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Topic: Where are the 6 rehired Cops?

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El Supremo

Recently I was informed that Walling had not yet accepted the new grant that would allow six more officers to be rehired from lay off. He told Vice President Biden the six officers would be here soon.

But in the comment section of M-live in a story about a man being killed on Grace aand Mason, I found this interesttinhg comment!

hopeforflint October 17, 2011 at 1:51PM

And the REALLY sad thing is.... Walling was on the news several times last week, praising himself, as usual, about the federal grant the City (has now received) to bring back 6 officers. The Mayor stated he is happy to be able to put 6 more officers on the street. They were supposed to be brought back off layoff last week or this week. I just found out today, someone in the Mayor's office leaked that he is not bringing back 6 officers. He MAY bring back 3. How the he*# does he get away with this crap? Apparently the grant is to pay for 3 years and then the City would be responsible (unless they got another grant at that time) for paying those officers. He says the City does not have the $ to pay for those officers. So he is suppose to bring 3 back? When? No one knows. Honestly, I am sick of this. Sick of being lied to & no one (reporters) is getting to the bottom of this. We need our public safety, more than everyone up at City Hall. The Police Department has had numerous officers retire and they are not bringing officers back from layoff to replace the ones who are retiring? Why? Inquiring minds would like to know!

hopeforflint October 17, 2011 at 2:04PM

It will also be interesting to see what happens with Obama's jobs bill, when & if it passes, which is supposed to put more officers on the street, through grants. Although, we can be virtually certain, the Mayor will use that money for something else. Unfortunately, I do not think Buchanan will be any better?

b]Flint Police Department receives grant to hire more officers [/b]by NBC25 News

Posted: 09.29.2011 at 11:43 AM

Updated: 09.29.2011 at 5:10 PM

FLINT -- The Flint Police Department will hire six officers thanks to a grant from the United States Department of Justice.

Flint will receive $1.23 million as part of a state-wide effort to get police officers back in the force.

Redford Township, Roseville, and Detroit are also receiving millions of dollars to bring back police.

Flint Mayor Dayne Walling says, "This will mean that calls will get answered more quickly, more of the community police service requests will get responded to. Every officer on the street means more safety and more work we can do for the community."

The mayor says 25% of the police budget is funded by grant dollars.

These grants are a part of the United States Department of Justice’s Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) “Hiring Program.” You can read more about the grants that are going out to police departments across the nation, and the number of officers being hired thanks to these funds by clicking here.

Since Flint is getting extra officers, where do you think these officers should be placed to be most effective? Tell us your thoughts below.

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Post Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:23 pm 
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El Supremo

Can anyone verify that Walling told the Police Unions the city cannot afford the grant? Allegedly he claims the first year must be paid for by the City.
Post Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:18 am 
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Who knew how complicated grant applications are? Here's a link to the program


where you can download a copy of the Flint's completed 50-page grant application form in PDF format. As I read it, I'm not so certain Flint would have to pay the first year but would have to retain those 6 officers along with the existing number of officers, for a certain period of time. There may be other complications, too. Needs a lawyer to sort it all out, one who has complete background on the City of Flint's operations.

Post Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:01 pm 
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