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Topic: Ohio Sectretary of state violating election law

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Another truthful report on Acorns efforts to elect Baracko

By Michelle Malkin • October 9, 2008 11:20 PM Remember what I wrote last month?

“Watch Ohio.”

Well, there’s news breaking tonight — and it’s good news for election integrity. A federal district court judge has found Democrat Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner guilty of violating federal election laws. The ruling goes to the heart of the ACORN-centered voter fraud epidemic spreading across the country. This is the second judgment against Brunner. Here’s the press release from the Ohio GOP:

Court Finds Brunner in Violation of Federal Law
Secretary of State appeals ruling, fights effort to validate registrations

(Columbus) - A federal court ruled tonight that Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner violated federal election laws by not taking adequate steps to validate the identity of newly registered voters.

The ruling from U.S. District Court Judge George C. Smith called the identification breakdown “a serious problem” and ordered Brunner to immediately comply with federal requirements to match voter registration data with the information in the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles and Social Security Administration databases. The court accused Brunner of failing to provide county election administrators with “an effective way to access and review mismatches.” She immediately appealed the ruling.

“For some reason, Jennifer Brunner does not want these new registrations checked,” said Ohio Republican Party Deputy Chairman Kevin DeWine. “Her refusal to comply with federal law raises serious concerns about her ability to objectively oversee this election. It’s especially troubling in light of her connection to ACORN and that group’s stunning confession this week of fraudulent registration activity happening right here in Ohio.”

Brunner’s effort to fight the court order comes just two days after the Democrat activist group ACORN admitted to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections that the group engages in fraudulent voter registration activity.

Ohio ACORN officials “blamed the elections board for not scrutinizing ACORN’s suspicious cards,” claiming the group “can’t be expected to catch everything.”

ACORN is facing similar inquires in other Ohio counties as well as 10 other states. Members of the group’s “voter-mobilization arm,” Project Vote, regularly advise Brunner on election strategy, even recently issuing a news release that claims credit for Brunner’s directive restricting challenges to suspected fraudulent voter registrations. Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama also has strong ties to ACORN, working previously as an attorney and “leadership trainer” for the group.

# # #



The Columbus Dispatch, 5/9/07: In what might be a Franklin County first, a Reynoldsburg man was indicted yesterday for voting twice in the November election. … [An attorney] said Gilbert was registered in both counties by ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, a nonprofit agency that has come under fire in 12 states for voter fraud.

Associated Press, 9/20/06: The mother of a 16-year-old has told the Summit County elections board that her daughter was registered to vote, just two months after a 10-year-old boy was summoned for jury duty because he was on the county’s voter rolls. …The board plans to issue subpoenas to the girl and the person who filed the voter registration application, Prentice McNary of Akron, a circulator paid by Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, [board director Bryan] Williams said.

The Columbus Dispatch, 9/1/06: Concerns about bogus names increased recently as Franklin County Elections Board staffers questioned the validity of hundreds of names on registration forms and petitions for a proposed constitutional amendment to boost Ohio’s minimum wage. Most of the disputed names came from lists provided by paid solicitors working for ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

The Columbus Dispatch, 8/30/06: Franklin County elections officials plan to issue subpoenas to paid solicitors suspected of forging hundreds of signatures on ballot-issue petitions and voter-registration forms. … Most have come from people paid by ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, which was blamed for similar problems with voter-registration forms in 2004.

The Plain Dealer, 8/11/06: Potentially fraudulent voter registration cards have turned up in at least three Ohio counties, and 500 have been turned over to a prosecutor to determine if a crime has been committed. Matt Damschroder, director of the Franklin County Board of Elections, said the 500 cards his office referred to County Prosecutor Ron O’Brien Wednesday were collected between March and July by workers for ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

Cincinnati Enquirer, 10/23/04: Cuyahoga County election officials are investigating more than a thousand possible fraudulent voter registrations - including one for Jive Turkey Sr. The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported Friday that the name is one in a string of fake names on new voter rolls. Others include Dick Tracy, Mary Poppins and Michael Jordan in Defiance County.

