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Topic: Why the support for Barack?

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It appears that many obama supporters are voting with their heads up their asses so to speak. Every question goes against Baracks planned agendas yet he is leading in the polls. Makes ya wonder.
I especially like the redistribute wealth question. Thats no.1 on Baracks priorities.
What Do Americans Think of Socialist Policies?
Survey Dates: August 4, 2008 to August 9, 2008
Sample Size: 856 Adult Americans

Agree or disagree: I am willing to pay higher taxes in order to support more social programs?
Choices--> Agree Disagree
All Respondents 23% 55%
Democrats 36% 36%
Republicans 8% 76%
Independents 24% 53%
Obama Supporters 42% 31%
McCain Supporters 9% 75%

Agree or disagree: I believe the government should control or own key industries such as healthcare and energy?
Choices--> Agree Disagree
All Respondents 26% 50%
Democrats 39% 30%
Republicans 15% 68%
Independents 23% 54%
Obama Supporters 40% 32%
McCain Supporters 12% 71%

Agree or disagree: The U.S. is evolving into a socialist state?
Choices--> Agree Disagree
All Respondents 25% 42%
Democrats 20% 46%
Republicans 35% 39%
Independents 23% 39%
Obama Supporters 16% 51%
McCain Supporters 35% 36%

Agree or disagree: I believe it is the government's role to redistribute wealth and income?
Choices--> Agree Disagree
All Respondents 22% 62%
Democrats 29% 50%
Republicans 14% 80%
Independents 22% 60%
Obama Supporters 28% 52%
McCain Supporters 14% 79%

How much you favor the following economic systems?

An economic system that emphasizes private property and free markets?
Choices--> Favor Don’t
All Respondents 64% 10%
Democrats 53% 13%
Republicans 75% 7%
Independents 65% 10%
Obama Supporters 59% 11%
McCain Supporters 74% 9%

How much you favor the following economic systems?

An economic system that emphasizes government control or ownership of industries and the economy?
Choices--> Favor Don’t
All Respondents 10% 70%
Democrats 17% 57%
Republicans 4% 81%
Independents 7% 71%
Obama Supporters 15% 59%
McCain Supporters 6% 82%

How much do you believe Barack Obama favors the following economic systems?

How about: An economic system that emphasizes private property and free markets? Would you say… Choices--> Favor Don’t
All Respondents 30% 30%
Democrats 47% 13%
Republicans 15% 49%
Independents 27% 30%
Obama Supporters 55% 6%
McCain Supporters 10% 55%

How much do you believe Barack Obama favors the following economic systems?

How about: An economic system that emphasizes government control or ownership of industries and the economy? Would you say… Choices--> Favor Don’t
All Respondents 31% 27%
Democrats 23% 35%
Republicans 50% 20%
Independents 24% 26%
Obama Supporters 22% 39%
McCain Supporters 51% 18%

How much do you believe John McCain favors the following economic systems?

An economic system that emphasizes private property and free markets?
Choices--> Favor Don’t
All Respondents 55% 15%
Democrats 52% 23%
Republicans 66% 7%
Independents 52% 15%
Obama Supporters 56% 23%
McCain Supporters 70% 4%

How much do you believe John McCain favors the following economic systems?

An economic system that emphasizes government control or ownership of industries and the economy?
Choices--> Favor Don’t
All Respondents 18% 46%
Democrats 24% 43%
Republicans 12% 57%
Independents 17% 43%
Obama Supporters 22% 48%
McCain Supporters 12% 58%


"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:35 am 
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You know what Obama stand for. Obama= Obviously Blind About My Associations

A government big enough to give you everything is also powerful enough to take it all away.
Post Wed Oct 22, 2008 12:26 pm 
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