for HOME programs.

HOME Training

Information by State
Esta página en español
Print version

Helpful Tools
HOME IDIS Training Manual for PJs
The focus of this manual is how to successfully set up and complete HOME activities in IDIS, report accomplishments, and run and interpret HOME reports.
more... | Exercise Manual | Forms | HOME Program
Certified HOME Program Specialist - Regulations” Course
The Office of Affordable Housing Programs is now pleased to announce the introduction of its new Certified HOME Program Specialist training initiative. The Certified HOME Program Specialist training initiative will use a modified ‘Building HOME’ primer course as its foundation.
Search HOME Training Materials
HUD has created a new Search tool to help you find specific information in the Home Training Program.
Feel free to check the glossary if you see terms or acronyms that seem to have definitions specific to CPD, or if the word is new to you.

Training on the HOME program is offered via two methods: (1) instructor-led, classroom training, and (2) Web-based training. Each type of training is described in more detail below.

Instructor-Led Training
The CPD Training Institute offers a variety of courses and allows you to find training sessions in your area and register online. These courses are designed to share information with community-development professionals, HUD staff, and other stakeholders as they work together to improve and renew America's communities. Visit this site for information about upcoming courses on HOME and other CPD program topics.

Web-based Training (HOME Front)
HOME Front is HUD's Web-based training and technical assistance site for individuals and organizations implementing the HOME Program throughout the United States. Use this site to access a valuable series of interactive training and technical assistance modules. Each module allows you to explore useful HOME topics in your own way and at your own pace, while the navigation bar on the side of the screen gives you continuous access to additional HOME Front resources from anywhere within the site.

Training Materials
HOME training materials and model program guides provide detailed guidance in the area of community development, as well as specific trainings for the HOME Program, such as Building HOME: a HOME Program Primer. HOME Training Materials give support to HUD staff and our PJs. CPD Technical Assistance is also available to our grantees.

Content current as of 14 May 2010 Back to top

FOIA Privacy Web Policies and Important Links Home
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street S.W., Washington, DC 20410
Telephone: (202) 708-1112 TTY: (202) 708-1455
Find the address of a HUD office near you
Post Mon May 09, 2011 12:34 pm 
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El Supremo

On August 20, 2010 Eason sent a letter to HUD "formally requesting that the Department of Housing and Urban development (HUD), Detroit Field Office provide technical assistance to the City's Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED). The Department's technical assistance needs are centered on the HOME Investment partnership Act program (HOME), the Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) and sub recipient/contract management.'

..."The cumulative effect of the findings and concerns identified in your monitoring report s and the 2009 Office of Inspector General (OIG) Audit have resulted in a $679,902 reduction in the City's 2010-2011 HOME alocation. The OIG has continued auditing the city's HOME program since 2009. The 2010 unofficial audit reports continue to reveal a history of management, reporting and sub-recipient monitoring problems."

Eason goes on to cite the changes proposed in DCED:
1) Staff training and developmeent;
2) Hiring staff, with expertise, to assist in managing the additional, varied, technical and detailed activities of the Department;
3) Departmental reorganization to better utilize the skill sets of current staff
4) Receipt of technical assistance in the areas of program management and reporting.

Eason sends the letter requesting training to Wendy Johnson, Jacqueline Foster, Portia McGoy, CPD Specialist (HUD) and Dan Zacheretti, Senior Auditor of the HUD OIG.

In a further bid to assign blame to anyone but themselves, Jackie Foster then forwards this letter on Aril 5, 2011 to the new Director, Keith Hernandez who forwards the communication to Ellen Chung on April 18,2011.

With ample training options available, it is incomprehensible just what Eason and Foster expect to gain by this ploy.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Mon May 09, 2011 1:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Mon May 09, 2011 12:59 pm 
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El Supremo

On March 18, 2011 Hernandez sent Wendy Johnson a communication on the HOME Program 2009 Funds Commitment deadline.

"Please be advised that our records indicate that you are in danger of missing your Commitment deadline, which occurs on July 31, 2011. If not committed within the 24-month period the funds will be deobligated."

----"Prior to the requirement deadline, we are giving you the opportunity to update IDIS with any commitment not previously recorded and to identify and correct errors in IDIS. Please note that any cancellation of activities may negatively impact your ability to meet your requirements."