The Columbus Dispatch, 9/8/04: A part-time worker signing up new voters for a local community group has been indicted by a Franklin County grand jury on charges he forged a registration form. … The charges stem from an investigation that began in May after the Franklin County Board of Elections discovered dozens of voter registration forms with fake names or false information. They were submitted by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, which paid workers bonuses based on the number of voters they registered.

The Columbus Dispatch, 6/3/04: A nonprofit group registering low-income and minority voters in Franklin County has fired two temporary workers thought to be the source of fake names and forged signatures on official registration forms. ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, also has agreed to perform extra checks on forms turned in by its voter-registration workers before submitting them to the Franklin County Board of Elections, the group’s head organizer said yesterday.

“Well, I tell you what, it helps in Ohio that we’ve got Democrats in charge of the machines.”
- Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama (Columbus Dispatch)
Maggie Thurber has more (hat tip - Patrick Poole):

For about two weeks, I’d been trying to verify that Brunner’s office was actually comparing the new voter registrations to an outside source, either the BMV or the SS databases. My phone calls to the Secretary of State’s office this week have not been returned.

Both Ohio law and the Help America Vote Act require that new voter registrations be compared to an outside, independent database in order to verify the identity of the voter. I’d been told that the connection between the Secretary of State’s database and those outside agencies was either not operation or had been removed.

In light of ACORN’s admission to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections that the group engages in fraudulent voter registration activity, the independent verification of identities by the SOS office is critical to ensuring a fair and honest election in Ohio.

Now, watch this. Shelby Holliday continues to do terrific work from Ohio for Palestra.net. She’s got a new interview with a girl who fell victim to Acorn’s aggressive registration drive campaign.

Takeaway quote: “I can’t even count how many registrations I filled out!”

She also e-mails:

“We also stopped by the Acorn office in Columbus to see if we could get a comment. After circling the block numerous times and searching for the address, we were finally pointed to the office by a post office employee. (It was down a staircase in a hidden location with very little signage.) None of the volunteers were able to speak with us, but they put us on the phone with Charles Dickens (a national organizer?) and he told us that no local volunteers or employees could speak with the media.”

Stay on the trail! She and her colleagues are doing the job the Obamedia doesn’t want to do.

http://michellemalkin.com/ Laughing

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Fri Oct 10, 2008 7:51 am 
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Kevin McKague

Yep, this looks bad, and it is even being reported by real news sources, like the paper in Columbus that Michelle quotes, and that you quote Michelle quoting.

The story is incomplete though, and this really doesn't pose a real threat to changing the outcome of the election, because:

1) There are two sides of the issue here when it comes to states "verifying" voter registrations. The databases are often faulty, and the process often weeds out legitimate registrations.


Tens of thousands of eligible voters in at least six swing states have been removed from the rolls or have been blocked from registering in ways that appear to violate federal law, according to a review of state records and Social Security data by The New York Times.


Under federal law, election officials are supposed to use the Social Security database to check a registration application only as a last resort, if no record of the applicant is found on state databases, like those for driver’s licenses or identification cards.

The requirement exists because using the federal database is less reliable than the state lists, and is more likely to incorrectly flag applications as invalid. Many state officials seem to be using the Social Security lists first.

Fortunately, some of the states that are erroneously throwing out legitimate registrations because of faulty databases offer provisional ballots; ballots which allow people to vote if their registration is challenged by poll workers on election day as they prove they are indeed eligible to vote legally. Not all of these states do however.

2) Ohio is one of several states that have voter I.D. laws (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15482500/). Even if an invalid registration is turned in, they still can't vote if they don't have legal I.D., but this is often a moot point because....

3) The problem with ACORN is that they pay people per registration, providing the motivation to produce false registrations, NOT that these faulty registrations are being used by people to cast fraudulent votes.

