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Topic: When it comes to Politrixs Many Hate To Face The TRuth

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I made a mistake earlier posting a double thread " soory "
about that, and I had to correct a spelled word also.

The way some of you think is why America is screwed up like
it is today. Hey on the internet is a psychologial way to say
things that you can't, would not, or would be affaid to say in
reality, and I just witness that on the How to jobs away from
white male construction workers thread.

However, I do believe in the old saying that states If you
can't stand the heat don't come into the kitchen. There is
people in reality who do see through the weak game plan,
and its people like them who others usually react too.

I do not care what color any individual's skin color is
right is right and wrong is wrong. WE all need to erase that
old hold back ways of thinking, and move forward with some
fresh ideas. I do not own this website period, but I do own
and control the dumb s**t that tries to get started on my
site. On there everyone do respect other peoples opinions,
and I do ban screen names of those who seem to have
the online (INTERNET) bullie fever.

I value any site or thread that features information concerning
wrong doing politicians, and host threads where site visitors
are free to express themselves without a unknown a**hole
signing in or changing screen names to disrupt a thread.

I am a regular on Political Talk, due to the fact that there
is a few informative people posting information, but its
a damn shame when a clown have to disrupt a thread with
bs, and Flint is just like any other Michigan City its having
a economic struggle to survive like other cities

So in closing, We must take a stand by realizing that things
do happen for a reason (regardless to race), and what we
all should have is acceptances

MIB Doom Squad
Post Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:13 pm 
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