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Topic: Does the Mott Foundation run Flint?

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El Supremo

More and more residents are voicing the opinion that the Foundation has achieved what charles Stewart Mott couldn't control of the City leaders through Lansing. Highsmith's research indicates CS Mott controlled the schools but was less successful with City Hall. Mott, along with GM, also controlled much of the housing up until sometme in the 50's with restricted covenants.

Tax credits are going to the downtown area once again.

GOOD MORNING FLINT! 04/27/12. by Terry Bankert

" I offer my opposition a bargain: if they will stop telling lies about us, I will stop telling the truth about them."[ Adlai Stevenson , Campaign Speech, 1952] and as said buY one." My enemies enemy is my Friend". I give a shout out to my new best friends the Flint City Council. Lets join this fight together with the Flint Community. WE DEMAND PUBLIC SAFTEY!


This was the clear message from Kevin Smith the President of the Flint Patrol Union and Scott Kincaid President of the Flint CIty Council. These announcements were made at the South Side Crime Watch meeting 7pm last night. The meeting was held at Lincoln Park United Methodist Church Flint MI.

Alberta Douglas chaired this meeting and we are happy to see her.

Approximately 40 people were in attendance at this meeting. Same number as the last meeting I was at. This is a great turnout for a community activity in Flint Mi.

Flint CIty Council President Scott Kincaid spoke about the City budget and the lack of a community comment process before adoption. He contrasted Browns uninformed politically rushed process with the deliberative process of the Flint City Council .

Emergency Manager Michael Brown had planned on community input but for political reason moved on without it.

The General City workers are the hardest hit with immediate effect in the City Budget.The bumping rights of these employees will result in chaos in City hall, as if we need more, for about 30 days until the high seniority surviving employees settle into their new slots.

As you know our water bills are going up 25%. How can those on Fixed income make it. Expect more increases to come.

Did you know that business and landlords with vacant property like the Land Bank are favored with the water cost program. Now instead of a 3 mill tax that applied to all Flint properties the new flat fees will only apply to occupied residential properties. Kincaid said the poor income projection by Brown will cause this to flat fee to rise to $175.00 for each household.

Kincaid talked of the 3 mil charge. Homeowners should monitor your bills to make sure this is no longer collected. I bet they do.

Kincaid projects the city will lose up to 200 employees.

With the sum certain on waste collection fees Brown will now easily be able to give a privatized waste collection contract to a favored firm. We must watch this closely.

Of special concern for all of us is the loss of 19 police officers. How can we survive this. Kincaid stated Brown will never fire Chief Alvin Lock even with the State Police not satisfied with Locks performance .

Kincade pointed out his long term nemesis Robert Emmerson of Flint now living out of town and a prominent Lansing lobbyist who meets weekly to give directions/orders to Brown advocates no waste collection. “ Let the citizens take care of their own garbage!” Kincaid asserts he said.

Kincaid speculated Brown will place a 4-6 mill ballot question before you the votes soon. I think it is his only option. Ironic those of us that have chosen to stay in Flint,to live, keeping our business even investing are going to be punished by Brown and White.

To Kinciad Michael Brown has shown that he is not an effective financial manager. To me it just looks like his mission to to sell off our assets and privatize out service to vendors and people preferred by William White of the Mott Foundation or advocated by his other lackeys at the Uptown Reinvestment, Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce or any other Republican that knocks on Whites door. We should get the Governors phone records to see how many calls he take from White.

Brown was told to keep White’s favorite son Dayne Walling on the payroll because he has a young family. I wonder how long that will continue?

During the meeting Chairperson Alberta Douglas asked me about Charter Revision and I announced that I have suspended my efforts. My read is that there is not sufficient community support, most people are not totally satisfied with the charter and the strong mayor system. They do not want to risk the revision proce After going to dozens of community meeting and working the petition drive personally my observation is that most Flint Citizens principal concern is public safety, they like their councilperson and dislike Dayne Walling and want him gone. We spoke about the League of Women Voters report that recommended charter amendment. I suggested that it be brought forward. I am going to help the Crime watch NBH movement as much as I can. If any group wants to invited me to speak on Charter Amendment, Revision or Flint’s future please call 235-1970.

Kevin Smith President Of Flint Patrol Officers Association spoke. Smith said Mike Brown barely participated in the contract negotiations. My personal opinion is that Bill White wants the Flint public safety service contracted to the Sheriff and private service delivery. I sadly think the days of the Flint Police Department are number. Additionally my view is that Mayor Dayne Walling has taken this as a directive and this explains why he did not settle the police contract on his watch.

Smith said under the new contract his officers are working 84 hour weeks. They have 50 calls assigned to them every day, can only do 30. The average for other busy Police Departments in this county is 15. Smith also said the Michigan State Police are essentially running the Flint Police Department and are not happy with the current chief. He said the State Police Cherry pick the easier calls leaving the domestic call and other dangerous calls to the Flint police.

Union President Kevin Smith said the officers do not have the tools to do their Job. They are struggling to keep this community safe.

The Smith and Kincaid message to Flint Citizens is to attend the hearings of Brown and advocate in others ways for public safety.

They said essentially to Flint Citizens, YOU GUYS NEED TO GO DOWNTOWN AND RAISE HELL.

Post Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:04 pm 
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