It's not as if the feds aren't looking. The Bush administration had placed a great deal of political pressure on U.S. Attorneys to look for voter fraud, but none was found. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=95489844

In Missouri, for example, a wide-ranging investigation into fraudulently cast votes came up with nothing:

The 2006 election was hotly contested in Missouri, and various irregularities led to inflated claims of widespread fraud. At the same time, Missouri citizens were debating a proposal to require restrictive identification of each voter at the polls, and the fraud claims were used to support the call for ID. We examined each of the allegations of fraud by individual voters -- the only sort that ID could possibly address -- to uncover the truth behind the assertions.

The allegations yielded absolutely no substantiated cases of individuals knowingly casting invalid votes that counted. Accordingly, none of these problems could have been resolved by requiring photo ID at the polls.

You have spent a lot of time here at Flint Talk calling Democrats "babies" for objecting to the way votes weren't counted in Florida, so it seems odd that you would suddenly care now about alleged voter irregularities before they ever happen.

How is it that you are suddenly an advocate of fair elections when Katherine Harris eliminated thousands of legal voters from the registration lists in 2000?

If Vice President Al Gore is wondering where his Florida votes went, rather than sift through a pile of chad, he might want to look at a "scrub list" of 173,000 names targeted to be knocked off the Florida voter registry by a division of the office of Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris. A close examination suggests thousands of voters may have lost their right to vote based on a flaw-ridden list that included purported "felons" provided by a private firm with tight Republican ties.

Post Fri Oct 10, 2008 8:42 am 
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Ya your probably right I mean ACORN would never attempt to sway the election. Ill bet your the only person on the planet who believes that. Laughing Laughing

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:44 am 
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Kevin McKague

twotap schreef:
Ya your probably right I mean ACORN would never attempt to sway the election. Ill bet your the only person on the planet who believes that. Laughing Laughing

You have a pasted article of a pasted article.

I have quotes from a law school, a former U.S. Attorney, and facts about election law, voter verification, and investigations into alleged fraud.

Forgive me if I don't simply take you at your word.
Post Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:52 am 
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Of course we know you libs dont have a problem with the next prez being elected by a bunch of dysfunctional illegally registered felons, alcoholics and drug users whose address is the third cardboard box from the corner. Well of course you might have a problem if ACORN was telling them to vote Mccain Palin. Laughing

Whoops I forgot to include the deceased. Laughing

HOUSTON -- Note: The following story is a verbatim transcript of an Investigators story that aired on Thursday, Oct. 8, 2008, on KPRC Local 2 at 10 p.m.

Local 2 investigates dead voters.

The push to register voters for this year's presidential election is breaking records.

More than 1.9 million people are registered to vote in Harris County alone.

But how many of the people listed on the voter roll are actually eligible to cast a ballot?

Investigative reporter Amy Davis shows you how hundreds of voters could sway this year's election -- voters who are not even alive.

"All-in-all, a great person, a great woman, just a wonderful person" is how Alexis Guidry described her mother to Local 2 Investigates.

"As far back as I can remember, they've always voted in the election," Guidry said of her parents.

The March 2008 Primary was no exception. Voting records show Alexis' mom, Gloria Guidry, cast her ballot in person near her South Houston home.

"It was just very shocking, a little unsettling," said Alexis Guidry.

It's unsettling because Gloria Guidry died of cancer 10 months before the March Primary.

"She'd be very upset," Guidry said when asked what her mom would think.

Trent Seibert, of Texas Watchdog, says you should be too.

"This is really disquieting. It's concerning. It's worrisome," said Seibert.

He heads up the non-partisan news group on the web.

Texas Watchdog compared Harris County's voter registration roll with the Social Security death index and found more than 4,000 matches -- registered voters that, it appears, are already dead.

Some of them, like Henderson Hill's late wife Linda, voted postmortem.

"I would like to know who did it, myself," Hill told Davis.

