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Topic: Michigan CPL requirements.

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Concealed Pistol License Requirements
A. State Requirements
Applicants for a Michigan Concealed Pistol License must:

1. Be at least 21 years of age

2. Be a citizen of the United States or an immigrant alien lawfully admitted into the United States

3. Be a resident of the State of Michigan for at least 6 months prior to application. An applicant is a state resident if one of the following applies:

The applicant possesses a valid, lawfully obtained Michigan driver's license or state identification card
The applicant is lawfully registered to vote in Michigan
The applicant is on active duty status with the United States Armed Forces and stationed outside of Michigan, but Michigan is the home of record
The applicant is on active duty status with the United States Armed Forces and is permanently stationed in Michigan, but the home of record is another state
Note: The 6-month residency requirement may be waived by the concealed pistol licensing board for new residents licensed by another state.

4. Have successfully completed a pistol safety training course

5. Not be subject to any of the following:

An order requiring involuntary hospitalization or alternative treatment
An order finding legal incapacitation
A finding of not guilty by reason of insanity
6. Not be subject to a conditional bond release prohibiting purchase or possession of a firearm

7. Not be subject to a personal protection order

8. Not be prohibited from possessing, using, transporting, selling, purchasing, carrying, shipping, receiving, or distributing a firearm under MCL 750.224f

9. Have never been convicted of a felony in Michigan or elsewhere

10. Have no felony charge pending in Michigan or elsewhere

11. Have not been dishonorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces

12. Have not been convicted of one of the following misdemeanors in the 8 years immediately preceding the date of application:

Failing to stop when involved in a personal injury accident, MCL 257.617a
Operating while intoxicated, second offense, MCL 257.625(9)(b)
Drunk driving, commercial vehicle, MCL 257.625m(4)
Reckless driving, MCL 257.626
Driving while license suspended or revoked, second or subsequent offense, MCL 257.904
Operating aircraft while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance with prior conviction, MCL 259.185
Hindering or obstructing certain persons performing official weights and measures duties, MCL 290.629
Hindering, obstructing, assaulting, or committing bodily injury upon director or authorized representative, MCL 290.650
Operating an ORV under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance, second or subsequent offense, MCL 324.81134(5)-(6)
Operating a snowmobile under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance, second or subsequent offense, MCL 324.82127 punishable under section MCL 324.82128(1)(b) or (c)
Operating a vessel under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance, second or subsequent offense, MCL 324.80176 punishable under MCL 324.80177(1)(b)
Possessing a controlled substance, controlled substance analogue, or prescription form, MCL 333.7403.
Operating a locomotive under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance, or while visibly impaired, MCL 462.353(4)
Displaying sexually explicit matter to minors, MCL 722.677
Assault or domestic assault, MCL 750.81
Aggravated assault or aggravated domestic assault, MCL 750.81a
Breaking and entering or entering without breaking, MCL 750.115
Fourth-degree child abuse, MCL 750.136b
Accosting, enticing, or soliciting a child for immoral purposes, MCL 750.145a
Vulnerable adult abuse, MCL 750.145n
Solicitation to commit a felony, MCL 750.157b
Impersonating a peace officer or medical examiner, MCL 750.215
Illegal sale of a firearm or ammunition, MCL 750.223
Illegal use or sale of a self-defense spray, MCL 750.224d
Sale or possession of a switchblade, MCL 750.226a
Improper transportation of a loaded firearm, MCL 750.227c
Failure to have a pistol inspected, MCL 750.228
Accepting a pistol in pawn, MCL 750.229
Failure to register the purchase of a firearm or a firearm component, MCL 750.232
Improperly obtaining a pistol, making a false statement on an application to purchase a pistol, or using false identification to purchase a pistol, MCL 750.232a
Intentionally aiming a firearm without malice, MCL 750.233
Intentionally discharging a firearm aimed without malice, MCL 750.234
Possessing a firearm on prohibited premises, MCL 750.234d
Brandishing a firearm in public, MCL 750.234e
Possession of a firearm by an individual less than 18 years of age, MCL 750.234f
Intentionally discharging a firearm aimed without malice causing injury, MCL 750.235
Parent of a minor who possessed a firearm in a weapon-free school zone, MCL 750.235a
Setting a spring gun or other device, MCL 750.236
Possessing a firearm while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a drug, MCL 750.237
Weapon-free school zone violation, MCL 750.237a
Indecent exposure, MCL 750.335a
Stalking, MCL 750.411h
Fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct, MCL 750.520e
Reckless, careless, or negligent use of a firearm resulting in injury or death, MCL 752.861
Careless, reckless, or negligent use of a firearm resulting in property damage, MCL 752.862
Reckless discharge of a firearm, MCL 752.863a
Note: The applicant must not have violated a law of the United States, another state, or a local unit of government of this state or another state substantially corresponding to a violation described above.

13. Have not been convicted of one of the following misdemeanors in the 3 years immediately preceding the date of application:

Operating under the influence, MCL 257.625
Refusal of commercial vehicle operator to submit to a chemical test, MCL 257.625a
Ignition interlock device reporting violation, MCL 257.625k
Circumventing an ignition interlocking device, MCL 257.625l
Operating a commercial vehicle with alcohol content, MCL 257.625m(3)
Operating an aircraft under the influence, MCL 259.185
Operating an ORV under the influence, MCL 324.81134
Operating an ORV while visibly impaired, MCL 324.81135
Operating a snowmobile under the influence, MCL 324.82127
Controlled substances, MCL 333.7401 to 333.7461
Operating a locomotive under the influence, MCL 462.353(3)
Disorderly person, MCL 750.167
Embezzlement, MCL 750.174
False pretenses with intent to defraud, MCL 750.218
Larceny, MCL 750.356
Second-degree retail fraud, MCL 750.356d
Larceny, vacant building, MCL 750.359
Larceny, by conversion, MCL 750.362
Larceny, defrauding lessor, MCL 750.362a
Malicious destruction of property, MCL 750.377a
Malicious destruction of real property, MCL 750.380
Receiving stolen property, MCL 750.535
Malicious use of telephones, MCL 750.540e
Note: The applicant must not have violated a law of the United States, another state, or a local unit of government of this state or another state substantially corresponding to a violation described above.

14. Have not been found guilty but mentally ill of any crime and has not offered a plea of not guilty of, or been acquitted of, any crime by reason of insanity

15. Have never been subject to an order of involuntary commitment in an inpatient or outpatient setting due to a mental illness

16. Not have a diagnosed mental illness at the time the application is made, regardless of whether he or she is receiving treatment

17. Not be under a court order of legal incapacity in this state or elsewhere

18. Not be detrimental to the safety of his or her self or any other person if issued a Concealed Pistol License

B. Federal Requirements

Pursuant to MCL 28.426, a Concealed Pistol License may not be issued to a person prohibited under federal law from possessing or transporting a firearm. The federal requirements to possess or transport a firearm include that the applicant:

1. Not have been convicted in any court of, or under indictment for, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year (i.e. felony, or any misdemeanor punishable by more than 2 years)

2. Not be a fugitive of justice

3. Not be an unlawful user of, or addicted to, any controlled substance, as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802)

4. Not be adjudicated as a mental defective or who has been committed to a mental institution

5. Not be an alien who is illegally or unlawfully in the United States

6. Not be discharged from the United States Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions

7. Not have renounced his or her citizenship

8. Not be subject to a court order prohibiting harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of such intimate partner or from engaging in other conduct that would place the partner or child in reasonable fear of bodily injury.

9. Not be convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:32 pm 
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