At this time the possible shortfall was $303,585. Genesee County also had a shortfall projected at that time of $898,481. Steve Spencer was still the monitor .

Another reason for concern among DCED staff is the march 8, 2011 communication that the city was to be monitored on March 28, 2011 through April 1, 2011.
Post Mon May 09, 2011 1:11 pm 
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El Supremo

Portia McGoy of HUD NSP programs recently praised Jackie Foster for work on the NSP 3 . My understanding is Foster used materials already created by prior staff from DCED. It will be interesting to see how she does on her own.

Some are looking hard at McGoy as allegations are that she recommended a vendor to the city and that is not permitted. Mcgoy is new and was hired specifically for the Neighborhoor Stabilization program.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Sun May 03, 2015 6:55 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Mon May 09, 2011 1:18 pm 
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El Supremo

Special conditions added to the Neighborhood Stabilization Progran (NSP) 3 , grant number B-11-MN-26-0005, approved on March 14, 2011 for $3,076,522

1. Pursuant to 24 CFR 85.12 (a) (3), a special condition applies to this Grant agreement because the Grantee has received a HUD Provider Needs Assessment describing the nature of technical assistance required to successfully administer the NSP3 Grant Agreement. The Grantee shall enter nto a technical assistance agreement with a HUD technical assistance provider within 30 days of the date HUD signed this grant agreement. Additionally, the Grantee shall sign and adhere to a Memo of Understaning/Agreemant within 30 days of the date HUD signed this grant agreement.

2. Pursuant to 24 CFR 85.12 (a) (3), a special condition applies to this Grant Agreement due to the City's lack of capacity. Within 90 days of the date HUD signed this grant agreement, the Grantee must submit a detailed Management Plan documenting how capacity issues have been resolved, including submission of a detailed staffing plan for NSP and steps to be implemented in identifying and hiring qualified staff and/or partners for administration and/or program management concrns to the satifaction of HUD.

3. Pursuant to 24 CFR 85.12 (a) (1) and (50, a special condition applies to this Grant Agreement due to past performane issues in the HOME and NSP concerns. The Grantee shall submit documentation describing how past performance issues identified in Audit No. 2010-CH-1001 for the HOME Investment Partnership Program and monitoring letter dated August 20, 2009 have been resolved or are now being resolved and explaining how these past performanceissues will (or will not) impact the administration and execution of the NSP program within 90 days of the date HUD signed this grant agreement.

Further, these funds are only to be used for demolition. After 6 months of the date of this agreement, HUD will make a determination concerning the progress of the City o flint's rehabilitation/redevelopment efforts under NSP1 and NSP2 and if additional activities, other than demolition, will be allowed with NSP3 funds.


Hud may therafter withhold authority to incur additional obligations of NSP3 funds or take other actions authorized under 24 CFR 85.12 (b) to include further restrictions and repayment.
Post Mon May 09, 2011 1:48 pm 
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Flint City Council approves employee training hoping to avoid
additional federal penalties

As of 04/12/2011:

DLEG-BCS-Corporation Division Database Lookup (Michigan)
Search for records of corporations, limited liability companies, and
limited partnerships authorized to transact business in the State of
Michigan. (Note the company says it is a "minority owned, general

Community Development Experts - About Us

Our Business
Since 2004, CDE continues to be a prominent service provider among HUD
grantees and maintains a client base of some of the larger grantee
communities. These clients operate some of the largest multi-million
dollar entitlement grant programs and trusts CDE to care for their data
quality for reporting as well as the accurate and timely submissions for
the Action Plan and CAPER.

Who We Are
Community Development Experts is a minority owned, general partnership
started by Ronald Allen and Baron Bell in 2004. Our training and
expertise in IDIS combined with twenty three years working on the
Department of Housing and Urban Development grant programs results in a
more robust set of services for our clients. During the early days of the
Consolidated Plan process, the partners functioned as team members on
various project assignments conducting CPD training and technical
assistance. The partners also managed major training contracts for prime
contractor responsible for implementing training programs for the
Consolidated Plan, IDIS and GMP.

