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Topic: No McCain, No Palin, No Way!!!

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Seriously you guys, This American Life on NPR/PRI is possibly one of the best podcasts in the world. They cover a variety of subjects, but my recent favorites have been in financial news -- taking big money ideas and putting them in plain English with compelling stories.

I don't know much about economics; I know enough to keep my head above water though I still get nervous a few days a week. The other day they explored how the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission hasn't done much of anything while in office, and his temporary regulation of naked short-selling was not going to help fix Wall Street (listen here). Outside of my world, I must admit, but still nice to hear it in a way that makes sense.

Another fascinating episode was 355: The Giant Pool of Money -- which explores the foreclosure and subprime lending crisis in America. That one changed my life, man. NINA (no-income no-asset) loans, ARM (adjustable-rate mortgages), credit default swaps, and the predators who gambled and lost; I feel like I understand what went wrong where.

Seriously you guys wake up, This American Life on NPR/PRI is possibly one of the best podcasts in the world. They cover a variety of subjects, but my recent favorites have been in financial news -- taking big money ideas and putting them in plain English with compelling stories. I don't know much about economics; I know enough to keep my head above water though I still get nervous a few days a week. The other day they explored how the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission hasn't done much of anything while in office, and his temporary regulation of naked short-selling was not going to help fix Wall Street (listen here). Outside of my world, I must admit, but still nice to hear it in a way that makes sense.

Another fascinating episode was 355: The Giant Pool of Money -- which explores the foreclosure and subprime lending crisis in America. That one changed my life, man. NINA (no-income no-asset) loans, ARM (adjustable-rate mortgages), credit default swaps, and the predators who gambled and lost; I feel like I understand what went wrong where.

McCain, self-proclaimed "fundamentally a deregulator" has backtracked a little lately because the same old "Less Government!" rhetoric is not going to fix this economy. I think we need more regulations to stabilize the system, and increase transparency and accountability. We have to protect the majority of average Americans from douchebags that exploit the system, pay themselves from taxpayers' losses, and crash markets while they retire on bonus packages from failing companies.

"I'm always for less regulation." - John McCain

"This is what happens when you confuse the free market with a free license to let special interests to take whatever they can get, however they can get it." - Barack Obama
We don't need a ploy like long-range planning commissions, we need solutions now. I don't think a cabinet full of lobbyists is going to help families who are losing their homes and jobs. I'm from Flint-very-Michigan, I have first-hand experience with being laid off, foreclosed, evicted, homeless, unemployed, and uninsured.

Now in Michigan, I'm a single over 50 female and small business owner, and I vote with two things: My vaaagina and my wallet. For those of us that make less than $250,000 a year, Obama's tax plan is superior. We are living in the 21st century and McCain admits he doesn't use computers and doesn't know how to "use the email". Stuff that matters to bloggers and pirates like me? I need someone that wouldn't ask where's the ANY key!

Me and my vaaagina are terrified of the very real possibility that Palin will be president someday. She is a liar and a religious whackjob. Last night in Ohio she said her teleprompter malfunctioned at the convention, so she improvised. There's continuous footage of the convention that includes the teleprompter in frame and it does not malfunction. Her character in this election is a myth. What's all this about her trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired? Or her role in earmarks like early supporting the Bridge to Nowhere and later denying it? She uses her special-needs child as a prop to be an advocate for those kids, but while in office, she cut the state funding for Special Olympics by half by vetoing $275,000.

Most alarmingly, she's opposed to all abortion period; regardless of risk to the mother, rape, or incest. Alaska is the #1 state in the country for rape and incest; talk about being out-of-touch. Her own daughter didn't follow the whole abstinence-only bullshit and is having a shotgun wedding. Palin herself was pregnant when she got married. If McCain wins, I demand every technological intervention available to keep that asshole alive, because Palin in office is going to be worse than the worst Disney movie ever.

Last edited by LakeWoman50 on Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:44 pm; edited 2 times in total
Post Wed Sep 24, 2008 3:42 pm 
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If you believe all that stuff I have a plan to provide you with free housing and free transportation if you have enough money to transfer to my account.

I think executing the rapist instead of the baby would be a better course of action.

If you want to hold babies accountable than do you support forced abortions?

