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Topic: Ford vs. Perry - Whittier Closing/Moving
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Adam Ford


FLINT, Michigan -- Flint School Board approved sending lay-off notices to another 28 employees on Wednesday.

Support staff such as parent facilitators and behavioral specialists are getting the notices -- which school officials hope will be temporary.

Superintendent Linda Thompson said the layoffs are a precautionary measure in case federal funding does not come in as expected.

The layoffs go into effect June 13, but Thompson said she hopes the layoffs will be rescinded before next school year starts.

The board agreed to pink slip the staff until federal funding is officially approved, said Andrea Derricks, chief financial officer for the district.

The school district will apply for $16 million in federal Title I money in July and hopes to get word on their funding by September.

"If our funding comes back, then we can re-hire," Thompson said. "... I anticipate we won't be cut."

Resident Belinda Mack said she wasn't too concerned about the newly announced layoffs because school officials believe they will only be temporary.

"It's sad some people don't see the big picture of what's going on," said Belinda Mack, a Flint resident and grandmother. "We don't have the money and we have to do what we can to keep the children we have. Everyone should take a business class to understand."

The 28 layoffs are in addition to pink slips issued to 240 to teachers and administrators last month. Also four schools -- Whittier Classical Academy, Johnson Accelerated Academics Academy, Gundry Elementary and Cummings Elementary --are set to close to keep the district out of a $12 million budget deficit in the next fiscal year.

At Wednesday's school board meeting, residents continued to voice concern over the proposed school cuts.

"I wish the board would reconsider the school closings, especially Whittier because it's one of our best schools," said Adam Ford, a Flint resident. "One possible solution should have been moving more students to Whittier and continuing the middle school program."

Whittier will remain open, but only as a part of Flint Central High School.

Board president Vera Perry took offense to the complaints the board has received about Whittier merging with Central.

"I can't sit here any longer and have Central beat up on," Perry said. "A lot of good things are going on at Central. Whittier will be welcomed in and we'll see great things come through them."

Last edited by Adam Ford on Sun May 11, 2008 9:43 am; edited 2 times in total
Post Thu May 08, 2008 1:28 pm 
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Adam Ford

Vera Perry schreef:

"I can't sit here any longer and have Central beat up on," Perry said. "A lot of good things are going on at Central. Whittier will be welcomed in and we'll see great things come through them."

I didn't mean to come off as beating up on Central. If Vera is so impressed with Central (I also think Central is doing a good job) I'm not sure why she would risk messing it up by moving 7th and 8th graders into a building with hich school kids.

I talked to Perry and Jordan after the meeing and they were saying the 7th and 8th graders will have their own floor. I went to Davison High School and I'm very thankful that I was able to attend a high school and not a middle/high school. I probably would not have been very "appreciative" of having to share my high school with 7th and 8th graders.

I'm also concerned about the increased costs of having to build a new library in Flint Central when it already has an EXCELLENT elegant library especially for a building that is in poor condition and many people want to close.

If Davison schools were to try something like this I'm sure their board would be swiftly recalled. Ironically even though Davison schools are perormng at a different level than Flint schools. Residents in the city of Davison had more of a choice for school board.

I spoke on other issues but Vera Perry seemed to think I was criticizing Flint Central when I was mainly trying to keep the Whittier program fully intact. It would make sense to me to have Whittier in its own building or at least in a building with other 7th and 8th graders.

I have been hearing Whittier is our best performing school so I did feel the need to defend it. I was the only one at the board meeting last night in support of Whittier.

I was also concerned with the hundreds of thousands of dollars the board is spending outside of Flint and for things like teacher training and hiring outside people to work in Flint. The total was definately over $500,000 last night when we are laying of teachers. We definately need to fix steps but I like Herb Cleaves would like to see Flint residents hired to fix up the steps. I guess the school board also decided to buy trucks from Patsy Lou instead of inside of Flint.
Post Thu May 08, 2008 1:41 pm 
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Why don't you put this in another electronic venue like in the original article comment section rather than here? This doesn't effect us any.

Build a bridge and get over it!
Post Thu May 08, 2008 3:29 pm 
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Don't be so sure Andi, this is a huge issue for many people in Flint. And who made you the topic God?

I have also spoken to the board, the night the budget was accepted. I have never seen a less responsive public body in my life. I have lots more to contribute here, but it will have to wait for now. It would be nice if many more concerned citizens would continue speaking out'

And just one thing Adam, Whittier's MEAP scores were totally comparable with Davison's.
Post Thu May 08, 2008 6:47 pm 
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Nope just getting tired of him kvetching.