18804 Impulse Lane
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
ph: 301-869-6210
fax: 301-238-5193
alt: 240-350-1546

Maryland Department of of Assessments and Taxation

Business Database Search
Information for business security interest (UCC) filings; agent and
personal property assessment information for corporations, limited
liability companies, limited liability partnerships, limited partnerships,
limited liability limited partnerships, professional corporations, and
trade names

Taxpayer Services Division


Page 1 of 1
(Dept. ID) Entity Name Entity Detail Status
Info. Amendments FORFEITED

Taxpayer Services Division

Dept ID #: T00215514

General Information

Owner (Primary):
Renewal Notice Date: 06/15/2009
Expiration Date: 11/15/2009

Taxpayer Services Division

Dept ID #: T00215514

General Information


Page 1 of 1

Description Date Filed Time Film Folio Pages View Document Order Copies
LAPSED AT END OF TERM 12/21/2009 08:30 AM B00F91 0369 3 View Image
TRADE NAME REGISTRATION 11/15/2004 10:49 AM B00727 0358 2 View Image


For a Maryland entity, its existence has been ended by the State for
some delinquency. For a non-Maryland entity it means its authority to
do business and legal presence here has been terminated. For a trade
name it means the filing has lapsed after 5 years and not been

Training is available on the HUD website:

Training on the HUD website:

Community Planning & Development

Online Systems/Databases

Training - IDIS - CPD - HUD

Technical Assistance Unit

Reporting and Guidance


Community Planning and Development/U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD)

Post Mon May 09, 2011 5:15 pm 
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El Supremo

I must have used a bad title as this was posted as a tribute to Kristen of the Flint Journal.

Kristen followed up on her story about the City of Flint hiring a training entity named Community development Experts (CDE) for the Department of Community and Economic Development. She notified the city that the Trade Mark for the company was forfeited in the the State of Maryland. After the city notified the company, communications were sent to HUD.

The interesting part of this communication is CDE expressing ignorance of the rules regarding the State of Maryland laws regarding the continuation of their trademark. They also professed ignorance regarding the Michigan DLEG registration to do business in the state. And yet this company is asking to be able to continue to educate Flint on HUD rules.

Sat Apr 30, 2011 12:14 pm


On April 13, 2011 Jackie Foster forwarded an e-mail from Ron Allen (ron@cdexperts.net) dated 4/12/11.

This correspondence is in response to questions that have arisen regarding Community Development Experts (CDE) status as a currently active business recognized in the State of maryland and our companies expertise conducting business in states throughout the country.

CDE was informed by the the city today, Tuesday, April 12th, that our business was listed as "forfeitef" on a Maryland State web site. This apparently was discovered by a Flint Journal reporter by the name of Kristen Longley. CDE researched various Maryland government web sites and was able to confirm Ms. Longley's information specifically on the maryland Department of Assessments and taxation web site. This finding came as a surprise to us since we've never received communication from the state agency regarding this issue.

This"forfeited" status is specifically regarding our trade name registration in the state. Apparently the state issued CDE a request for registration renewal on 6/15/2009 that subsequently expired on 11/15/2009. Unfortunately, our business was not aware of the requirement for renewal of our trade name which apparently is to be conducted every five years with the state at a minimal cost of twenty five dollars. If so we would have certainly anticipated this and responded appropriately. But even more important to this oversight is the fact that the state agency sent the renewal registration information in error to a prior address for our business based on outdated address information listed for CDE on their own web site. When CDE applied for the original trade name on November 2, 2004 our business address was 15439 Reprise Terrace, Rockville Md 20850. Our new business address since 2005 has been 18804 Impulse Lane, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 20879. Although CDE put in a request for forwarding of mail with the USPS in 2004 the service request expired after ninety days so any subsequent mail did not get delivered to our new address. CDE did not update the change of information with Maryland because we were not aware that this was a stste requirement. In response to this revelation, CDE will pursue updating our trade name registration with Maryland on Wednesday, April 13, 2011. We anticipate confirmation of this update hopefully by close of business the same day.

Second, CDE was also made aware of a possible requirement to have a business license in the state of MIchigan in order to engage in a contract with the City of Flint. Based on our experience working with local governments around the country this requirement appears to be an aberation from normal practice.

