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Topic: Ananich- Bring in more police officers

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El Supremo

Sergeants union says it supports Rep. Jim Ananich plan to bring more officers to Flint

Published: Wednesday, February 08, 2012, 4:00 PM

By David Harris | dharris5@mlive.com

(Flint Journal files)
FLINT, Michigan -- The Flint police sergeants union is behind a plan that would bring 50 to 60 more police officers to the city, said its president.

State Rep. Jim Ananich said today he is proposing a plan that would bring the officers to the city as part of Attorney General Bill Schuette's proposal to hire 1,000 cops statewide. It would be paid for by $140 million over 2 years from a surplus.

Ananich said his plan would give half of that to cities such as Flint that are under state emergency financial managers or financial review.

"We definitely need the help," said Cindy Herfert, the sergeant's union president.

There are only 15 detectives in the department and 38 members of the sergeants union, Herfert said. Both numbers are all time lows.

Herfert said she hopes more officers on the street could bring more investigators up to help solve some of the cases. More people in the detective bureau would also allow investigators go out to more scenes, she said.

Schuette's plan does have critics, including State Rep. Woodrow Stanley, who says the plan is too narrow and shortsighted.

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Post Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:12 am 
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El Supremo

Flint had the option of modifying this grant to rehire officers slated to be laid off. Detroit renegoyiated and wrote a grant for over 100 more officers.

$1.2 million federal grant to fund 6 Flint police officers

Published: Wednesday, September 28, 2011, 4:44 PM Updated: Wednesday, September 28, 2011, 4:59 PM

By Kristin Longley | Flint Journal

Flint Journal file photo
FLINT, Michigan — A $1.2 million federal grant will pay to hire or retain six police officers in Flint, according to a news release.

The three-year federal grant was announced this evening by U.S. Sens. Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow.

The grants are being awarded by the Department of Justice’s Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program. It was not immediately clear whether the Flint grant would pay to hire new officers or retain current officers.

“These federal dollars will keep cops on the beat, preserving and enhancing the important public safety work they perform for our residents,” Levin said. “While municipal budgets are tight, we must not sacrifice public safety. That’s why these federal grants are so important to fill in the gaps and help keep our communities safe.”

The $1,225,638 COPS grant will cover the full salary and benefits over three years for officers hired, rehired or retained by the departments, according to the release.

“Public safety remains a top priority for communities hard hit by budget cuts,” said Stabenow. “These resources will go a long way in making sure our families and communities are safe.”
Post Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:17 am 
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El Supremo

Rep. Jim Ananich proposes plan to bring 50 to 60 officers to Flint

Published: Wednesday, February 08, 2012, 10:58 AM

By David Harris | dharris5@mlive.com

Flint Journal fileDemocrat Jim Ananich
FLINT, Michigan -- If Rep. Jim Ananich's plan goes through, there could be 50 to 60 more police officers in Flint.

The officers would come from the 1,000 statewide Attorney General Bill Schuette wants to hire. Schuette's plan calls for using $140 million of surplus money over two years to hire the officers.

Ananich (D-Flint) said Flint sorely needs the officers.

"I think this is a real good investment," said Ananich. "If people don't feel safe, they just aren't going to invest," he said.

Ananich said he hopes half the money would go to cities like Flint that are under state takeover or financial review.

Terry Neeley, Flint Police officers union president, said the officers can't come soon enough.

"The sooner the better," he said. "The summer is coming. We need these cops right now."

Neeley said more officers would improve response times as well as enhance the service the department provides.

Ananich said he hopes to put the measure to a vote next week. He could not give a time table as to when the officers would be on the street.
Post Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:38 am 
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