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Topic: North Flint-stop the petty jealousy!

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El Supremo

Pastor Flynn is being bashed by many because he is pushing for development of the Northeast corridor. People tell me they want their area developed.

Well-There are two areas in North Flint that were designated as priorities years ago-long before Flynn returned to Flint. These two area are the area flynn is promoting and the Flint Park Lake area. While not in the north end, Carriage Town has been waiting to be developed for ovr twenty five years.

The diffference is that the Northeast group has fought vigilantly and got financed to create a development plan. No area in Flint will be developed without a plan. I remember in 2004 or 2005 when Bernard Lawler was arguing with the Department of Community and Economic development about changes his group wanted made to the plan for that area.

If you want development, don't wait for someone to magically make it happen. Foss Avenue Baptist Church has a history of making things happen.
Post Sat May 12, 2012 2:29 pm 
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El Supremo

As banks began leaving the north end, Pastor Aldridge made the Foss Avenue Credit Union a reality. Changes in the laws governing credit unions are pushing Flynn to make the credit union bigger and available to more residents.

Aldridge organized meeting with the Concerned Pastors for former Governor Engler. Engler listened to their concerns and facillitated communication between his office and the leadership. Snyder does not seem to care if he communicates and/or listens to these groups.

Flynn's actions, while they seem radical to some, made the governor's office pay attention. Hollins initiated a meeting in less than 24 hours and came from Detroit to meet with the minority community. His message of 'suck it up" (my words) and don't get on the wrong side of Brown has not sat well with the minority community.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Sun May 13, 2012 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Sat May 12, 2012 2:38 pm 
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El Supremo

Some from FACT, a rival group to the Concerned Pastors, criticize Flynn for promoting the North East Plan before he was completely familar with the streets. Maybe he should have delegated some of that responsibility, but I admire his unwavering commitment to achieving economic development in the norh end.

Has FACT come forward to protest the inequity of the increased taxes and fees as Pastor Flynn has? In my opinion Walling had Fact in the palm of his hand. Pastor Flynn and his associates have discussed this inequity on their radio show and announced their plans to fight for the poor and the disenfranchised.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Sun May 13, 2012 1:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Sat May 12, 2012 2:46 pm 
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El Supremo

Flynn has organized a press conference for noon Monday at City Hall. Not all of the pastors will be supporting Flynn, but then not all of Flint's religious community fought in the Civil Rights fight of the 1960's. I am told Reverend Jesse Jackson will be participating. Jackson has been vocal about his displeasure with the Emergency Manager law.

Dr Marian Hockenhull and the First Trinity Church have graciously offereed free parking in their lot across from the entrance to the County Administration building.
Post Sat May 12, 2012 3:02 pm 
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El Supremo

Many comments have been made about the local FBI statement that Flint and Genesee County have the most corrupt government in the state. Then why do we not have any prosecutions and why have the investigations fallen to the wayside.Is Washington DC and the Democratic party protecting Walling from prosecution?

Besides the Department of Energy Grant, there are other scandals brewing. I spoke to the office of Inspector General for HUD for two hours concerning Smith Village and yet they have allowed this travesty to continue. It is my belief that many contracts executed had kickbacks attached to them. I gave the OIG over 1300 pages of documents and emailed more. In response, HUD began demanding outragrous payments for Freedom of Information requests.

Charles Young Jr and his Detroit investment partner did not meet the HUD criteria for this project. Finally, I understand Brown will be replacing them as developer/builder for phases 2 and 3. The lawsuit against the city for the Eason contract switch has been in limbo in Judge Yuille's court since early December 2011.

Brown is continuing with phase two when phase one is stalled and in my opinion completely screwed up. The roads are a disaster and you might need a 4 wheel drive to navigate some. Valuable water, sewer, street and sidewalk dollars have been allocated to Smith Village while other repairs have lanquished. And Eason and Walling committed many millions of dollars to other projects associated with Smith Village. Where are those dollars coming from?

Another hidden development is the Metawaneenee Project that has been moving forward quietly and almost behind the scenes.
Post Sat May 12, 2012 3:22 pm 
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