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Topic: Is the Flint NAACP relevant for today's issues?

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El Supremo

Attorney General official says 'no legitimate basis' for criminal charges against spouse of NAACP leader

Published: Thursday, April 05, 2012, 6:00 PM Updated: Thursday, April 05, 2012, 6:46 PM

By Ron Fonger | RFONGER1@mlive.com

GENESEE COUNTY, MI -- Tickets written by a county park ranger will apparently be thrown out after an official with the state Attorney General's Office said "there is no legitimate basis for further action."

The tickets issued in June against Aonie Gilcrest, husband of Frances Gilcreast, president of the Flint branch of the NAACP, claimed Aoine Gilcrest failed to yield to a firetruck that had its lights and siren activated.

Genesee and Ingham county prosecutors had recused themselves from considering whether to pursue the charges.

"After reviewing the findings of our attorney, and considering the statements made by the witnesses, I have concluded that there is no legitimate basis for further action," wrote Richard L. Cunningham, criminal division chief for the Attorney General Bill Schuette.

"Within the scope of prosecutorial discretion, I am thus closing our file without recommending any criminal charges."

The Flint Journal could not reach Aoine Gilcrest for comment today.

Tom Pabst, an attorney for the rangers -- Michael O’Leary and Adam Thrash -- said he wasn't surprised that the charges aren't being pursued.

"There's no question they are legitimate tickets. These are certified police officers," Pabst said. "We all know (we have to yield to a fire truck), but apparently not this guy."

"I think special favors were afforded to this guy," said Pabst, who said the decision not to prosecute appeared to be tainted by "Favoritism and double standards."

"A jury will figure this out real fast," he said.

Thrash and O'Leary filed a Whistleblower Protection Act complaint against the county Parks and Recreation Commission in July, claiming they were suspended from their jobs because they wrote and refused to dismiss tickets issued to Gilcrest.

Parks officials have said the discipline was a direct result of the rangers conduct after making the Gilcrest traffic stop -- not because they issued tickets.

O'Leary was fired from his job in October.

The rangers' lawsuit is still pending in Genesee Circuit Court.


black's will always use the "race" card when ever they want to get out of trouble, here is a fine example.


The black vote is very important for all the above that were involved in this case. The Genesee County Parks have been kissing political butts for the past several years. Political persons always get into park events at reduced prices or for free. This is why I will vote NO on all future park milage renewals.


Thanks for the follow up, Ron. I guess that means we do not have to stop for fire trucks or park rangers now.


Only if you are politically connected or rich. The poor still get arrested and jailed.


A local NAACP Presidential spouse gets a pass from the local politicians and the MI Attorney General's office, and we hear cries of "Praise Jesus, we have reached the Promised Land." The Florida State Attorney tells the investigator in the George Zimmerman case to go back and do some more investigating before he will grant a warrant. And, we have the race monger tag-team of Revs Jesse and Al marching in the streets, the New Black Panthers announcing a $10,000 bounty, and movie mogul Spike Lee tweeting out the address of innocent people trying to lead the bounty hunters to Zimmerman. Go figure!


So, what if this was a stopped school bus instead of a fire truck??? Oh, never mind. Some day, when the doctor says I only have a few months to live, I'm blowing by fire trucks, ambulances, and funeral processions. And, I bet I get popped too. When I present all of this case for MY defense, we'll see how that works out for me. Whoa' boy, can't wait! (LMAO)


I guess I have to assume that in addition to the civil complaint, the tickets, that further criminal charges were asked for. The article is not clear in distinguishing the difference and who requested further unstated charges.


This explains why the innercity is hopeless. When their own leaders choose to not obey the law, why should they? Deal 'Em Dave really outdid himself this time. He passed it off to the AG, which was stupid and now he has repaid the Gilcreast for their votes and that of their members. Flint deserves what it gets. When Leyton can't handle traffic ticket issues, he should not be prosecuting something as simple as jaywalking.


Couldn't agree more.


The husband of the president of the NAACP gets special treatment. I can hear him now. I dont have to stop for any stupid fire truck my wife is the president of the NAACP.


Yes that's true. He did flee the scene after refusing to stop.

Ron Fonger left this part out of the story because it would ruin

the story line. It's not newsworthy, and he should know.

R Fonger
The lawsuit claims Gilcrest did not pull over, but continued to his home, about one mile from where the incident happened -- at Bray and Mt. Morris roads.


Yea, well unfortunately that's not how it works. When the police activate their overhead lights you have to pull over immediately. You don't have the option of driving another mile to your house. This is a sad case when a someone can risk other people lives in more ways then one and get all the charges thrown out, simply because of who their related too. If the Parks and Rec division were trying to discipline these officers for not dropping a citation they should be sued for their actions. Good for their attorney Pabst coming fourth in the Journal and calling it for what it is, "Favoritism and double standards." Whats sad is you know Aonie Gilcrest thinks he's above the law now. I hope this sad individual don't kill someone next time because of his disregard for laws and the innocent people who DO follow them.