CDE has provided various technical assistance via contracts to HUD grantees since 2004 and have never been required to obtain a business license for any statein which we conductucted business. This includes training workshops in enough states states to cover more than a thousand particpants who have attended these sessions. Other states in which we have conducted business that do not require a license include Florida, California, Alabama, Alaska, Indiana, Illinois and Texas. Also our current clients: Chicago IL, Washington DC, Montgomery Co TX, Suffolk VA, and Bloomfield NJ do not require a business license. A probable reason for not requiring business licenses for contractors like CDE is that our service is directly to local governments and not to individuals or other businesses. If so, we would be providing goods or services that were the property of CDE. Instead we provide services related to a federal government system (IDIS) which contains information that belongs to the general public.

In conclusion, we hope that in light of this discussion, CDE will still be allowed to perform the scope of services to the city outlined in our earlier proposal and in a time frame that works best for the city and CDE/

Sat Apr 30, 2011 12:58 pm


So if I read this correctly, CDE:

1) doesn't know the reuirements of the State of maryland regarding business licensure,

2) doesn't realise the importance of informing entities they do business with of any changes in address,

And yet they are experts on followong the rules and regulations regarding HUD IDIS.

Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:03 pm


Community Development Experts
18804 Impulse Lane
Gaithersburg, MD 20879-1793 map
Website: Information not found Phone: (301) 869-6210 Ads by Google
Non-Profit & Associations Johnson Lambert & Co. LLP - CPAs Non-Profit and Association Taxes
www.jlco.comThe ads are not affiliated with Community Development ExpertsAbout Community Development Experts
Is this your company? Claim This Profile
Community Development Experts in Gaithersburg, MD is a private company categorized under Promotions and Fund Raising. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of 175,000 and employs a staff of approximately 2. Companies like Community Development Experts usually offer: Abc Fundraising, Online Fundraising Services, Team Fundraising, Specialized Fundraising Services and Internet Fundraising Services.

Business CategoriesFund raising organizations in Gaithersburg, MDBusiness ServicesAll Other Support Services View newly formed U.S. businesses Company Contacts
Is this your company? Claim This Profile Ronald Lee AllenSearch for more contacts Community Development Experts Business InformationLocation Type Single Location
Annual Sales (Estimated) 175,000
Employees (Estimated) 2
SIC Code 7389, Business Services, NEC
NAICS Code 561990, All Other Support Services
Products, Services
and Brands Information not found
State of Incorporation Information not found
Years in Business 1


Companies in this category usually offer:

Creative Fundraising Fund Raising ServicesFundraising Services Fundraising Auction ServicesClick on the reports tab at the top of the page to research company background, detailed company profile, credit and financial reports for Community Development Experts.

Reports often include a complete predictive and historical analysis with payment and financial information; information on the identity, operations, profitability and stability of Community Development Experts; Details on the company’s history, the business background of its management, special events and recent company news. Download Community Development Experts financial and company reports.

Data above provided by D&B. © Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. All rights

Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:10 pm
Post Tue May 10, 2011 6:00 am 
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El Supremo

I must have used a bad title as this was posted as a tribute to Kristen of the Flint Journal.

Kristen followed up on her story about the City of Flint hiring a training entity named Community development Experts (CDE) for the Department of Community and Economic Development. She notified the city that the Trade Mark for the company was forfeited in the the State of Maryland. After the city notified the company, communications were sent to HUD.

The interesting part of this communication is CDE expressing ignorance of the rules regarding the State of Maryland laws regarding the continuation of their trademark. They also professed ignorance regarding the Michigan DLEG registration to do business in the state. And yet this company is asking to be able to continue to educate Flint on HUD rules.

Sat Apr 30, 2011 12:14 pm


On April 13, 2011 Jackie Foster forwarded an e-mail from Ron Allen (ron@cdexperts.net) dated 4/12/11.

This correspondence is in response to questions that have arisen regarding Community Development Experts (CDE) status as a currently active business recognized in the State of maryland and our companies expertise conducting business in states throughout the country.

CDE was informed by the the city today, Tuesday, April 12th, that our business was listed as "forfeitef" on a Maryland State web site. This apparently was discovered by a Flint Journal reporter by the name of Kristen Longley. CDE researched various Maryland government web sites and was able to confirm Ms. Longley's information specifically on the maryland Department of Assessments and taxation web site. This finding came as a surprise to us since we've never received communication from the state agency regarding this issue.

