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Topic: America's Propaganda At Its Best. (Look at the Crisis)

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Brother WilliamX

Its time for the American people to wake up to the governments non-senses
game. If we was so near to a recession (as Bush calls it). Tell me why is the politicians on Capital Hill, and in Lansing still living high off of the tax payers dollars? I believe that cities like Flint, Highland Park, Benton Harbor,
and other Michigan cities are suffering because of the high class Repubs
(not to leave out the Dems who has betrayed their own political party).

The American automakers are moving operations overseas to get
cheaper labor. Not realizing that their move is actually hurting the
American economic standards. People, we must take a stand against people who we have put into a political position. Especially the ones
who have fooled the hell out of the citizens by lying.

My organization is putting together a plan to present to legislature
as a bill. That will force large businesses (Such as the Big 3) to pay
on-going taxes to cities that they have left in the red. Saginaw and
Bay City isn't looking like Flint, and other poor Michigan cities.

However, until we ALL start to raise holy sand about how our City &
State governments is making our local economics more poorer. We
will be in the same spot years from now, and bare this in mind I am
no politician....just a Activist against Corruption.

In closing, Bush's financial speech stinks, due to the fact that he
made it seem like he isn't the reason for our poor economic, and
in that speech he lied because he's the one who started the Iraq
war by using our tax dollars. Attend your City Council, Towntalk,
and whatever meetings to express your concerns.

Detroit Michigan
Post Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:07 pm 
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