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Topic: Walling-where are the Water and sewer reserves?

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El Supremo

Several years ago the water and sewer funds had reserves of up to $68 million combined. The money for the sewer settlement was kept in a separate fund and not counted. The money Williamson borrowed for the garbage trucks and police vehicles has long ago been paid back with interest, so why are these funds in a deficit? These funds are the greatest source of pooled cash in the city and the city is generating no revenue from these funds at all.
I remember before the budget when Kincaid expressed concern that one of these funds was only$4 million. The city began sending shut off notices to everyone in order to raise money. Wher is the council in this mess as they are the guardians of the budget?

Also the city has a new scam. A total of 4 cubic feet(cf) is an average monthly water bill. Lately I am getting a bill for 3 cf followed by a bill for 5 cf that they can tack on additional fees. Are they shortening one of the billing cycles in order to charge more every other month.

Flint residents not happy about double-digit water, sewer rate hike
Published: Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 1:00 PM Updated: Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 1:12 PM
By Kristin Longley | Flint Journal The Flint Journal

FLINT, Michigan — The city is again imposing a double-digit water and sewer rate hike on Flint water customers.

The new rates, announced Tuesday, equal a 35 percent increase for water and sewer usage, according to Flint Mayor Dayne Walling’s office — and come on the heels of a double-digit rate hike in January

The increase is effective for Flint residents’ bills due after Sept. 16, officials said.

The average customer would see their total bill go from $82.49 a month to $111.36 a month, Finance Director Michael Townsend said.

This increase applies to city of Flint customers, not other suburban communities that also get their water from Detroit. Genesee County sets the rates for residents outside the city of Flint.

Raising the rate is necessary because of increased rates from Detroit and to make sure the city is in compliance with its water bond agreement with the state, which requires the city to maintain a certain amount of revenue in the water fund, he said.

But Flint customers said they’re not happy about the increases, especially since they saw their water and sewer rates increase by 25 percent and 22 percent, respectively, this past winter.

“That’s too much,” said resident Teresa Hughes, 48, who lives in a rental home with her husband and daughter. “This is crazy.”

Hughes is unemployed and the family is trying to make ends meet on her husband’s social security payments, she said. Her daughter is waiting to hear back from a potential employer and they’re hoping for a positive outcome.

“They ought to stop this,” Hughes said of the rate increases. “People are struggling with no jobs.”

The increase would be the only water and sewer rate hike put into effect for the 2012 fiscal year that started July 1, Townsend said.

Flint Mayor Dayne Walling said raising the rate is necessary to avoid potential future cuts to the city’s general fund — which pays for services like public safety and other departments.

The city of Detroit, which supplies Flint with water, raised its rates more than 10 percent this year, following years of increases that were not always passed on to Flint customers, officials said.

Walling also said that maintenance of the city’s aging water and sewer infrastructure is expensive.

“I am committed to maintaining the current police levels,” Walling said. “It’s so the general fund can stay focused on the core area of public safety.”

City Councilman Bryant Nolden said he’s already received feedback from his constituents in the city’s 3rd Ward.

Though Nolden understands the city is raising rates to keep up with the bond issue, he said it’s still a hit to Flint residents.

“It’s something we have to do,” he said. “I didn’t think it was going to be this much to be quite honest.”

Flint resident Bonnie Barajas is a recently laid-off school employee who said she’s just making it.

“I’m paying it right now. I have to,” she said. “But I don’t know what I’m going to do when it goes up.”
Post Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:50 am 
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El Supremo

JohnofGB August 17, 2011 at 1:19PM

I would be interested to see the figures on this latest price raise. I am thinking that the city is using this as revenue generator instead of just covering their actual water costs. If Detroit raised their prices that much, then every other community that gets their water from the county system should see like price raises.

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superwrench August 17, 2011 at 1:37PM

That's it, I'm drilling a well !!! The water would be better than the Lake Huron water we get now, anyway!!! This city is really screwed up. First we can't afford Policemen, then we can't afford Firemen, and now, we can't afford to flush the toilet!! What next???

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fred081646 August 17, 2011 at 1:45PM

I shut our toilet off and we use a 5 gal bucket.
We take sponge baths.

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tdimhcs August 17, 2011 at 2:03PM

“I am committed to maintaining the current police levels,” Walling said. “It’s so the general fund can stay focused on the core area of public safety.”

That foolish statement alone, should let everyone know how little Walling cares about the safety of those who visit or live in Flint.

Do not let the mayor or chief fool you. There is nothing close to the 20 officers per shift they claim Flint has. Be safe if you live in or visit Flint.

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wickedwitch1 August 17, 2011 at 2:24PM

It is absolute crap....

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jacobsmith August 17, 2011 at 3:02PM

This is merely a money grab and a hidden tax being imposed on the citizens. I keep hoping for a Beecher level tornado to level my house in Flint, and I will keep on hoping everyday.

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shanedr August 17, 2011 at 4:42PM

The increase would be the only water and sewer rate hike put into effect for the 2012 fiscal year that started July 1, Townsend said.

ONLY? The 2012 year has existed for a whole month and a half. It's been only eight months since the increase in fiscal year 2011.

Strange as it seems there is not a law against what Walling is doing.

Snyder needs to appoint an emergency financial manager for Flint now, not next week, next month or next year, but NOW.

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fedupinflint August 17, 2011 at 5:38PM

An "appointed" EFM is nothing but a blatant usurpation of our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to a democratically elected, representative form of governmenment.
You and your ubiquitous and nonsensical postings remind me of those "know it alls" whose
" proclamations " only serve to validate how absolutely little they know about ANYTHING.

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marlene August 17, 2011 at 10:43PM

It blows my mind how they can keep demanding wage concessions or eliminating jobs all together but keep increasing rates for crucial services and goods. What do they expect these people to do??There are people out there living hand to mouth now going without meds and medical care and even food now you come along with this? Where does it end?

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for the kidz August 17, 2011 at 11:00PM

it NEVER ends.....Walling is our elected Mayor. We voted strongly to keep him, now we reap what he sews. No police, ungodly water bills, jobs leaving Flint daily, people moving and leaving in record numbers, etc..... yet the morons come out in masses and vote for this clown. He will have Flint destroyed and no longer a city if he gets 4 more years. Water is now like gold, yet we sit on the back up (Flint river supply) and suburban areas only pay about $200 a year....and we have control of the water , WALLING is now penalizing the poor!!!!!!!!!!!
Post Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:59 am 
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El Supremo

(8/16/2011) - Flint Mayor Dayne Walling is recommending an increase in water and sewer rates for the city.

The Water Fund recorded a $3.2 million loss for fiscal year 2011.

The Sewer Fund is the whole $10.5 million. Rates could be increased by 35 percent, which would be the only increase for 2012.

The state requires the water fund to maintain an income because of the bonds the city sold through the state.
Post Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:02 am 
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