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El Supremo

The Flint Police were not informed of the switch from the contractual overtime to what is commonly called the "Garcia Cycles". [Garcia v San Antonio Metro Transit Authority 469 US 528 (1985)]. But then again the court has already ruled in another case they did not have to inform the police.

Under the FSLA rules employees,other than police and fire, are entitled to "not less than one and one/half times their regular wages for any time worked in excess of 40 hours in a seven (7) day pay period. 29 USC 207 (a) (1).

However, there is a partial FSLA exemption for fire and police personel and that exemption sets a higher threshold and applies to actual hours worked,
Post Thu May 17, 2012 8:59 pm 
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El Supremo

Section 7(k) of the FLSA provides that employees engaged in fire protection or law enforcement may be paid overtime on a “work period” basis. A “work period” may be from 7 consecutive days to 28 consecutive days in length. For work periods of at least 7 but less than 28 days, overtime pay is required when the number of hours worked exceeds the number of hours that bears the same relationship to 212 (fire) or 171 (police) as the number of days in the work period bears to 28. For example, fire protection personnel are due overtime under such a plan after 106 hours worked during a 14-day work period, while law enforcement personnel must receive overtime after 86 hours worked during a 14-day work period.

Under certain prescribed conditions, a State or local government agency may give compensatory time, at a rate of not less than one and one-half hours for each overtime hour worked, in lieu of cash overtime compensation. Employees engaged in police and fire protection work may accrue up to 480 hours of compensatory time.
Post Thu May 17, 2012 9:03 pm 
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El Supremo

In addition all shift premiums have been discontinued.

For the special assignment on the Howard Block, approximately 40 officers were assembeled at 3 am and told not ot worry about overtime as the overtime was considered to be part of the federal grant. They were told to take their time and at all times to be thorough.

When checks came out there were some angry officers. Anyone who had used sick or annual time in that pay period lost a comparable amount of overtime. These cuts when added to the pay cuts left a lot of unhappy officers.
Post Thu May 17, 2012 9:14 pm 
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El Supremo

There may be no cuts in police. Does that mean more cuts in Local 1600 when their layoffs are announced next week?
Post Thu May 17, 2012 9:15 pm 
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El Supremo

Will police start refusing overtime? What happens when mandatory overtime is created?

Officers using vacation and annual time or even a day will not get overtime unless they work an inordinate amount of hours in that pay cycle (2 week).

the gangs have stressed to residents to stay out of harms way as this summer will be a bad one.
Post Fri May 18, 2012 7:21 am 
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