Check Mr. Gilcreast's criminal history Mr. Fonger.


Didn't he also flee the scene and drove back to his house while refusing to pull over for the police?
Post Sat May 26, 2012 8:03 pm 
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El Supremo

I haverecently spoken to two individuals that were furious with the speaker of the recent NAACP dinner and stated he disrespected any whites who were present. They felt the speaker was biased against white and felt the NAACP blew it off.

When Rev Flynn was arrested the NAACP refused to take a stance and stated they were investigating. The NAACP was the organization that originally initiated the Justice Department investigation of the Flint Police Force and their excessive force allegations.

Flint's NAACP has had a bad pr relationship for many years. I once tried to locate their offices and I followed a trail of evictions for non-payment of rent. I finally went to building owned by Vincent-Smith and found they had been evicted again. I was told to go to a reataurant on a certain date and they weould be holding their meetings there.

They have had lawsuits over their elections and even more allegations of impropriety about the process of electing officials.

At least under the Gilchrests they have a real office.

But they don't seem to be taking a stance on anything real. NOt like the lawsuit in the 90's involving the Genesee Power Plant and Environmental Racism. What is their present funcion?
Post Sat May 26, 2012 8:14 pm 
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El Supremo

Genesee County park rangers lawsuit remains on track for trial

Published: Monday, April 30, 2012, 7:00 PM

By Ron Fonger | RFONGER1@mlive.com

GENESEE COUNTY, MI -- Two county park rangers who claim they were disciplined for writing and refusing to dismiss tickets against the husband of the president of the Flint branch of the NAACP can continue with their lawsuit, attorneys involved in the case said today.

Attorney Tom Pabst, who represents the rangers, and William Reising, who represents the county Parks & Recreation Commission, said a motion for summary judgement by the Parks Commission was not granted after arguments today before Genesee Circuit Judge Geoffrey L. Neithercut.

The case is scheduled for trial in August.

Earlier this month, The Journal reported that tickets issued
by the rangers have apparently been thrown out after an official with the state Attorney General's Office said "there is no legitimate basis for further action" on them.

The tickets issued in June against Aonie Gilcrest, husband of Frances Gilcrest, president of the Flint branch of the NAACP, claimed Aoine Gilcrest failed to yield to a firetruck that had its lights and siren activated and failed to stop his vehicle immediately for the rangers.

Parks ranger Adam Thrash and former ranger Michael O'Leary filed a Whistleblower Protection Act complaint against the Parks Commission in July, claiming they were suspended from their jobs because they wrote and refused to dismiss tickets issued to Gilcrest.

Parks officials have said the discipline was a direct result of the rangers conduct after making the Gilcrest traffic stop -- not because they issued tickets.


The sad truth is that is it a lose-lose, no matter which way. If they win the lawsuit (which if Pabst took it, seems like a no-brainer), it costs us taxpayers money. And no doubt, they'll fund it by trimming the ranger budget.


The parks officials comment at the bottom of the article is justification like the font size on the EFM petition was. What a joke!

George Peats

The Jury will be all White ... Since all Blacks belong to the NAACP they are immediately Disqualified


The lights were on. The siren was on. Being from there he probably thought they were after him, we all 32" flat screen in our backseat. They was fired for douing their jobs. If they was anybody else. Ticket issued and fine paid. Well we see what a fine job the NAACP does for the county, handicap tags for the relatives. ON and On and ON.


These Park Rangers are Police Officers and are empowered by State Statue to enforce the criminal laws of the State of Michigan with full power of arrest. They have jurisdiction and can write a ticket anywhere in the County. Gilcrest's behavior is not based in any legal foundation and speaks for itself.


It seems as if you don't have to stop for a fire truck and/or park rangers cannot give tickets outside of a park. How else would the tickets not be legitimate?

The only reason left would be who the ticket was given to. That seems a bit too far-fetched and too blatant to be believable.


So, can park rangers give tickets outside of a park or not?


Apparently, they can also "dismiss" tickets, which is a power I wasn't aware any law enforcement officer had.


My problem is understanding the legal meaning of the "no legitimate basis" decision from the AG. Why were the tickets not legitimate? Even McMillan said her complaint was with the actions after the stop and not the stop itself.


Jayare: If I recall, the NAACP never made a comment on this incident. Therefore, I guess they would not feel any embarrassment... Before anyone goes ham and think I'm defending the NAACP, that's not the case.


The backroom political strong-arming here is directly related to fact Gilcrest is the spouse of the Flint NAACP President. Without that connection, he would be arguing his case in front of a judge like any ordinary citizen. While silence is probably the best defense for the Flint NAACP, even the politically deaf and blind can understand what is going on here.


I predict the Michigan Attorney General's Office will be embarrassed by the facts of this trial and their dismissal of the tickets written by the Park Rangers. The Flint NAACP, of course, will feel no embarrassment about anything.
Post Sat May 26, 2012 8:33 pm 
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If obama had a brother he would look just like Gilcrest. Laughing

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Sun May 27, 2012 7:13 am 
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