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Topic: Part-time police in Flint?

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El Supremo

The mention of part time police and cross training police and fire has also come up in Flint. With 108 sworn officers in Flint and the level of violence, I don't brlieve part time officers are an option.

The Flint Police unions are said to be resisting this option. Would you risk your life in this city for part time pay and no benefits? It is especially bad since the department has one hief and a new Director of Public safety.

Personally I think some of the officers should look west. Western states have come to this area in the past trying to recruit laid off officers.
17 fewer public safety positions in Saginaw

Posted: May 07, 2012 11:52 PM EDT Updated: May 08, 2012 11:32 AM EDT

By Kristen Abraham - bio | email

(05/07/12) - Saginaw's proposed budget is calling for some tough cuts including 17 fewer public safety positions next year. The City Manager calls it a plan for reform and sustainability.

While there are no layoffs planned, a number of positions have been eliminated. Ten positions in the police department won't be filled. Seven in the fire department.

As these departments dwindle to bare bones, the city says they're at the point, where they must find other ways to keep the quality of service at a high level.

City administration is also looking at part time police officers and cross training police and fire personnel.
Budget adoption is scheduled forMay 21.
Post Wed May 09, 2012 7:45 am 
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El Supremo

..2006 article from the Michigan Municipal League.

RESERVE OFFICER PROGRAMS -- Are You Doing It Right ...

www.mml.org/insurance/shared/publications/leaf_newsletter/reserve_pr...- Similarto RESERVE OFFICER PROGRAMS -- Are You Doing It Right ...

service, and many are adopting or expanding their reserve officer programs. .... other issues in a March 18, 1992 letter to Michael D. Thomas, ESQ., Saginaw ...
Post Wed May 09, 2012 7:51 am 
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El Supremo


www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2001-2002/billanalysis/House/h...- Similarto CCW EXEMPTIONS FOR RESERVE & PART-TIME POLICE ...

Public Act 381 of 2000 amended the handgun licensure act to revise the way citizens apply for and receive licenses to carry a concealed pistol. The act changed ...



Several police departments in the state have appealed to the legislature for a change in the new concealed weapons law as it pertains to reserve police officers. Because reserve officers are not exempt from the CCW licensing requirements, and are subject to the restrictions on carrying concealed weapons on certain premises, including school grounds, bars, arenas, etc., it has become impossible for police departments to continue using these volunteers to assist them with security and crowd control functions at school and community events. It makes no sense to bar armed police officers from the named locations, as these are the very sites that are often in need of additional police presence. Without the use of reserve forces, many of whom are volunteers, police agencies across Michigan are facing severe manpower shortages and cannot afford to provide the level of public safety that their communities have come to expect. House Bills 6110 and 6111 will provide relief, by exempting reserve officers from the CCW licensing requirements and restrictions while they are on duty.


While House Bill 6110 is a reasonable approach to resolving the issues raised by the passage of Public Act 381, House Bill 6111 would go far beyond what is necessary to solve the problem. It would completely exempt reserve and part-time officers from the CCW licensing requirements, including the requirement to obtain firearm safety training, as well as prohibitions on possessing automatic weapons and transporting loaded weapons in a vehicle. While some local police departments provide training for their reserve officers, there is no statewide standard for training reserves, nor any requirement that they be trained. In fact, they should not be classified in the statute in the same category as "part-time" police officers, who are fully certified and trained police officers who are working less than full-time hours. If reserve officers are going to be carrying weapons (especially when acting as a police officer) they should indeed be required to obtain at least the safety training required of other citizens who apply for CCW licenses.

Post Wed May 09, 2012 8:07 am 
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El Supremo

Are Flint Blue Badge volunteers the forerunners of a police reserve program?
Post Wed May 09, 2012 8:09 am 
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