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El Supremo

Flint rally: 'It's fighting time' against emergency managers, Public Act 4

Published: Monday, May 14, 2012, 4:16 PM Updated: Monday, May 14, 2012, 4:28 PM

By Kristin Longley | klongley1@mlive.com

FLINT, MI -- Singing "We Shall Overcome" and calling for an end to emergency manager rule in Flint and across the state, a crowd of more than 100 people rallied against Public Act 4 on the lawn of Flint City Hall today.

The group of Flint clergy and other community members gathered in support of the Rev. Reginald Flynn, a Flint pastor who was arrested May 3 after a one-man protest against emergency manager Michael Brown's budget and water and sewer rate increases.

Participants also spoke out against the emergency manager law, saying it's undemocratic and targets cities populated by a majority of African American residents.

"You are not alone," said Highland Park Pastor David Bullock, state coordinator of Rainbow PUSH. "Don't let people tell you this is a Flint city government issue."

Bullock, who is also part of a statewide coalition to repeal the emergency manager law, called on residents to fight Public Act 4, saying Michigan is "the new Mississippi" and "liberty is being lynched."

"If it looks like racism... somebody ought to open their mouth and say it's racism," he said. "Somebody ought to have some authority and say it's fighting time."

Gov. Rick Snyder has denied that Public Act 4 purposefully targets cities of majority minority populations, saying the law was designed to help cities to quickly overcome their financial difficulties.

But several protestors said the law isn't fair and has detrimental effects on the poor.

Trent Farnsworth, president of the Flint firefighters union, said it's "inexcusable" what is happening in Flint. Sam Muma, president of the general city employees union, said Flint is "in for a fight."

"The work is still going to be hard, but we're up for it," said Muma, who filed a lawsuit against the Flint emergency manager appointment.

Flynn spoke at the close of the rally, criticizing his treatment by Flint police. His attorney, Glenn Cotton, called for an investigation by the Justice Department.

Flynn also read excerpts of an essay he wrote that was addressed to emergency manager Michael Brown, called "A Letter from the Flint City Jail." (View the letter here: Flynn Letter.docx )

The letter is in response to a statement Brown issued the day after Flynn's arrest, saying Flynn damaged property and exhibited "erratic and frightening behavior" -- which Flynn denies -- before officers detained him. (View the statement here: Brown Statement.pdf)

"My alleged 'verbal tirade' was nothing more than a direct, non-violent, civil disobedient protest against the implementation and execution of Michigan's Emergency Manager Law as practiced in Flint, Michigan," Flynn wrote. "I would venture to say, however, that your 'tirade' of executive decisions has become the veritable embodiment of 'erratic and frightening' behavior."

Through a spokesman, Brown declined to comment on the rally Monday but said he is sticking with his previous statement.

On Sunday, the Rev. Jesse Jackson of Rainbow PUSH spoke in support of Flynn, and urged Flint residents to join the rally and speak out against the law.

He also called for a statewide rally of more than 10,000 people to be organized.

"This is a season in all of that which we gained is being rejected," he said.

Flint resident Veronica West, 49, said she attended the rally in support of Flynn and his principles. A founder of the North Flint Reinvestment Corp., Flint has been an outspoken advocate for more economic development on the north end of the city.

"They're closing down schools in black neighborhoods and beautifying other places," she said. "We're losing jobs in the poorest areas of the city."
Post Mon May 14, 2012 4:46 pm 
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El Supremo

Pastor David Bullock of Greater St. Matthew Baptist Church in Highland Park is also the State chairman for the Committee to Stand Up For Democracy. He addressed the audience on the Statewide Opposition to Public Act 4. Bullock was joined by the State Coordinator of Push Michigan as well as NAN and the Detroit NAACP.

Bullock state "liberty is lynched in Michigan", "They had to get rid of democracy to balance the budget". Flint, you are not alone, said Bullock, PA4 affects the entire state. Bulock equated the role of the EM to that of an overseer-a master. You are not our savior and you do not stand for us and democracy.

Bullock denounced the PA4 for making the vote of the citizens null and void. They want to give us financial stability without economic recovery, he said. You saw what they did with the Board of Canvassers- they denied us on a technicality. He stated there were two Republicans that stole our opportunity to decide in November after over 226,000 signatures were collected.

Bullock said a group of pastors met with Snyder and told him that if it looks like racism and feels like racism, then it is racism. The victory in a race is given to the strong. We need to fight voter suppression and today is the beginning . It's fighting time.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Mon May 14, 2012 7:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Mon May 14, 2012 5:05 pm 
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El Supremo

Pastor Lewis Randolph of Antioch Baptist Church and President of the Concerned Pastors for Social Action, noted this was a fight aginst PA4 and not against Mike Brown personally. "We are speaking for those without a voice, said Randolph, the poor and the disenfranchised. PA4 laid a burden on the backs of the poor and is a law that is not fair, Randolph noted.

Randolph spoke of the many handicapped and elderly Flint residents that live on only their social security and have less than $1,000 a month. These higher fees and taxes are more than they can bear, he said.