Adam - Mysearchisover.com - FB - Jobs
Post Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:31 pm 
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That my friends is whats known as an hysterical Obama supporter. Good golly. Laughing Even us rightys who dread the thought of an Obama presidency don't go nuts with worry. I mean after all many of us lived thru the dark days of Carter and although Bracko seems even dumber and more of a socialist we will survive if he does take over the reins. I have a feeling that the dems are about to lose both houses or at least will never gain veto proof majority's and that in itself will keep Baracko on a short leash. We will survive and the nation will once again have its eyes opened to what a real socialist will do to the country. In the end it may actually be a good thing.
Post Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:57 pm 
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Atlas Smirked

LakeWoman, I too heard that show, and found it very informative. The way traders were able to perform "naked short sales", where they sell stocks they don't even own, and do it legally, with the blessing of the SEC, is breath-taking. I recommend that everybody all get over whatever myths you hold about NPR and listen to this show, which can be found at www.ThisLife.org . The name of the episode is "The Enforcers", and also has a funny story about some computer guys who take personal revenge against some e-mail scammers responsible for those "Nigerian bank account" schemes by sending them on a wild goose chase for stolen money in Darfur. Adam and TwoTap, neither of you could construct a series of coherent paragraphs the way Lake Woman has done here to save your life. You have nothing to offer but You Tube videos, pasted articles from nut case sites, and insults. Your mindless rants are a real source of entertainment for bored workers like myself who silently watch you babble from the sidelines.


Last edited by Atlas Smirked on Fri Sep 26, 2008 3:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:20 pm 
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* Loves NPR * grin

Atlas Smirked schreef:
LakeWoman, I too heard that show, and found it very informative. The way traders were able to perform "naked short sales", where they sell stocks they don't even own, and do it legally, with the blessing of the SEC, is breath-taking. I recommend that everybody all get over whatever myths you hold about NPR and listen to this show, which can be found at www.ThisLife.org . The name of the episode is "The Enforcers", and also has a funny story about some computer guys who take personal revenge against some e-mail scammers responsible for those "Nigerian bank account" schemes by sending them on a wild goose chase for stolen money in Darfur. Adam and TwoTap, neither of you could construct a series of coherent paragraphs the way Lake Woman has done here to save your life. You have nothing to offer but You Tube videos, pasted articles from nut case sites, and insults. Your mindless rants are a real source of entertainment for bored workers like myself who silently watch you babble from the sidelines.
Post Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:22 pm 
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Atlas Smirked

Let me also say that my criticism of you, Adam and TwoTap, has nothing to do with your political views. Many conservative Republicans, on other websites and media, are very worthy of the respect they receive from others. They gain that respect, by backing up their opinions with actual facts they cite, not with stupid videos and insults. Do yourselves a favor and listen to the show Lake Woman has just told you about. You might learn something.
Post Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:27 pm 
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Atlas Smirked my new best friend in all of Atlas.

Atlas Smirked schreef:
Let me also say that my criticism of you, Adam and TwoTap, has nothing to do with your political views. Many conservative Republicans, on other websites and media, are very worthy of the respect they receive from others. They gain that respect, by backing up their opinions with actual facts they cite, not with stupid videos and insults. Do yourselves a favor and listen to the show Lake Woman has just told you about. You might learn something.
Post Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:48 pm 
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Ya Atlas I cant wait to listen to taxpayer funded non agenda NPR. At least we now know where you get your "facts" from. The "myth of NPR that's a good one. I believe like you and Lake woman I will stick to news sources that reflect my views and if I want to hear liberal crap I can simply check out one of yours or hers posts.

NPR Admits a Liberal Bias

by L. Brent Bozell III
October 21, 2003

National Public Radio is properly understood, even by the media, as radio by and for liberals, not the general public. As Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz puts it, the media landscape stretches "from those who cheer Fox to those who swear by NPR."

The only ones who seem not to know that the left has a massive, taxpayer-funded radio network of 700 affiliates are the liberals trying to sell investors on their own private-sector talk-radio network. A recent PBS "NewsHour" story on talk radio turned ridiculous when reporter Terence Smith allowed liberal-network booster Jon Sinton to proclaim: "Every day in America on the 45 top-rated talk radio stations, there are 310 hours of conservative talk. There is a total of five hours of talk that comes from the other side of the aisle."

Don’t buy that for a minute. The key word in that sentence is "top-rated" stations. Sinton’s upset that conservatives apparently dominate "top-rated" talk. That doesn’t mean NPR doesn’t have hundreds of hours of liberal talk shows, not to mention liberal "news" shows. It’s just not "top-rated."

