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Topic: Walling -It is the crime and not all the economy!

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El Supremo

Individuals considereing how they could afford to move because crime was impacting their lives and the lives of their families contacted the mayor's office. Walling told them it was not the crime, it was the economy! This must be Walling's mantra to explain his failure to maintain an adequate and well managed police force.

I know many who are considering leaving because of the crime and the inability of Flint to deal with the crime. True a poor economy encourages more to commit crime, but does Walling expect everyone to just accept crime as a part of their life. And more often than not, this crime includes physical violence.

A businessman recently told me he is expanding but he is unable to locate a building. He looked at the former McDonald Dairy but thieves had stolen nearly half of the steel roof. The vandalism at the site had lowered the price from over a million to about a quarter of a million.

When he found the perfect location the City of Flint refused to lower the taxes. He would be buying the site at bargain basement prices, but the city wants to keep the taxes at penthouse levels. Needless to sy the deal fell through .

Members of the landlords Association are also saying they are abandoning some properties because the city refuses to adjust the taxable value and the taxes do not reflect the weakened market for these properties. These homes are repeatedly being hit by thieves.

Driving from Flushint to Mackin there were 2 black males on bicycles hauling grocery carts filled with bent up aluminum siding, Sure enough a house about a block from where I saw them was missing half a wall of siding.
Post Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:26 am 
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The crime is the reason I will be moving. Everyone I talked to that has moved or is moving is because of the crime here, not the economy, as Walling thinks. Heck, who wants to live where there company's car gets stolen, there house gets robbed, and drug dealer's make deals in front of you. I'm just sick of the apathy. The news dosn't even report what is going on around here and I feel that not reporting the horrible things that are going on is minimizing the crime. I feel this city is saying that its citizens are not important and it dosn't matter what happens to its citizens. I want to live in a place that values life and cares when horrible things happens to its citizens. Sweeping crime under a rug dosn't help. I wish people would get up and have a vigil or something. Maybe if people got togher and had a peace vigil and metion everyone name that was murdered in this town, it would be noticed and this administration would maybe know that our lives are worth somthing and the pain here would not be minimized as it is now. I wish there was help or hope or something.
Post Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:33 pm 
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Hey Walling ( Flints only rude scholar ) Did i say rude? Ya thats what i call people who fire staff by registered letter cause they dont have the balls to call them in and do it in person. But thats another story. I recently moved back into Flint from Davison and you dont need a lot of book smarts to know what makes an attractive city. Let me explain it to you. Ok are you ready? #1 PUBLIC SAFETY #2 CLEAN #3 DECENT SCHOOLS Now i know thats complicated but here is what you dont do. Layoff 30% of your police force tear down houses with no master plan and leave schools surrounded by decay and bad sidewalks. Why dont you just armit that you have no idea what to do and resign and let the state take over?
Post Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:33 am 
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El Supremo

You forgot that you don't make a political decision to let council select the sidewalks to fix.
Post Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:37 am 
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