Randolph lamented that Flint had five black councilmen that could not work together. He spoke about the tax exemptions granted to the downtown businesses and the lack of development in the north end. He said he believed the business entities and the rich need to pay their share.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Mon May 14, 2012 7:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Mon May 14, 2012 5:18 pm 
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El Supremo

Trent Farnsworth, President of the Firefighters union said he was there for the common cause. He challenged the Brown administration for their "inherntly derelict actions behind closed doors" for the decision to protect the city with only three fire stations and 55 firefighters. Farnsworth said the the negotiations took the form of 'illegal extortion' when Brown threatened them with 30% cuts if they did not accept the 20%.

PA4 is wrong, said Farnsworth, and we need to throw a wrench into Snyder's machine. The EM,the Mott Foundation and the business leaders are in bed together, he said.

Note; The police officers union has previously stated similar comments regarding the percentages of cuts.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Tue May 15, 2012 6:20 am; edited 2 times in total
Post Mon May 14, 2012 5:29 pm 
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El Supremo

Flint Attorney Glen Cotton spoke on the unconstitutional nature of PA4 . Pastor Flynn went in with words and was met with violent force. We need to continue to fight this illegal act in a nonviolent manner.

Cotton noted how our Flint Police are being replaced with by State Police who don't even know our streets. The money for these police could have been used to rehire our laid off police, he observed. They have hired a supervisor over the Police chief. We had the Ombudsman Office as a recourse and the citizenry reaffirmed that office in the last election. That office is gone.

The arrest is on YOUTUBE. There will be litigation. Cotton compared the spending of millions for democracy in Iraq while our democracy is being taken away.

There will be another rally in two weeks and citizens do not plan on letting up on the pressure.

Cotton also discussed the Conyers report on the PA 4. Crime is rampant, Cotton said, not because the people are criminals, but because there are no jobs. "We need a bailout for the people".
Post Mon May 14, 2012 5:51 pm 
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El Supremo

Flynn presented his letter from a Flint City jail, which he came when he was reminded of the letter King wrote. He said his cause was never about him, but was about he issues and the impact on the residents. "Some are angry at me, said Flynn, and this fight has resulted in a character assassination. He said some of his colleagues said he was trying to be a one-man show. But they don't know my heart-I am obedient to God-and I don't regret.

Flynn read his letter and led the group in song.
Post Mon May 14, 2012 5:57 pm 
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El Supremo

I understand flint Police Officer karl Petrich of the Afro-American Police was on Channel 12 demanding that Pastor Flynn resign.

Using the allegations of Petrich, he himself should have been fired for the lawsuit that alleged he and another officer beat up a Russian young man for dating a black girl.. The city paid the law suit which was brought by Attorney Tom Pabst.

06-083204-NO JUDGE FARAH FILE 01/31/06 ADJ DT 01/31/07 CLOSE 01/31/07







P-27872 810-732-6792 P-19343 810-342-7001









P-19343 810-342-7001

Post Mon May 14, 2012 6:09 pm 
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El Supremo

Petrich also managed to get a no-bid contract to provide security for the DDA on a Mott Foundation grant. Williamson ended the contract and Petrich sued and got money. He still works for the downtown security. Maybe that is where his loyalty lies.


08-088275-CZ JUDGE FARAH FILE 03/14/08 ADJ DT 04/24/08 CLOSE 04/24/08




FLINT MI 48502


P-40056 248-594-7500 P-19343 810-342-7001





FLINT MI 48502


Post Mon May 14, 2012 6:13 pm 
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El Supremo

In the July 22,2010 MTA board minutes, Petrich spoke on behalf of Hi-Tech Protection. Flint Police Tim Johnson is the owner of Hi-tech Protection and had been supplying the MTA with police arresting authority at the downtown transfer station.

They were in the midst of a bid process and competing with D m Burr Security. Petrich stated he had worked for Hi-Tech for three years and had made over 100 arrests at the transfer station.
Post Mon May 14, 2012 6:24 pm 
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El Supremo

Dougovito needs to be happy she was challenging Pastor Flynn because some of those Detroit pastors would have torn her up!

Police report: Rev. Flynn hurled racial slurs at arresting officer

Posted: May 14, 2012 5:51 PM EDT Updated: May 14, 2012 6:52 PM EDT

By Lori Dougovito -

(05/14/12) - There was prayer and public outcry Monday outside of Flint City Hall.

Religious leaders stood united denouncing Public Act 4.

It follows the arrest of Reverend Reginald Flynn earlier this month.

Flynn, with Foss Avenue Baptist Church, was protesting the emergency manager law and service fee increase. He was inside of city hall.

Now there are allegations he, a prominent, black pastor, hurled racial slurs during that arrest.

Emergency Manager Mike Brown said, in a previous statement about the arrest, Flynn was acting "erratic" and even destroyed city property.

In a police report detailing Flynn's arrest, obtained by ABC12, there are disturbing allegations he lashed out at the black police officer trying to detain him.

ABC12 asked him if he called the officer an n-word and also, if he asked the officer if he obeys his white masters as the report describes.

"That's not true," Flynn says.

When asked if the police report was not factual? When asked if he didn't make that statement?

"I'm saying that I did not make that statement."