Last week, NPR’s own official ombudsman, Jeffrey Dvorkin, admitted a liberal bias in NPR’s talk programming. The daily program "Fresh Air with Terry Gross" – a 60-minute talk show about the arts, literature, and also politics – airs on 378 public-radio stations across the fruited plain. Gross recently became a hot topic on journalism Web sites for first having a friendly, giggly interview with "satirist" Al Franken, promoting his obnoxious screed against conservatives on September 3, and then on October 8, unloading an accusatory, hostile interview on Bill O’Reilly. She pressed the Fox host to respond to the obnoxious attacks of Franken and other critics. Dvorkin ruled: "Unfortunately, the [O'Reilly] interview only served to confirm the belief, held by some, in NPR's liberal media bias....by coming across as a pro-Franken partisan rather than a neutral and curious journalist, Gross did almost nothing that might have allowed the interview to develop."

The news reports on NPR should be cause for greater public concern. Under the guise of "objective news," reporting, the left is actively advancing its political agenda. On the October 17 "Morning Edition," host Bob Edwards launched into a long "news" report on the flaws of the Bush foreign policy, observing: "Overall, the policies of the United States are still very unpopular around the world. The Bush Doctrine, a preference for unilateral military action and a disdain for multinational diplomacy, is under scrutiny more than ever." The Middle East "road map" was "in tatters," Iraq and Afghanistan were "highly unstable." NPR may as well have suggested it was time for a different president.

Reporter Mike Shuster was intent on driving home the theme that the Bush foreign policy may (read: we hope) one day be analyzed as an utter failure. His three primary, supposedly nonpartisan "experts" were Ivo Daalder, a member of Clinton’s National Security Council; Michael Mandelbaum, a foreign policy adviser to the 1992 Clinton campaign; and John Mearshimer, a regular critic of Bush foreign policy who argued in Foreign Policy magazine that Iraq should have remained under "vigilant containment," which we could also describe as maintaining a murderous tyrant in power. Their controversial views and Clinton connections were not developed by NPR.

Perhaps the biggest public-relations problems for NPR come when its liberal reporters hit the weekend talk-show circuit and let their opinions fly wildly. On October 18, NPR legal reporter Nina Totenberg pronounced from her regular panelist perch on the TV show "Inside Washington" that General Jerry Boykin, who sermonized in Christian churches with the shocking, less-than-Unitarian message that Christianity is true and other creeds are false, should be fired.

Well, that’s not the way it came out. First, Totenberg said Boykin’s remarks were "seriously bad stuff," and then she said, "I hope he’s not long for this world." Host Gordon Peterson joked, "What is this, The Sopranos?" Withdrawing to damage-control mode, Totenberg said she didn’t mean she hoped he would die, just that he shouldn’t last long "in his job."

But it’s Totenberg who ought to fear for her job with these outbreaks of hate speech. Totenberg used this very same TV show to wish in 1995 that if the "Good Lord" knew justice, Senator Jesse Helms will "get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it."

It’s awfully ironic that a woman who has spent thirty years saying outrageous liberal things on the taxpayer dime is now attacking a general on the grounds that there ought to be some things government officials cannot say and keep their jobs. The concern over these Boykin remarks should not be about the separation of church and state. It ought to be about the separation of National Public Radio from the state.
Post Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:22 am 
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Atlas Smirked

Here, here, another find paste job, Two Tap. I don't suppose you would care to share with us the source? I'm sure it's some fine reliable organization. One doesn't have to see the date at the top to know its out of date. For one, it takes to task morning news host Bob Edwards, who was dismissed from the NPR years ago. So what if he said that the "Bush Doctrine" was facing criticism around the world? This is indispuable. As for "Fresh Air with Terry Gross", there's a reason Terry Gross' name is in the title. It's her show. She gets to determine the show's structure. You wouldn't know it, but NPR is the only news media outlet that is actually taking the time to describe, in great detail, and for many hours, exactly what is happening in the economy right now. They do it without talking down to its listeners, and without rushing to get to the next commercial. If you don't ever listen to anything else on NPR, I recommend you at least listen to "This American Life" linked above, parts are very funny.
Post Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:39 am 
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OK OK I will give it a shot, Oh ya heres the link to the "outdated" article since as you stated apparently NPR has wandered away from its liberal bias. WE shall see first hand I guess.
Post Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:48 am 
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Did you enjoy it?

twotap schreef:
OK OK I will give it a shot, Oh ya heres the link to the "outdated" article since as you stated apparently NPR has wandered away from its liberal bias. WE shall see first hand I guess.
Post Sun Sep 28, 2008 10:05 pm 
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