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Topic: Should GM invest 1/2 billion in South America?

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Ok Flintstones here is a chance to sound off. We all admit Flint has fallen on really bad times due to the struggles of GM. Plants have closed, jobs have been eliminated with some being moved out of the city or out of the state.
In the Flint Journal's business section dated July 19th, the article reads:

DETROIT- General Motors said Wednesday it will invest $500 million in its South America operation.
GM said the investment will include $400 million in upgrades at the company's Sao Caetano do Sul, Brazil, and Rosario, Argentina, production plants.
About $100 million will be used to upgrade GM's Brazilian product development center.
GM said the investment will lead to production of a new family of vehicles for Latin America, where sales already are strong.

Is there a reason why those cars could not have been built in Flint had GM invested 1/2 billion dollars there.

Keep buying those General Motors cars so GM can invest millions more in every other country except the United States.
Post Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:26 pm 
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Ryan Eashoo

Soon GM will move its headquarters out of Detroit....
Richard schreef:
Ok Flintstones here is a chance to sound off. We all admit Flint has fallen on really bad times due to the struggles of GM. Plants have closed, jobs have been eliminated with some being moved out of the city or out of the state.
In the Flint Journal's business section dated July 19th, the article reads:

DETROIT- General Motors said Wednesday it will invest $500 million in its South America operation.
GM said the investment will include $400 million in upgrades at the company's Sao Caetano do Sul, Brazil, and Rosario, Argentina, production plants.
About $100 million will be used to upgrade GM's Brazilian product development center.
GM said the investment will lead to production of a new family of vehicles for Latin America, where sales already are strong.

Is there a reason why those cars could not have been built in Flint had GM invested 1/2 billion dollars there.

Keep buying those General Motors cars so GM can invest millions more in every other country except the United States.

Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Tue Aug 28, 2007 2:20 pm 
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last time here

just like most other large american corporations who build profits from labor, g.m. wants higher profits for it's shareholders. in big business' zeal
to engorge themselves with more money, they are succeeding in lowering
the quality of life in america. america was once the full glass of water.
nafta, cafta and whatever comes next is the hose between the full glass
and the empty glass. water seeks it's own level. Sad
Post Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:31 pm 
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last time here schreef:
just like most other large american corporations who build profits from labor, g.m. wants higher profits for it's shareholders. in big business' zeal
to engorge themselves with more money, they are succeeding in lowering
the quality of life in america. america was once the full glass of water.
nafta, cafta and whatever comes next is the hose between the full glass
and the empty glass. water seeks it's own level. Sad

Would you rather have communism?

There's a solution for corporations that don't want to be "greedy". It's called bankruptcy. If you want to think of it a nicer way you could blame the greedy Japanese who build cars for less than Gm and then sell them for more than GM and are stealing market share from GM and fighting to drive GM out of business. Right now Toyota is on track to eliminate GM. "It is the world's largest automaker by revenue (USD $212.39 billion[7]), production, sales (first half 2007: 4.72 million[8]) and profit ($15.09 billion[9]) in front of General Motors."

Adam - Mysearchisover.com - FB - Jobs
Post Tue Aug 28, 2007 8:29 pm 
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spare me.

I explained why in another thread.

Do you think it would make economic and business sense to have a funeral home in Flint serving the South America market?

Do you really think you could produce a vehicle ANYWHERE here in the states, made to the specifications required for the overseas market, and send those vehocles in mass to the South American country and be competitive, EVEN IF we paid the same labor rate & benefits as "in country"?

If you do, I have a bridge in Mackinac I can sell you & give you a good deal on!

Post Tue Aug 28, 2007 8:58 pm 
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last time here

actually you have a great point.....i will never believe selling out
america is good for america. obviously you cats have good paying jobs
and healthcare. good for you!
Post Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:46 pm 
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last time here schreef:
actually you have a great point.....i will never believe selling out
america is good for america. obviously you cats have good paying jobs
and healthcare. good for you!

I understand Dave Chapelle walked away fro ma $50 M deal with comedy central, he has a better paying job and benefits than all of us!

i don't even want to know what that is on the lips, though I own both season's DVD, its been a while since I watched them.

great skits.

its guys like him that will help breakdown the barriers of racism [along with mixed-racial couples]...they will lead the way in showing us that people are people, we are all the same under the skin.

we all are ignorant & educated, mean & kind, stingy & generous, jealous & trusting, suspicious & trustworthy, etc etc, at one time or another. we have fears and hopes for ourselves our children our communities. basically we all have the same goals, we just have different views and different routes on how to get there.