"I don't have recollection of making that statement. I don't call my brothers and sisters that word," Flynn says.

Flynn released video of his arrest and alleges violent force by Flint Police.

Watch video HERE. There is a noticeable edit about five seconds in. The clip runs 23 seconds.

He was protesting the emergency manager law and using a bullhorn.

Brown says, after a 30 minute verbal tirade, Flynn turned over furniture, knocked phones and computer equipment onto the floor.

Police stepped in and put him in handcuffs after it he reportedly pulled his bullhorn away and drew it back as if to strike one of the officers.

The report indicates Flynn turned to an officer, a black officer, and hurled those racial slurs.

"I think he should resign from his position at the church. I don't think you can be a pastor and use racial slurs against people. You can't do it. You got to be held accountable," says Karl Petrich, President of the Flint Branch of the African American Police League.

Flynn was arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

He was released that same day.

No charges have been issued.
Post Mon May 14, 2012 6:52 pm 
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El Supremo

Petrich also was sued by Chuckie Young for a wrongful arrest while he was on the job.. Who would believe the Young they wanted could be Chuckie when the warrant stated the heigth as over a foot taller than Chuckie.
Post Mon May 14, 2012 6:55 pm 
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El Supremo

It appears obvious that Channel 12 was more interested in protecting the status quo than in listening to the message.

Neither Channel 12 nor the flint Journal have any understanding of institutional racism.
Post Mon May 14, 2012 6:57 pm 
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El Supremo

February 29, 2012

Secretary of State Ruth Johnson
Michigan Department of State
Lansing, Michigan 48918

Dear Secretary Johnson:

We write to express our interest in insuring that the filing and verification of more than 200,000 initiative petition signatures being delivered to your office today by Michigan Forward in order to seek repeal the Michigan Emergency Manager Law (Public Act 4 of 2011) are handled in a lawful, appropriate, and transparent manner.

Given that the underlying Michigan Emergency Law raises significant questions under the U.S. Constitution and the Voting Rights Act, as Members of Congress, we believe there is a strong federal interest in insuring that the petitions are processed in a proper manner. Many of the underlying federal interests are identified in an Interim Report issued by Rep. Conyers on Tuesday, February 21, 2012. The Interim Report can be accessed at the following website:


It is our understanding based on Director of Elections Chris Thomas’ discussions with Detroit NAACP General Counsel Butch Hollowell, that you will permit as many individuals as are necessary to participate in delivering the petitions. We consider this to be a positive development.

Beyond the delivery of the petitions, we also have a strong interest in guaranteeing that the physical integrity of the signed petitions is maintained at all times during the petition consideration process by your office and by the State Board of Canvassers, and that proper and fully transparent procedures are adhered to during the entire process.

Given the important and time sensitive nature of our request, we would ask that your office and other relevant officials work with us to set up a conference call or meeting this morning to discuss these matters. Please contact Rep. Conyers’ House Judiciary Committee office at 202-225-6504 at your earliest possible convenience so that we may coordinate.

John Conyers
Post Mon May 14, 2012 7:09 pm 
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El Supremo

Retired police Lt. Alvern Lock takes the helm of the Flint Police Department

Published: Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 10:08 PM Updated: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 10:23 AM

By Julie Morrison | Flint Journal


FLINT, Michigan -- The city has its fourth police chief of the year.

And this one plans to stay awhile.

Flint Journal extras Fourth time's a charm?
• Alvern Lock, 50, was named Flint police chief Wednesday, becoming the city's fourth police chief this year.

• Lock spent 23 years as a Flint police officer before his retirement in 2006, working in multiple capacities ranging from homicide investigation to the drug unit.

• Lock will serve a six-month term under temporary Mayor Michael Brown but said he is open to serving under Flint's next mayor.

Retired Flint police Lt. Alvern Lock, 50, won unanimous City Council approval Wednesday night to become the city's first permanent police chief since 2004.

"Hopefully, I'll be the last one this year," said Lock.

One officer said Lock's record as a Flint police officer gives him much-needed credibility with officers.

"If Alvern Lock told me he had a warrant for the devil and was riding to hell to get him, I'd ride with him," said Flint police Officer Karl Petrich, head of the Afro American Police League.

Lock retired from the department in 2006 after a 23-year career that included stints with the homicide squad and the special operations bureau.

He was shot in the line of duty in 1987, taking a bullet in the cheek as he and other officers tried to arrest a man wanted on drug and weapons charges.

Lock also has strong ties to the community and spent a year after his retirement coordinating safety and security for the Flint School District.

He is currently on a six-month leave from his job as campus security supervisor at the University of Michigan-Flint. His wife, Theresa Stephens-Lock, a retired Flint Police sergeant, is now the director of the Mott Community College Public Safety Department.


Lock will earn a pro-rated amount of the yearly chief's salary of about $89,000 plus benefits. He said he is open to the possibility of staying on as chief under the city's next mayor.
Post Mon May 14, 2012 9:11 pm 
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El Supremo

I just wathed the video of King Mondo about the rally. He managed to capture the essence of the rally!
Post Wed May 16, 2012 8:11 am 
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