This"forfeited" status is specifically regarding our trade name registration in the state. Apparently the state issued CDE a request for registration renewal on 6/15/2009 that subsequently expired on 11/15/2009. Unfortunately, our business was not aware of the requirement for renewal of our trade name which apparently is to be conducted every five years with the state at a minimal cost of twenty five dollars. If so we would have certainly anticipated this and responded appropriately. But even more important to this oversight is the fact that the state agency sent the renewal registration information in error to a prior address for our business based on outdated address information listed for CDE on their own web site. When CDE applied for the original trade name on November 2, 2004 our business address was 15439 Reprise Terrace, Rockville Md 20850. Our new business address since 2005 has been 18804 Impulse Lane, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 20879. Although CDE put in a request for forwarding of mail with the USPS in 2004 the service request expired after ninety days so any subsequent mail did not get delivered to our new address. CDE did not update the change of information with Maryland because we were not aware that this was a stste requirement. In response to this revelation, CDE will pursue updating our trade name registration with Maryland on Wednesday, April 13, 2011. We anticipate confirmation of this update hopefully by close of business the same day.

Second, CDE was also made aware of a possible requirement to have a business license in the state of MIchigan in order to engage in a contract with the City of Flint. Based on our experience working with local governments around the country this requirement appears to be an aberation from normal practice.

CDE has provided various technical assistance via contracts to HUD grantees since 2004 and have never been required to obtain a business license for any statein which we conductucted business. This includes training workshops in enough states states to cover more than a thousand particpants who have attended these sessions. Other states in which we have conducted business that do not require a license include Florida, California, Alabama, Alaska, Indiana, Illinois and Texas. Also our current clients: Chicago IL, Washington DC, Montgomery Co TX, Suffolk VA, and Bloomfield NJ do not require a business license. A probable reason for not requiring business licenses for contractors like CDE is that our service is directly to local governments and not to individuals or other businesses. If so, we would be providing goods or services that were the property of CDE. Instead we provide services related to a federal government system (IDIS) which contains information that belongs to the general public.

In conclusion, we hope that in light of this discussion, CDE will still be allowed to perform the scope of services to the city outlined in our earlier proposal and in a time frame that works best for the city and CDE/

Sat Apr 30, 2011 12:58 pm


So if I read this correctly, CDE:

1) doesn't know the reuirements of the State of maryland regarding business licensure,

2) doesn't realise the importance of informing entities they do business with of any changes in address,

And yet they are experts on followong the rules and regulations regarding HUD IDIS.

Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:03 pm


Community Development Experts
18804 Impulse Lane
Gaithersburg, MD 20879-1793 map
Website: Information not found Phone: (301) 869-6210 Ads by Google
Non-Profit & Associations Johnson Lambert & Co. LLP - CPAs Non-Profit and Association Taxes
www.jlco.comThe ads are not affiliated with Community Development ExpertsAbout Community Development Experts
Is this your company? Claim This Profile
Community Development Experts in Gaithersburg, MD is a private company categorized under Promotions and Fund Raising. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of 175,000 and employs a staff of approximately 2. Companies like Community Development Experts usually offer: Abc Fundraising, Online Fundraising Services, Team Fundraising, Specialized Fundraising Services and Internet Fundraising Services.

Business CategoriesFund raising organizations in Gaithersburg, MDBusiness ServicesAll Other Support Services View newly formed U.S. businesses Company Contacts
Is this your company? Claim This Profile Ronald Lee AllenSearch for more contacts Community Development Experts Business InformationLocation Type Single Location
Annual Sales (Estimated) 175,000
Employees (Estimated) 2
SIC Code 7389, Business Services, NEC
NAICS Code 561990, All Other Support Services
Products, Services
and Brands Information not found
State of Incorporation Information not found
Years in Business 1


Companies in this category usually offer:

Creative Fundraising Fund Raising ServicesFundraising Services Fundraising Auction ServicesClick on the reports tab at the top of the page to research company background, detailed company profile, credit and financial reports for Community Development Experts.