Build a bridge and get over it!
Post Thu May 08, 2008 7:14 pm 
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Adam Ford

Deena schreef:

Whittier's MEAP scores were totally comparable with Davison's.

I have also spoken to the board, the night the budget was accepted. I have never seen a less responsive public body in my life. I have lots more to contribute here, but it will have to wait for now. It would be nice if many more concerned citizens would continue speaking out'

That's some good information. Davison has a pretty good school system. Maybe not the best in the state but I have no complaints. We had a poor math program when I went there but I think that has been fixed. From everything I have heard I think Flint schools should move towards the Whittier concept although I don't think all children should have to have music and arts in latter grades it should at least be an option. My favorite class was gym class. lol

It was a little surprising to me to see the seemingly mindless unanimous consensus of the school board. Togetherness is good but we need to be concerned about how we spend the districts money. They did not seem concerned with hiring Flint residents to do work, buying from Flint businesses and they spent a few $100,000 to train staff how to teach and manage while getting rid of staff that can help teach and manage. Every single vote was unanimous.

I surveyed the damaged steps at Sarvis. I have never seen steel so rusted and steel beams break in half.

On another note I have also heard a rumor that we needed to move Whittier into the Central building for the needed labs for the International Baccalaureate program.
Post Thu May 08, 2008 7:23 pm 
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Adam Ford

andi03 schreef:
Why don't you put this in another electronic venue like in the original article comment section rather than here? This doesn't effect us any.

Do you live in Flint?

I am on the Flint Schools facilities planning committee. If you like the status quo you would probably want to side with Vera Perry and the rest of the school board. Otherwise I might fight to keep Central strictly a high performing highschool and have Whittier in its own building or at least in a building with other middle school students.
Post Thu May 08, 2008 7:27 pm 
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For starters Adam, you need a bit of an education. Whittier is NOT a middle school. The school will run from 7-11 next year with the 12th grade being added the following year. It is the ONLY school in the area soon offering an IB diploma---and it has taken several years and lot of $$$ to get here. Fenton is attempting it, but they still have a slew of roadblocks. The HS program will be comparable to that of International Academy in Oakland County, the top rated school in Michigan and one of the top in the nation.

Just FYI, I checked out a lot of schools for my daughter. Davison was eliminated immediately for its lack of diversity. Such lack is not condusive to broad thinking. JMO, of course---but she's my daughter.
Post Thu May 08, 2008 8:24 pm 
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Adam Ford

Flint Schools have it listed as a middle school. http://www.flintschools.org/schools/schools002.htm. That's what a get for trusting the Flint Schools for accurate information. lol

I've heard Davison has more diversity than some Flint schools. I think a black kid in Davison was WAY better off than a white kid in Flint and also better than a black kid in Flint schools. We had a kid in Davison that told horror stories about his time at one of the Flint high schools. For some reason it seems like black people tend to go more to Grand Blanc than Davison. It's too bad for them the decided to move to the lesser school district intead of the best in the county. Wink I'm in Flint now though so it's time for Flint to become number one again. From what I've heard the other school districts couldn't even compete with Flint years ago.
Post Thu May 08, 2008 8:48 pm 
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"Whittier will remain open, but only as a part of Flint Central High School. "

Who said that? Vera or Adam?
Where is the cost savings if the defunct building is not closed?

The buildings are poor . The IB program is great and many programs at Central are great, security is poor.

Two concepts--Facilities and programs.
if we close some buildings that are not energy efficient we can save money to invest in quality programs.

security staff need to be held accountable at all buldings.

Southwestern is being revitalized as an academy school. Parents like that program.

We need a long term facilities and program plan or expect continued student loss.


The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.
John F. Kennedy, speech at Vanderbilt University, May 18, 1963
Post Fri May 09, 2008 1:02 am 
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Adam Ford

The journal said Whittier will remain open but only as part of Flint Central.

We do need cost savings but I'm hoping we don't screw up what is quite possibly our best program.

According to the student rep at the board meeting security is improving.

From looking at the numbers energy costs are not as high as people think. I don't have the high school numbers but for elementary schools the numbers are typically between $100 and $200 per student. Considering we get around $9,000 per student that does not seem that huge to me but we do need to close schools to save money.

