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Topic: Questions anout FOIA

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1. Do you need an attorney to file a request?

2. How costly is the process?

3. Are suspension, expulsion, and arrest (at school) records kept?
Post Fri May 09, 2008 5:53 pm 
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No, you don't need an attorney.

2. Depends on whom is setting the prices.

3. More than likely if they are "juvie" they may not be accessible, dunno, just a stab in the dark. Did you try the circuit court and district court websites?

But according to PA 102:


PA 102 of 1999, Section 1308

I. The Statewide School Safety Information Policy mandates the communication of specific information between public school districts and their local law enforcement agencies. The Policy requires:

* public school districts to report, to local law enforcement, offenses (listed in Section II) which occur on school property, on school sponsored transportation, or at a school sponsored activity;

* local law enforcement to report, to the school district, crimes committed on school property, or crimes committed off school property which may reasonably be expected to, "pose a significant threat of imminent danger to students, staff or school property".

Schools and law enforcement agencies are to designate their own School Resource Officers (SRO), and alternates, to be responsible for this exchange of information.

II. The Policy names 21 incidents that must be reported:

1. Armed Student or Hostage 12. Unauthorized removal of students
2. Suspected armed student 13. Threat of suicide
3. Weapons on school property 14. Suicide attempt
4. Death or homicide 15. Larceny
5. Drive-by shooting 16. Intruders
6. Physical assault (fights) 17. Illegal drug use or overdose
7. Bomb threat 18. Drug possession or drug sale
8. Explosion 19. Vandalism / destruction of property
9. Arson 20. Minor in possession of alcohol or tobacco products
10. Sexual assault (CSC) 21. Bus incident or accident
11. Robbery or extortion

Build a bridge and get over it!
Post Fri May 09, 2008 7:09 pm 
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Thanx. I'd like to obtain the numbers of students who were suspended, expelled, or arrested at both Central and Whittier during the past schoolyear.

I became interested in this number when a Central parent came to the board pleading to retain their principal---the third one in a little over a year---because since she had arrived "suspensions and arrests(!) had dropped to a low.

Bet Whittier has 0 arrests in all three years of its existance.
Post Sat May 10, 2008 4:46 pm 
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Try this list.....


They are of the School Resource Officers assigned to the specific schools. If you need anything, these guys are the best to talk to, at least from my experience.

Build a bridge and get over it!
Post Sat May 10, 2008 9:28 pm 
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April 4, 2003

Flint School District
FOIA Officer Craig Carter
923 E. Kearsley St.
Flint, MI 48502

RE: FOIA request

Dear Mr. Carter:

This is a request under the Michigan Freedom of Information Act for the
following public records:

€ Documents showing Flint elementary and middle school schools identified by the state as needing improvement for failing to make yearly progress showing a breakdown throughout the last five year period including the 1998-99,1999-00, 2000-01, 2001-02 and 2002-03 school years.
€ Documents showing Flint elementary and middle schools not identified by the state as needing improvement throughout the last five year period including the 1998-99, 1999-00,2000-01,2001-02 and 2002-03 school years.

Please notify me of any costs involved. Thank you for your attention on this matter.

first, last name
Flint, MI ZIP

"You can mail this, hand deliver it or fax it. Craig's fax number is
760-1460, but if you fax it the clock doesn't start until the following
business day. So if you fax it today, the five days don't start until
You can also call Craig and he may be able to get the information without a
FOIA request (meaning at no cost). Call him at 760-1227. He's real nice and will help you if he can. I would guess he would say the FOIA is not necessary (because it's more work for him), but it could also take them longer if you don't have a FOIA request or it could take less time too."

The above instructions were given to me from the ed writer at the flint journal at the time. Craig Carter is still handling FOIA requests for FCS.
This request resulted in DR. Bianchi giving me detailed reports on MEAP scores without FOIA costs.
The following FOIA cost me I think 25 cents for research and took five days for Craig to comply. (believe they are required to respond in 5 days to a FOIA under sunshine act.) I was at the time fishing to prove Whittier was " Persistantly Dangerous" under the NO Child Left Behind act. Under this act I wished to be able to transfer my child out of Flint Schools when she reached the secondary school age.

I think I left some loophole in my wording- so rewrite in your words under similar format.

Please NOTE this was 2003-04. also look under NCLB-corrective action- failure to make adequate yearly progress. parent choice- option to transfer.

If just one child was allowed to transfer out of Flint schools because
A. no school was available that made AYP. at the time most secondary were at 5 yrs of non-AYP.
B. schools could be sited as Persisantly Dangerous.
Then the FLOODGATES would open!!!

(see below, I was really ticked off)

January 19, 2004

Flint School District
FOIA Officer Craig Carter
923 E. Kearsley St.
Flint, MI 48502

RE: FOIA request

Dear Mr. Carter:

This is a request under the Michigan Freedom of Information Act for the following public records;

Regarding Flint Whittier Middle School:

1. € Documents showing the number of referrals to law enforcement agencies for bringing a firearm to school for the current school year 2003/2004 and the most recent school year 2002/2003.

2. € Documents showing the number of fights on school grounds for the current school year 2003/2004 and the most recent school year 2002/2003.

3. € Documents showing records of gang presence on school grounds for the current school year 2003/2004 and the most recent school year 2002/2003.

4. € Documents showing the number of students expelled for weapons possession on school grounds for the current school year 2003/2004 and the most recent school year 2002/2003.

5. € Documents showing the of the number of students expelled for felonies, class 1 misdemeanors or offenses such as arson, theft, criminal mischief, disorderly conduct, illegal possession of a controlled substance or fighting during the current school year 2003/2004 and the most recent school year 2002/2003.

6. € Documents showing the of the number students who are victims of a violent criminal offense while on or in public school grounds that the student attends during the current school year 2003/2004 and the most recent school year 2002/2003.

7. € Documents showing the of the number of assaults by pupils against an employee, volunteer or contractor while in or on public school grounds in the current school year 2003/2004 and the most recent school year 2002/2003.

Please notify me of any costs involved. Thank you for your attention on this matter.

first last name
street address
Flint, MI zip

The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.
John F. Kennedy, speech at Vanderbilt University, May 18, 1963
Post Sun May 11, 2008 12:23 am 
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And thanx.
Post Sun May 11, 2008 5:21 pm 
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When the current facilities planning process was set up, the board voted to suspend that policy to permit this process to go forward.

Deena, The facilities closing policy was suspended. so they are not following
proper procedure to close buildings.

That did not stop them before when they did not even vote to suspend procedure.

My memory doesn't pull up the policy No# but Stephanie Payton will know,
Board Secretary.

The policy states from my poor memory that they will announce which buildings to close prior to Town Hall meetings.

That they must inform the public and listen to public comment.
This year they held town hall meetings and after that announced which schools to close.

This is a fiasco.
They should have a criteria for which buildings to close.

Bringing up this policy will not stop this process but may give them pause to listen to you.

You can not just say I want this, don't close my school.
You must have an alternative plan with cost savings that will meet their budget by June .

I am working on Too many projects to share focus on schools at this time.


The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.
John F. Kennedy, speech at Vanderbilt University, May 18, 1963
Post Tue May 13, 2008 4:16 am 
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