Reports often include a complete predictive and historical analysis with payment and financial information; information on the identity, operations, profitability and stability of Community Development Experts; Details on the company’s history, the business background of its management, special events and recent company news. Download Community Development Experts financial and company reports.

Data above provided by D&B. © Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. All rights

Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:10 pm
Post Tue May 10, 2011 6:00 am 
 View user's profile Send private message  Reply with quote  
El Supremo

I must have used a bad title as this was posted as a tribute to Kristen of the Flint Journal.

Kristen followed up on her story about the City of Flint hiring a training entity named Community development Experts (CDE) for the Department of Community and Economic Development. She notified the city that the Trade Mark for the company was forfeited in the the State of Maryland. After the city notified the company, communications were sent to HUD.

The interesting part of this communication is CDE expressing ignorance of the rules regarding the State of Maryland laws regarding the continuation of their trademark. They also professed ignorance regarding the Michigan DLEG registration to do business in the state. And yet this company is asking to be able to continue to educate Flint on HUD rules.

Sat Apr 30, 2011 12:14 pm


On April 13, 2011 Jackie Foster forwarded an e-mail from Ron Allen (ron@cdexperts.net) dated 4/12/11.

This correspondence is in response to questions that have arisen regarding Community Development Experts (CDE) status as a currently active business recognized in the State of maryland and our companies expertise conducting business in states throughout the country.

CDE was informed by the the city today, Tuesday, April 12th, that our business was listed as "forfeitef" on a Maryland State web site. This apparently was discovered by a Flint Journal reporter by the name of Kristen Longley. CDE researched various Maryland government web sites and was able to confirm Ms. Longley's information specifically on the maryland Department of Assessments and taxation web site. This finding came as a surprise to us since we've never received communication from the state agency regarding this issue.

This"forfeited" status is specifically regarding our trade name registration in the state. Apparently the state issued CDE a request for registration renewal on 6/15/2009 that subsequently expired on 11/15/2009. Unfortunately, our business was not aware of the requirement for renewal of our trade name which apparently is to be conducted every five years with the state at a minimal cost of twenty five dollars. If so we would have certainly anticipated this and responded appropriately. But even more important to this oversight is the fact that the state agency sent the renewal registration information in error to a prior address for our business based on outdated address information listed for CDE on their own web site. When CDE applied for the original trade name on November 2, 2004 our business address was 15439 Reprise Terrace, Rockville Md 20850. Our new business address since 2005 has been 18804 Impulse Lane, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 20879. Although CDE put in a request for forwarding of mail with the USPS in 2004 the service request expired after ninety days so any subsequent mail did not get delivered to our new address. CDE did not update the change of information with Maryland because we were not aware that this was a stste requirement. In response to this revelation, CDE will pursue updating our trade name registration with Maryland on Wednesday, April 13, 2011. We anticipate confirmation of this update hopefully by close of business the same day.

Second, CDE was also made aware of a possible requirement to have a business license in the state of MIchigan in order to engage in a contract with the City of Flint. Based on our experience working with local governments around the country this requirement appears to be an aberation from normal practice.

CDE has provided various technical assistance via contracts to HUD grantees since 2004 and have never been required to obtain a business license for any statein which we conductucted business. This includes training workshops in enough states states to cover more than a thousand particpants who have attended these sessions. Other states in which we have conducted business that do not require a license include Florida, California, Alabama, Alaska, Indiana, Illinois and Texas. Also our current clients: Chicago IL, Washington DC, Montgomery Co TX, Suffolk VA, and Bloomfield NJ do not require a business license. A probable reason for not requiring business licenses for contractors like CDE is that our service is directly to local governments and not to individuals or other businesses. If so, we would be providing goods or services that were the property of CDE. Instead we provide services related to a federal government system (IDIS) which contains information that belongs to the general public.

In conclusion, we hope that in light of this discussion, CDE will still be allowed to perform the scope of services to the city outlined in our earlier proposal and in a time frame that works best for the city and CDE/

Sat Apr 30, 2011 12:58 pm


So if I read this correctly, CDE:

1) doesn't know the reuirements of the State of maryland regarding business licensure,

2) doesn't realise the importance of informing entities they do business with of any changes in address,

And yet they are experts on followong the rules and regulations regarding HUD IDIS.

Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:03 pm


Community Development Experts
18804 Impulse Lane
Gaithersburg, MD 20879-1793 map
Website: Information not found Phone: (301) 869-6210 Ads by Google
Non-Profit & Associations Johnson Lambert & Co. LLP - CPAs Non-Profit and Association Taxes
www.jlco.comThe ads are not affiliated with Community Development ExpertsAbout Community Development Experts
Is this your company? Claim This Profile
Community Development Experts in Gaithersburg, MD is a private company categorized under Promotions and Fund Raising. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of 175,000 and employs a staff of approximately 2. Companies like Community Development Experts usually offer: Abc Fundraising, Online Fundraising Services, Team Fundraising, Specialized Fundraising Services and Internet Fundraising Services.

Business CategoriesFund raising organizations in Gaithersburg, MDBusiness ServicesAll Other Support Services View newly formed U.S. businesses Company Contacts
Is this your company? Claim This Profile Ronald Lee AllenSearch for more contacts Community Development Experts Business InformationLocation Type Single Location
Annual Sales (Estimated) 175,000
Employees (Estimated) 2
SIC Code 7389, Business Services, NEC
NAICS Code 561990, All Other Support Services
Products, Services
and Brands Information not found
State of Incorporation Information not found
Years in Business 1


Companies in this category usually offer:

Creative Fundraising Fund Raising ServicesFundraising Services Fundraising Auction ServicesClick on the reports tab at the top of the page to research company background, detailed company profile, credit and financial reports for Community Development Experts.

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Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:10 pm
Post Tue May 10, 2011 6:00 am 
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The business should be required to provide a Certificate of Good Standing from the State of Maryland to show the "forfeited" status has been corrected.

Maryland Department of Assessment and Taxation

Business Entity is Not in Good Standing or Forfeited

From above PDF file:

“Forfeited” means the “legal existence” of the entity has been relinquished and it is usually for failing to make required Annual Report/Personal Property Return filings for prior years.

See the reason why an entity has been “forfeited” by clicking on the “Amendments” column heading on the page alphabetically listing the entity’s name.

There are four steps for any entity to correct the “forfeited” status:

(1) File all missing Annual Reports/Personal Property Returns for every year and pay the $300 annual filing fee for each year;

(2) Pay the local county/city government’s personal property tax bill for any reported property after the Department has sent an assessment notice to the local government;

(3) Obtain a “tax clearance certificate” from the local government after any personal property tax bills have been paid; and

(4) File “Articles of Revival or Reinstatement” with the Department by attaching a copy of the tax clearance certificate. Instructions and a form for reinstatement can be downloaded from the Department’s “Business Data Search” page and clicking on “Get Forms” in the yellow banner for the main menu.

Any business entity that needs to correct its “forfeited” legal status immediately may come to the Department’s public filing counter on the 8th floor of our offices at 301 West Preston Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201. There is an additional $50 “expedited filing fee” required under the law for immediate processing service. If the missing Personal Property Returns have been filed and a tax clearance certificate has already been obtained, then one can “fax” into the Department the reinstatement document, the clearance certificate, the Articles of Revival or Reinstatement, and credit card authorization for a $150 fee ($100 for the Articles and $50 for the expedited fee). The “fax” cover sheet requesting the necessary information is available on the “Get Forms” page described above.
Post Tue May 10, 2011 11:44 am 
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El Supremo

Interesting feed back!

Some wish the city would lose the federal funding because they don't see any benefit to it and don't approve of the way it is being used.

Smith Village and metawaneenee won't cure their neighborhoods of crime and no one seems to care about the neglected houses in their neighborhoods.

Many view city council as :
a) impotent and unable or unwilling to curb administrative abuses
b) corrupt and only looking out for their own political needs
c) in bed with the corrupt administration and uncaring about the citizens

More are making plans to leave Flint as they see no solutions to the crime and neighborhood problems. Many are looking to move closer to children and mostly in the south.
Post Wed May 11, 2011 7:45 am 
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Dave Starr

I agree with you 100%, except for the leaving part. We're not going anywhere.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Wed May 11, 2011 8:05 am 
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El Supremo

Eason and Montle going to the Grand Jury over an FBI investigation.
Post Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:54 pm 
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