Post Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:52 pm 
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last time here

i hear ya biggie and your right.
actually that skit was from of "crackhead".
Post Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:03 pm 
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Make all the excuses you want for what GM is doing and how Toyota is stealing market share. Once again the American pride of "We got to get paid for our work" at a much higher wage than the rest of the world pays. Then change that! And, if Toyota is stealing market share from GM it is the American public to blame for that. Just look at the guy next to you driving that foreign vehicle. Everytime a car is not made in this country by people working in this country, it is wrong-PERIOD! Even Toyota cars built here send their profit shares back to Japan.
It is amazing this country can even get up in the morning, stick a key in the lock, and open for business.
Don't go the funeral home route since you know my passion for funeral homes.
Post Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:51 am 
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Richard schreef:
Make all the excuses you want for what GM is doing and how Toyota is stealing market share. Once again the American pride of "We got to get paid for our work" at a much higher wage than the rest of the world pays. Then change that! And, if Toyota is stealing market share from GM it is the American public to blame for that. Just look at the guy next to you driving that foreign vehicle. Everytime a car is not made in this country by people working in this country, it is wrong-PERIOD! Even Toyota cars built here send their profit shares back to Japan.
It is amazing this country can even get up in the morning, stick a key in the lock, and open for business.
Don't go the funeral home route since you know my passion for funeral homes.

since when are facts "excuses"...when they don't support your contention I guess, LOL.

Toyota ISN'T stealing anything. They are earning it with vehicles with superior reputations. Good Reputations, hard to gain. Bad reputations, harder to change. As many independent auto industry observers have noted, the domestic maker quality are improving, yet still are not at the level of the Japanese. But we've poisoned the well for many buyers.

As far as what people buy, I am sympathetic. I wonder what the person who runs the travel agency thinks when they get into their foreign car and complains how few people in Flint are booking vacation trips. Well, they can't afford it because they aren't working. They aren't working in part, because people like him/her are buying competitors vehicles. BUT. Those vehicles are more and more being built in the US, so someone, somewhere is booking a trip, but its with a travel agency outside the plant in Kentucky or Tennessee or Alabama.

i will go the funeral home route, because it is, from my unprofessional opinion, it is a very different industry. One not given from my perspective, to competition from afar. In other words, no fear of competition of Mexican funeral homes...you know send the body south of the border with detailed instructions and they'll ship it back for the viewing.

Post Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:51 am 
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Ryan Eashoo schreef:

Soon GM will move its headquarters out of Detroit....

Any evidence, Ryan? Or just crying wolf?
Post Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:58 am 
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FlintConservative schreef:
Ryan Eashoo schreef:

Soon GM will move its headquarters out of Detroit....

Any evidence, Ryan? Or just crying wolf?

when Toyota buys them and folds them into the company, closes the etxraneous plants, engineering facilities etc.

that will really be GM's fault.

IIRC at one time GM evaluated whether or not to buy Toyota..I'm trying to recall when...but we had billions in cash and Toyota was not yet what it is today, and its balance sheet worth was within reach......but hindsight is 20/20. Now there has been speculation in the opposite direction, but people are probably scared by the legacy costs of the retirees and all the billions GM is paying to borrow [at high interest rates]. IF the government steps in and helps the industry with any nationalized healthcare, taking billions off thecost side of the balance sheet, these companies could very well be the target of takeovers...private equity OR foreign competition. If not, and they continue their downward spiral, watch the creditors [large banks] sell off the company assets...including the workers.

Hey a Ryan Eashoo real estate sign in front of the Ren Cen would be good for industry reputation wouldn't it Ryan? Young man has made the BIG TIME!

Better than the Flint market!

Post Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:26 pm 
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Actually Biggie, there is a competitive threat from Mexico in the funeral industry and that is the manufacturing of caskets. I see them all the time in 3rd party casket stores and on the internet. The Mexican's make an extremely cheap casket and paint it up so it shines with cheap hardware. I can buy them for under $300 each and could sell them through the funeral home for under a grand. But you have to compare apples to apples and look at the quality of construction. We had a ship-in from Mexico with the body being shipped in one of the pink style Catholic Mexican caskets. Honestly, I was surprised the body did not fall through the bottom becasue the metal was so thin. The family ended up purchasing a Batesville Casket from us since they were so unhappy with what their daughter was in.
Post Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:49 am 
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