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Topic: Flint only #3-Come on!

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Why is it Flint never seems to finish as Number One? Come on Flint, get out there and kill a few more people and let's work together to make Flint Number One again!
What an embarassement for my hometown. With a city that only has a little over 100,000 people in it (83% black) the facts are in and it is SCARY!
Have a Happy Halloween!
Post Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:29 am 
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Al Garcia

Morgan Quinto Press has come out once again with there yearly rankings of the best and worst cities in America. And once again Flint ranks right near the top of the worst/unsafest cities in America.
I know, people say I come on these sites and complain and I left Flint without doing something about the problem. I think the saddest part is that people come on these sites and make light of the situation. What is the city of Flint doing to reverse course? What can be done? Are any people coming up with solutions?
Little children...LITTLE CHILDREN are being killed in the safety of their own homes, they arent safe on the streets, in schools or even walking down the street.
After school programs shut down, recreational programs gone. The educational system is broken, the Board of Education employs a child molester as a top adminstrator and the school chief who hired him and also lied about his own credentials. All along, Eugene Rutledge, a man of value and who has been committed to the children of Flint for over 30 years gets pushed aside when the job was rightfully his.
Rutledge deserved better and now look what the children of Flint are stuck with.
Guns and drugs run the once proud streets of Flint. The gangs and drug dealers control the city of Flint, Not Don Williamson and his stuffed puppets who you people elected. Nothing will change.
Flint cant turn back, it's to late. GM isnt going to come back and say..."Here are 25000 jobs, now get back to work.
Flint was once a proud historic city. The shining star of the country just a short 40 years ago. People were flocking to move here, just like my parents and most likey the parents or grandparents of people reading this right now. Look what those grandchildren have done to our city. What a shame!
Flint has been on life support for way to long, costing all of you a lot of time and money. Racial injustice and hate are partly to blame as well. Its time to pull the plug and turn out the lights....it's amazing how similiar we all look like in the dark...isnt it? Black, white or brown. Think about it Flint...Think about it!
Post Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:47 pm 
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As simple as this sounds, "There was no future in Flint, PERIOD." I left town realizing I could not make it there. In the 70's even the factories were not hiring and the very thought of living my life working in a factory was not an idea I was to keen on. I have to say that Flint's problems are "A black thing." Look at it from this point and quit blaming everyone else for the problems. Every city on the list of worst/violent crimes are predomintly black residents. Why is it blacks cannot get along amongst their own kind and feel shooting each other is the way to go. I'm not aware of anyone who forces a gun into their hands, or forces them to do drugs, or even forces them to sell drugs to their own race. Is that not some sort of genocide? Why is it they just do not get it! They are the only race that lives like this and are like some form of a virus in that every neighborhood they occupy becomes a haven for guns and drugs. I can hear it already, "It's no my fault that I'm like this." Bullshit.
Do something and take charge of yourself and stop expecting everyone else to fix it for you. That was the way it was in slave days when the Master did it for you, you don't have a Master anymore.
I'm so sick and tired of hearing about this crap in Flint that it just turns my stomach.
Post Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:56 pm 
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former flintteach


And Richard hit the nail on the HEAD ! 83% BLACK !

By-the-way.. TN is absolutely WUNNERFUL !
Post Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:22 pm 
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former flintteach

Where is Sagnasty????
Post Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:25 pm 
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Richard schreef:
With a city that only has a little over 100,000 people in it (83% black) the facts are in and it is SCARY!

Just a small correction. I think you're getting mixed up with Detroit. Flint was about 55% black as of 2000. It hasn't increased that much since then.
Post Mon Oct 30, 2006 6:51 pm 
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former flintteach schreef:
Where is Sagnasty????

This is only for cities with more than 75,000 people (Saginaw is estimated as having less than 60,000).
Post Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:44 pm 
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former flintteach

So.. a few more welfare babies being born in Sagnasty in the next few years indiciates that Sagnasty will surpass Flinttown??
Post Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:20 pm 
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Al Garcia

I think the saddest part of the entire situation in Flint is that people feel stuck. I think if people could move, they would move. As we all know, moving takes money, Im not talking about moving to Lapeer or Clarkston, Im talking about making BIG move. I was fortunate to do it early in life, I guess you could say, I saw the writing on the wall back in the late 80's. Things were already bad enough, I never thought they could get worse, as we all know, things can get worse. Things are definatley worse. A city that once had great promise and a great reputation, a place where entire families from the south, black families from Alabama and Mississippi, mexican families from southern Texas (mine included) moved here for the great paying union jobs, thriving schools, nice neighborhoods off Davison Road or Lippincott. New malls were built, family owned stores and resturants were bustling. Dort Highway was safe to drive, you didnt have to worry about finding dirty needles on childrens playgrounds. Streets were safe and clean. Kids played until the street lights went on and were safe in their own homes.
Who's to blame Flint?
Post Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:27 pm 
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I have searched and cannot locate my information telling me that Flint is 83% Black so, at this time and place I will stand corrected on that number. I will continue my search.
I would say that makes it even worse with a 53% population.
Post Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:49 am 
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The people of Flint know the difference between right and wrong they just choose to the wrong thing and I feel, want to blame everyone else as to why it happened. It's not General Motors fault the city is in the shape it is in. Perhaps you should look towards the unions and perhaps had they had a more open mind about working with big companies, General Motors and the others would have stayed. But, that's a whole other story.
Post Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:58 am 
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Doesn't your Klan's site have a web link to census.gov?
Post Tue Oct 31, 2006 4:05 pm 
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This is a typical response anytime anyone ever points a finger back at the black race for the problems they are having. This is not a "Klan thing" or racist comments folks, just the truth.
Perhaps it is time to step back and look at the problem as it needs to be looked at. Once again, blame someone else for their problems and expect the government to create anther program in order to get PAID! What a bunch of crap!
Post Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:38 am 
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pissed off ma ma bear

People could stay in flint if they would just take a stand and not take this crime anymore, stop turning the other cheek, thier are ways of testifying without being known, its called crime stoppers,,,,the dectectives need to stop doing interviews in front of all the criminals, of course people will not speak this way,,,You dont want everyone to move out of Flint, how will Flint prosper if it has no people? That is not the answer to flints problems, that is what is happening and all that is being left behind are criminals in Flint and idiots running Flint,,,In New York they started home ownership as a fix, they figured if more people owned thier homes they would be more apt to take care of thier homes and be more apt to take pride in thier neighborhoods, so all the vacant homes could be given away for a buck to people, instead of being torn down, let people own thier own homes, If the schools had a better school board instead of idiots maybe more people would want to stay in Flint, the problem is everyone moving out, and the only ones left behind are criminals and idiots,,,and some Blacks still think they will not be accepted in the suburbs, which is not true,,,any race can live anywhere they want not without fear of retaliation,,,my nieghborhood has every race on the earth in it, and it is wonderful here, you see hispanics, Blacks, whites, asians, arabs, all walking off the bus laughing and enjoying each others company,,,,we can all get along,
Post Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:00 pm 
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