We don't know who used Linda Hill's or Gloria Guidry's IDs to vote, but we do know if their names had been purged from voter rolls after they died, using their IDs wouldn't have worked.

"This is a red flag. No matter where you are, this should set off alarm bells," Seibert said. "Someone needs to take a look at this."

Local 2 Investigates took the information to the Harris County Voter Registrar.

"We just kind of work with the systems that we're allowed to," explained George Hammerlein, the director of Harris County Voter Registration.

The county's system for culling deceased voters from the roll seems painfully primitive.

We watched employees clip obituaries from the newspaper and sort through probate records for names matching those on the roll. But, Hammerlein says while fraud is a concern, for his office, disenfranchising voters is a bigger one.

"We do all we can, but you know we'd rather err on the side of leaving people on the roll instead of taking them off inadvertently," he said.

But could that cautious "better safe than sorry" standard sway an election some say will be a close one?

Texas Watchdog found 4,462 registered voters who appear to be deceased.

In 2000, George Bush won the presidential election by a mere 537 votes in Florida.

"We've never had any evidence there's a concerted attempt at fraud," Hammerlein told Local 2.

But there is evidence the state agency in charge of ensuring only eligible voters can vote is not.

The State Auditor's Office conducted an audit of the voter registration system at the Secretary of State's Office last November.

Auditors identified 49,049 registered voters state-wide who may have been ineligible to vote. Approximately 23,576 may have been deceased and another 23,114 were possible felons. And they found more than 2,359 duplicate records.

The auditor did not find any instances in which potentially ineligible voters actually voted, but they wrote, "Although the Secretary of State's office has processes to identify many ineligible voters and remove them from the State's voter registration list, improvements can be made."

Almost a year after this audit, we wanted to know if the Secretary of State has made any improvements. Have they added any safeguards to the process?

No one from that office would talk to us on camera, but the Director of Elections told us, "We'd rather err in leaving someone on the roll than taking someone off."

"If there's something wrong here, if there's something amiss, this is the worst election to have that happen, "Seibert warned.

And Guidry agrees.

"I don't think it's a matter that she would take lightly," she said of her mom.

In what she calls an historic election, Guidry says her mother wouldn't want anyone speaking for her.

"I think she would definitely do all that she could just to make sure things were on the up and up."

We sent the information we showed you to the Director of Elections in Austin. She said her office refers any credible allegation of election fraud to the Attorney General for investigation.

She said the cases we presented would be felony violations.

Visit www.texaswatchdog.org for more information about how Texas Watchdog found dead voters

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:53 am 
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Kevin McKague

...and that story has to do with ACORN how, exactly?

You're doing it again, painting with broad strokes and leaving big patches empty, hoping your readers fill them in with your own assumptions.

You haven't filled in the dots.

People shouldn't fill in their dead relatives absentee ballots, DUH!

The article doesnt:

1) ...Show that these "dead voter ballots" are voting for a particular party, its safe to say that some of these are going to Republicans


So you still have nothing.
Post Fri Oct 10, 2008 3:26 pm 
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Kevin McKague

twotap schreef:
Of course we know you libs dont have a problem with the next prez being elected by a bunch of dysfunctional illegally registered felons, alcoholics and drug users whose address is the third cardboard box from the corner.


Really, twotap? That's a pretty big chunk of the nation you're accusing of being "dysfunctional felons, alchoholics and drug users".

How do you suppose all of those felons and drug users got to be on the pollsters call lists?
Post Fri Oct 10, 2008 3:52 pm 
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You damn sure dont pay much attention to the news or whats happening. I have seen several times reports of acorn picking up and driving to a polling place anyone they can conjure up off the street. If your boys base is so strong and he has such a lead than why would they need those felons, druggies and whatever else they can scrape up to vote for Baracko. Of course Baracko only gave acorn the 800 grand out of the goodness of his heart. Your little chart of whos winning makes me wonder why the urgency???

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Fri Oct 10, 2008 4:13 pm 
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