My group is working on a long term plan.
Post Fri May 09, 2008 8:19 am 
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Nobody is LISTENING to your group Adam!!! And we are supposed to respect your opinion when you are not even aware of the grades that Whittier serves? Actually, don't take that as a slap, I seriously doubt most of the board is aware either.

Rap, you need to go the website for the National Historic Trust and look through the section on schools thoroughly. Communities are finding that they can preserve their historic buildings and make them suitable to the 21st century at a cost far lower than buiding new facilities---that are inevitably of poorer quality. This is entirely feasable with both of these buildings that are certainly not in the dire condition the board has presented to a gullible publis. How many times and in how many ways have Flint taxpayers TOLD the board that they do not want these two schools closed? Are they incapable of hearing?

My best guess is that Mott College wants the buildings. After all they're out of expansion space.

I will fight this until July---and then I will take my daughter with all-A's, all MEAP "1's" to a district that values the traits she brings them. Without Whittier, Flint doesn't have a chance of pulling out of the contempt in which they are held. [/url]
Post Fri May 09, 2008 5:36 pm 
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Adam Ford schreef:
Flint Schools have it listed as a middle school. http://www.flintschools.org/schools/schools002.htm. That's what a get for trusting the Flint Schools for accurate information. lol

I've heard Davison has more diversity than some Flint schools. I think a black kid in Davison was WAY better off than a white kid in Flint and also better than a black kid in Flint schools. We had a kid in Davison that told horror stories about his time at one of the Flint high schools. For some reason it seems like black people tend to go more to Grand Blanc than Davison. It's too bad for them the decided to move to the lesser school district intead of the best in the county. Wink I'm in Flint now though so it's time for Flint to become number one again. From what I've heard the other school districts couldn't even compete with Flint years ago.

hat's actually funny Adam, which of the dozen minority students in the Davison district did you interview for your hypothesis? Could you find even one who wasn't adopted or brought in to play football?

In a nutshell, what the hell are you doing on any Flint committee? It's obvious your heart lies elsewhere.
Post Fri May 09, 2008 5:51 pm 
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Hey Deena where ya been?? I figured that Whittier closing would bring ya back. I agree with you what a dumbass thing to do. Take a proven program and S--- can it. But aint that just like Flint? On the other hand are you more upset about the school closing or that your daughter will be sent over to rub elbows with those whose traits are (how shall I put this)?? less than your daughters. I thought you claimed that a diverse education was necessary for total child development thats why you jumped on me when I posted about the increasing popularity of "Homeschooling" (I thought at the time whats diverse about it if they all have the same learning ability) Well whats more diverse and child developing than seeing how the other half lives? Am I sensing a little liberal elitism here???
Post Fri May 09, 2008 6:08 pm 
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I am a mother. My number one concern is for her safety---and that's even higher than academic achievement. Have you visited Whittier---or Central?

Whittier is a dream. There are 14 teachers (I believe, not many more). Every child knows every teacher. The classes are all Advanced Placement, There are wonderful World Studies classes that are a part of the IB program. Whittier 9th graders tested at 100% on the Social Studies MEAP for two years straight, the only district with such an accomplishment.

But Whittier is more than the sum of its parts. It's highly motivated kids, devoted students, a principal who knows every child and parent and involves them all in the school. It's involved parents (and long, long lines at conferences). It's a security guard with nothing to do because there is no security problem. She also knows all the kids---and their parents.

Central students have harrassed Whittier students mercilessly. They have been called "Whittier Geeks" and worse. Some kids have been threatened and beaten up. Whittier students wear uniforms, Central does not---can you think of a better way to target them for abuse? This is an outrageous proposal and it must be stopped in its tracks. Parents have pleaded to just give Whittier a building to use---one of the closed elementaries, a leased space from one of the colleges, even a renovated downtown office. But DON'T set them up this way. They've done NOTHING to deserve it.

You might enjoy browsing through Whittier's website, instead of that of the B of E. It says a lot more.

I have great qualms about removing my daughter from the best school I have ever been involved with. I'm certainly not the only parent planning such action. Perhaps this bored (and boring) school board will listen to the sound of footsteps---or they will when the district MEAPs take another dive.

I have had emails not answered and phone calls not returned. These egotistical and rude "representatives" don't need my tax dollars it seems---and my taxes are $3000 a year.

http://whittier.flintschools.org/ Try this.
Post Fri May 09, 2008 6:27 pm 
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